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Everything posted by nighthawk

  1. Those all look like trophy class animals to me:) nice work! U can't eat the antlers, so why do they need to be big. I'll tell u one thing, the memory's of waiting for a trophy buck and coming home empty handed don't nearly come close to the memories of the small deer I have taken. The hunt is so much more enjoyable when it is not a job to find "the one" as to just hunt and have fun..
  2. nighthawk


    I told him bout my last batch and he said he was good..
  3. nighthawk

    H1000 for sale

    I have 5lbs of h1000 I'm looking to get rid of. I'm asking what I paid for it 35$ per pound. Thanks! Brett. Located in mesa
  4. nighthawk

    H1000 for sale

    Powder is sold. Please delete thank you!!
  5. nighthawk

    H1000 for sale

    Powder SPF via pm. Thanks. I keep u guys posted
  6. nighthawk

    3 for 3 in unit 1

    Nice work Adam!
  7. Selling some items from around the house to start a saving fund for new rifle:)Toyota tundra floor mats bought from dealership so they are exact fit. 2007 newer. Don't work in my 13 they changed floor attachment 50$ Red head backpack 20$ Gerber backpack 20$ Carhartt used and older but still in good condition xl reg 20$ Thanks Brett 480 two43-664one
  8. nighthawk

    168 vld hunting 7mm

    1 unopened box and 1 with 61 bullets. Asking $70 for both thanks
  9. nighthawk

    168 vld hunting 7mm

    Sold! Thanks Travis!!
  10. nighthawk

    9mm makarov pistol

    Asking $200 for all. 9mm mak with clips, 3bx bullets , and case.. Thanks!
  11. nighthawk

    9mm makarov pistol

    Sold!! Thank you levers it was nice meeting.
  12. nighthawk

    9mm makarov pistol

    SPF thanks
  13. nighthawk

    9mm makarov pistol

    Located in mesa
  14. nighthawk

    Tundra floor mats/ couple packs/ jacket

    Sorry located in mesa
  15. nighthawk

    Remount Mule Deer

    Looks great!!!
  16. nighthawk

    thinking of trading (pictures)

    What length barrel
  17. nighthawk

    Sendero setup help

    I'm have a 56mm with 20moa base and nightforce Lows clear just fine.. I have been really please with my sightron might not be a bad one to look into.. The siii 6x24x50 has a 100moa aposed to vortex at 65moa
  18. nighthawk


    On gunbot or sportsmans right now!
  19. nighthawk

    6.5 140 gr Berger VLD's

    Hey mike clay was looking for some!
  20. nighthawk

    I cheated, ha ha

  21. Does anyone have an extra that's almost gone to spare? Or does anyone have experience with mixing lots together to get all one lot? My problem is I have 7lbs of h1000 from different lots and don't want to have to stress bout lot consistency... In a perfect world I would just buy a 8pound keg and be done but not these days lol.. Unless any one has one and wants to make a deal:))
  22. nighthawk

    Empty 8lb can to mix lots together? Wtb/ trade

    I'm in mesa adam thx
  23. nighthawk

    Empty 8lb can to mix lots together? Wtb/ trade

    I was gonna mix the 7lbs together? Bad idea?
  24. nighthawk

    How many times have you checked today?

    Lmao i do the same thing. I let the aud system tell me I'm not drawn then Internet . Haha