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Everything posted by nighthawk

  1. nighthawk


    Still available?
  2. nighthawk

    Wtb 7mm rum or old 7mm to make 7mm rum

    24 or 26"?
  3. nighthawk

    unit 27 ram

    Great ram!!! Nice set up with the big eyes!!! To swaro spotting scopes!
  4. nighthawk

    35b? Monster Pics

    The buck in the back looks like a whopper too! Nice work good genes I wouldn't tell anyone where they came from!
  5. nighthawk

    Which Powder For 338 WN Mag

    I shot imr 4350 with great results in 7mm. But I did learn that in 20degree weather my bullet drops a lot more then 60:70 degrees. The powder doesn't burn as hot when bullets cold. I think at 850yrds it dropped an additional 10to12 inches in cold. I saw and episode on LRP they demonstrated shooting in 115degrees and bullets in cool chest at 35degrees same day. The cold bullets were 70to80fps slower witch at close range prob wouldn't madder to much. But at farther distance is a miss!!
  6. nighthawk

    Dec. 24b buck...(piks&story added)

    Nice wide buck with great eye gaurds! Congrats!
  7. nighthawk

    2 Late November bucks

    Nice shooting !! I'm gonna guess its a 300rum rem700. Looks like swaro scope.
  8. nighthawk

    Fixed blade Knife

    I have the 3inch knife of Alaska and I love it! I didn't have to sharpen it for a long time and even now just a couple of passes with the gerber and she's ready to rock. Only knife I carry with bone Saw
  9. nighthawk


    Great job! Can't wait to see pics! I wanna build a 7mmRum to push those 180bergers for a new long rang rig
  10. nighthawk

    scope for long range gun

    I have the 6.5x20x50 vxiii leupold. Great scope with 94moa for height and wind. If I was gonna build another I would go with 8.5x25x50 leupold vxiii LR . I have had great results with my scope and it has taken 6animals over 500yrds. The big thing I don't like about some of the other scopes is the exposed turret. I have my gun In a scabbard and I like knowing they won't twist in scabbard, bushes or by accident. The vxii scope have the capped turrets and that's why I like them. One of the biggest things is how far u want to shoot, pay attention to how much MOA adjustments u have.
  11. nighthawk

    Vortex Viper 15 X 50 binoculars

    The 15x50hd are great. But I didn't like the non hd . Can't beat the price ,size, and weight of the viper hd!!!
  12. What a tease!! Looking forward to pics.. Hoping its the 22buck I saw a pic of
  13. nighthawk

    10th Anniversary of CouesWhitetail.com!!

    Been a great site for many years and many more to come!!! Thanks a lot Amanda and to all that help keep this site going.
  14. nighthawk

    Javelina mount

    Looks good
  15. nighthawk

    Slik Master Classic w/ Jim White Head

    I'f sale doesn't go threw ill take it
  16. Well when i found out i drew a late wt tag i was excited to say the least!!! I had work on friday opener but only a half day then my dad, nephew, and i were on our way around 3 pm... The hunt started out very wet as many others described, tent camping in a mud hole lol... Sat morn threw rain, fog, wind we still managed to glass up a total of 7 bucks witch was a great start to the hunt... The total amount of wt bucks was 22, 2 mulie bucks, tons of does, javalina, elk in low desert... Wednesday started out as any other day, cold and not a lot of movement early.. We started glass one area and by 8am i told my dad i wanted to move... With the cold weather and late hunt i have been seening the bucks get up late. So at 830 get to next spot and right away glass up spike and doe... My dad and i continue glassing hard and we both spot separate does.. He is describing to me were his doe is and its different then the one i am looking at. He also says that there is a deer bedded behind her but he can not make it out yet.. As he directs me to where he is looking and out of the brush a buck comes out of the brush.. I ask him if the buck is the deer that was bedded he said no.. So there is two 3x3 bucks with the doe and the one is defiantly bigger. So i decide it was a nice enough deer to shoot.. My dad ranges him at 550 so i adjust turret and wait for him to step out.. He was real good about staying behind the trees and my patients was running thin. So finally he presents what i think was a decent shot threw the branches, and my over confidence thinks i can tread the needle threw the branches. So boom.. Dad says he is down, wait up again, he down. Hi fives, hugs, tears all the joy of a rewarding hunt. I keep asking if it was a good shot he said yes he is down. We watch the buck just lay there for 30min facing away and i am thinking something is not right. I wanted to put another in him but bedded facing away left me with no shot.Then he stands up, my dad says put another in him.. So i wait for him to turn broadside and boom. Buck goes down and does not move again. When we got to him i realized my first shot was deflected by a branch and got him in the front leg. My best buck to date i know he is no monster but a true trophy to me!!! To hunt with my 65 year old dad that is like a billy goat is amazing. I hope i am half the hunter he is when i am that age!! Thanks to my brothers and friends who came up to help glass it was a ton of fun.. And last but not least the wife. To deal with a dec coues tag holder is not an easy task. All i talked about, thought about, shopped for was "the hunt". She stood by me the whole time and listen to me ramble on and on about it. She gave me the full green light to hunt as much as i need witch was great considering she would have to stay home with my 2year old girl and 1year old boy... Love her more then anything and could have done it with out her support and help!!!! rough score buck 92 but will have a better score later some of the pics from hunt.. bucks passed.. mulie buck, elk, cool findings, muddy tent
  17. Thanks everyone! Great time it was memories forever!
  18. Lol yeah the first shot kissed me .. I shoot prone and always have to remind myself to put shoulder on the stock. I feel like its to short and every once in a while it the gun reminds me of it. Haha good times though..
  19. Nice buck!! I saw u guys back in there I was in red tundra with blue camper. 3 or 4 of the tags were bck in that area
  20. Got the rifle shined up but have to work in the am. I'll be heading our for the pm bite ,set up camp, and stay for 9 days of late rifle coues hunting!!!! Excited just a little!!!
  21. nighthawk

    Dec rifle tag

    Lol got back from farm last night!!
  22. nighthawk

    Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan .44 Magnum

    No that's a good idea for wife ! Lol member while back someone said to buy the gun for ur wife that u want, she will shoot it and not like it ... Then it's urs!! Lol