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Everything posted by DubTee

  1. DubTee

    George Chapman

    The archery world lost a good one last week, long time Tucson resident and PSE employee George Chapman passed away. George was PSE's first employee and worked for them until he retired a few years ago. Many of the modern bow set-up and shooting techniques can be directly attributed to George, he was truly a master at tuning a bow. George loved to teach, and his main duty in the later years at PSE was to conduct their dealer schools, he also coached many world champion archers. I had the pleasure of meeting George in 2001 through a mutual friend, for no apparent reason other than my love for archery, he took me under his wing, always got me the latest equipment from PSE, and taught me the proper mechanics of shooting and what is important in proper bow set up. The people he knew in the archery business was incredible (basically everyone), his stories where even more incredible, and he was not afraid to razz you a bit. I have often heard of him referred to as the John Wooden of archery. His lovely wife Patti Chapman passed away in 2008, and it was really hard on him. Although George's passion for life was obvious, his love for Patti was unparalleled and I can't help but think he was anxious to be reunited with her. Thanks for reading this, I thought that any fellow archers would like to know a little more about a person who contributed so much to a sport many of us love, remember that the next time you pull your bow back and settle in. Please keep the Chapman family in your prayers, there is a memorial service on Saturday, June 19th at the Casas Baptist Church in Oro Valley.
  2. DubTee

    African Hunting

    If I read C & S's story right, didn't the guy end up shooting a bull and it got away (like in another country), does he have to pay for that bad boy?
  3. DubTee

    African Hunting

    Awesome job on the filming and editing.
  4. Just wanted to get some feed back from anyone who has ever hunted or been on one of the later muzzleloader hunts in the 12's for carp. I know the hunts rotates from year to year, this year it is in 12AE, just wondering what caliber of hunt people that have been on it think it is. I have enough points that any early hunts are out of the question, probably can draw a late coues tag if I want it, but I think I need me a big carp first. Any experiences good or bad would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  5. DubTee

    Holy Cow

    Gotcha beat, I got the aids last year at age 32. Just like the lasik people say, best money we ever spent.
  6. DubTee

    lookin for a used badland pack

    Can you give me some details on the 2200 for sale....
  7. DubTee

    Holy Cow

    Worth every penny. I paid a little more that what you posted below, opens a whole new world up. I was born with crappy hearing (insert what? or huh? joke here) so I never really knew the difference until I put the aids in. Makes hunting a lot more enjoyable and you'll become more successful at it as well. Only thing is when you get them and are still getting used to them, the noises you can now hear will almost drive you crazy, who knew the world was so loud!
  8. DubTee

    Custom LRR Encore

    Sweet rig, nice group as well. Thinking about setting up an encore in .270 Weatherby Mag. with an MGM barrel, just need to explore a few other options. How long did it take to get the barrel made?
  9. DubTee


    Have a good time, my buddy is there right now on a bow hunt, he killed a blesbok and a gemsbok the other day spot and stalk. I am jealous to say the least.
  10. DubTee

    Bull and Cow Elk Calling

    They are a lot more informative than the average DVD, these vids contain no hunting footage, nothing but "how to's" and other good info. I am interested as well to see how many put in for the October hunts, especially in 8. 8 was the only october hunt that didn't have a cow hunt immediately preceding it, in fact, no bulls will be hunted since the end of archery in there. Told my non-res buddy to take a shot at that hunt because I wasn't sure how many would apply for it, he ended up drawing it with 3 pts. I'll probably make it up there a few times during the summer to check a couple of spots, probably throw a trail camera or two out at the end of that muzzie cow hunt at the end of september. I'll be helping out on elk hunts in NM for the first couple of weeks of October, so hopefully they'll still be talking by the time we get there.
  11. DubTee

    Bull and Cow Elk Calling

    They are pretty good DVD's, I have three or four of them and the book the guy has written. I think the best info is how he goes in depth about learning what the elk are actually saying to each other, and responding accordingly. I think a lot of people just get out and start calling or bugle, he discusses how to learn what you are saying when "talking" to the elk, it will increase your chances, and I agree. The book is called the "playbook", goes into some scenarios about what are some real world tactics when different scenarios arise. This guy primarily hunts in Idaho on public over the counter hunts, and they do extremely well for that area. Red, if you are interested, I would be willing to let you borrow any or all of these DVD's or book for a while, I will be in unit 8 in October as well helping my best friend on his tag, maybe we can share some scouting info as well as the summer goes on.
  12. DubTee

    **Draw Results**

    Way to go RR, I wondered how many people would see those new late october hunts, Hope it was like last year and you can catch the tail end of the rut. I was hoping for that very thing as well, decided unit 8 might be the best one because there isn't a cow hunt leading up to it, in fact no hunting in there for over three weeks leading to that hunt, I think it could be some high quality hunting. Having said all that, I struck out, had my non-resident buddy put in for it as well and he drew it with 3 pts, so I guess I will be on that hunt after all. Congrats to all that drew and good luck this fall!
  13. DubTee

    Finally They're UP

    RAM, you draw again this year and I'm calling B.S. Three archery bull tags in a row would be criminal! Seriously though good luck to everyone!
  14. I take it the ABA was against moving the dates back, I cannot get the data to load from their website, so what was the reasoning behind their stance? What about moving the opener of the bow hunt to the 15th every year? Archers get some pre rut and rut, rifle season can still come the day after and the bulls will still be going strong. A 15th opener would protect against years like this one and last where it was early. Plenty of time to let things cool before the cow rifle seasons. I know that goes away from the traditional friday opener and thursday close for most years, but does that really matter?
  15. DubTee

    Leica CRF 1200 Range Finder

    Good deal on the best range finder out there, imo, somebody snatch this up. Just wanted to ask how you liked the horn hunter case? I have a 900 and I use the Leica case, hate trying to undo the snap to get it out quickly.
  16. DubTee

    San Carlos Tags!

    I would highly recommend Bob Stevens, his outfit is Apache Outdoors. Full time guide, been doing it forever, knows the res like the back of his hand.
  17. DubTee

    What to Do.

    PA, has come along way in recent years though. They implemented antler restrictions in a lot of zones and/or counties back there, and the AR are really helping the trophy quality, just took a few years to start to make a difference. I agree though, if you are looking for a once in a lifetime "midwest" deer hunt, PA is probably not the place to go. But just like anywhere, if you have a little honey hole that doesn't get much pressure, it could be a great hunt, plus add that you know some people back there that keeps your costs down, it could be worth the trip. With a little research, you could grab some preference points over the next couple of years and go public land in Iowa. I've had buddies who have done public in Iowa (most public land back east sucks) and they have had a great hunt, mostly attributed to Iowa's management of their deer herd (low pressure=big bucks). However, I say go Oryx.
  18. DubTee


    I would not get too hung up on paper tuning, sometimes not the tell-all. Paper tears can be caused from many things, more times than not it's the shooters form, or torque. If you have ruled out fletching contact, it sounds like you are torquing the bow a bit as the tear is not getting better when you move the rest. My advice is forget the paper, and walk back tune.
  19. DubTee

    Sighting in

    Temp should not make a difference, at least not that much. I agree with the others, either you aren't anchoring the same, or something is moving.
  20. DubTee

    2009 Update

    Very nice buck, congrats to your wife. If you guys were hunting down south, I swear you three passed by us early Saturday morning. I was glassing with another hunter, just curious.
  21. DubTee

    Moon phases question

    The theory is that animals tend to be moving out and about more when the moon is directly over head. So coincide that with moon times, new=noonish, full=midnightish, 1st quarter=evening, last quarter=morning. You can get into it further by the theory that when the moon is rising, animals are on their way to feeding, when the moon is falling, animals are moving back to bedding areas. I am one of those transplanted easterners who pay attention to the moon, imo, the theories seem to coincide with my observations. Like others have said, how this affects their watering times, I do not know. Obviously there are several other factors that can influence an animal to move, rut, weather, hunting pressure, etc., I think the moon is just one of those factors, not the deciding factor.
  22. DubTee

    javelina calls

    We were bored one afternoon last year so we drove up the Mt. Lemon road blowing that thing at certain stops. Did about 3 set-ups and nothing, finally on the fouth one, pigs came out of the woodwork from everywhere. Buddy missed twice, caller about had the big boar run right over him, exciting to say the least, but I wouldn't hold my breath when making calling set-ups, I think we just lucked into them.
  23. DubTee

    Border Units Reviewed.

    Probably could leave the truck running and the illegals still wouldn't stoop low enough to steal a Ford, heck they probably realize if they steal a Ford they'll end up walking eventually .
  24. Not quite sure about the wildviews, but on my moultrie if you set the correct date the moon phase should be taken care of.