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Everything posted by nighthawk

  1. nighthawk

    Young hunters dream hunt coming true.

    That was one of the best videos I have seen in a long time! Great job guys!
  2. nighthawk


    Nice cat. Doesn't he know road hunting is illegal ??)
  3. nighthawk

    Eberlestock X1A1 Backpack

    Thanks clay! Great pack and in great shape like u said. We will put it to good use this oct:)) Ur a stand up guy I appreciate that cause I'm sure u got plenty of other offers. Thanks again!!
  4. nighthawk

    Weatherby 7mm Magnum

  5. Got off early the other day so my buddy mike and i decided to headed to usery.. I had some 210 bergers loaded with H1000 i was gonna try and develop a load on and was really excited with my results best load so far 86.5grains h1000 210berger set at 3.810coal .20 off lands av 2813fps slow but consistent at86.5 grains new rem brass 1/2 group was best and two others 3/4 next time out gonna use once fired to see the difference with same charge.. gun: 300ultra rem 700 pilar,glass bedded stockys thumbhole toped with vxiii 6x20x50 lr varmit(for now)
  6. nighthawk

    300ultra first groups

    Do u think i should try the Max of 89grains h1000 sense I am loading them long not to mag ??? I'm very happy with group, but I was hoping to be around 3000fps aposed to 2800 ?
  7. nighthawk

    Eberlestock X1A1 Backpack

    Thanks though Sheldon
  8. nighthawk

    3 blade 100grain muzzy broadhead

    I have been shooting 90grain 4blade muzzy for years. The always fly low right compared to field points. Tune ur bow to what u hunt with, broad heads and don't worry bout the difference in flight to field points. Practice with broad heads, shoot broadheads. There is a reason muzzy makes the practice blades:) Cause more often then not they fly diff then field points. If they are grouping good, stick with them!!!!
  9. nighthawk

    300ultra first groups

    Groups at 100yrds btw
  10. nighthawk

    Eberlestock X1A1 Backpack

    Ill take it.. Give me a call when u can clay..
  11. nighthawk

    Got a new Hoyt but..

    I have been going to bear mountain ever sense I have been hunting archery and never had a bad experience !! I visit them once a year for arrows, strings, ex and never have had any issues. Sounds uncharacteristic of that shop..
  12. nighthawk

    Quick Picture

    That looks awesome!!! Cool to see them together like that!
  13. This year we had 6 different bears on this camera!!! What u guys think the size of the big boys would be??
  14. nighthawk

    The results are up!

    Oct 22 for the wife. 3rd choice 24b November for me..
  15. nighthawk

    2013 draw results ?

    Hopefully u did!!!! And hopefully I'm right there with u on that 22dec . Got hit on the 11or12th that was my first choice..
  16. D for now. If I find out its is a dec tag . Then a E for sure!!!
  17. nighthawk

    2013 draw results ?

    Bruce.... 2 deer tags here but could've a veriaty of things... 22octwhit, 22nov mulie, 24bnov white. Choices for wife.. Mine are 22dec, 24bdec, then a shoe in 24bnov. So hard to say but at least we got meat to fill freezer regardless
  18. nighthawk

    Guess the score

    Net or gross??? I know nets are for fish but valid Q?
  19. nighthawk

    Tree Stand vs Groundblind

    Lol Tj!!! So I'm guessing he is a recurve guy that yells run before he shoots to make it "hunting" . Popcorn is right lol.
  20. nighthawk

    Guess the score

    Top buck 86. Bottom buck 92. I'm not the best at judging but that is my guess..
  21. nighthawk

    Wrought Iron Plasma Art

    The detail is pretty amazing!
  22. nighthawk

    Post them velvet bucks

    Blue tooth and some throw backs!!! U guys got me fired up and can't get enough of big sweets
  23. nighthawk

    2013 draw results ?

    Go to the draw information page and it gives you a few options. One of them is an update of credit card. I just used it after just about having a heart attack. I came home from work and my wife said sign this new Bass Pro card I just activated today. I say "WHAT" and the rampage began. "You have got to be kidding me? What the HE!! have you done. Do you realize the draw is about to happen and I've been putting in for sheep for over 35yrs and if you screw my tag up because you change the credit card we're looking at grounds for divorce." Now I take a breath to start my next rage and she says to calm down before you have a heart attack. " No, you just don't understand what you have done. You need to call the credit card and reverse what you've done" Now she gets on the phone and gets ahold of some India speaking person who I can't understand and he says what's the big deal. It will probably be alright. I say " Alright my A$$" and hand the phone over to my wife. We get no where so now I'm on the phone to azgfd and a nice lady walked me thru the process of updating my card which I didn't know could be done. She starts laughing as the wife and I are still arguing over this. She convinced me it would be alright and hung up laughing her butt off. I still haven't quite calmed myself down. Excuse me while I mix a drink. TJ Lmao that is a good story tj!! But true that's how anybody would act in that scenario
  24. nighthawk


    Any in alpine yet??? Need those bulls to grow!!
  25. nighthawk

    Mann Gulch, Dude, Storm King and now Yarnell

    This hurts to think that 19men lost there life's trying to protect ours!!!! My prayers go out to the men who have fallen and also to the rest that are still fighting!!