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About DubTee

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/25/1977

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  1. I got this same call, supposedly calling back this week to get the credit card info for the tag. Lifetime with 16 points for unit 9 archery.
  2. DubTee

    Results are up.

    Does anyone have gohunt that they could check '22 unit 9 archery bull as a resident? If I read the report right did the bonus pass trickle to 14 pointers last year for residents, with all 15 pointers drawing? I had 16 this year and was feeling pretty good but did not draw. Maybe I read the report wrong?
  3. DubTee

    Nobody / anybody

    I just checked today and drew unit 9 with 14 or 15 points, totally lucked out! Coming down from MN for this hunt, never killed a goat, I’ll take any tips anyone is willing to share!
  4. DubTee

    Kuiu Chugach NX Rain Suit

    Edited to add jacket.
  5. DubTee

    Kuiu Chugach NX Rain Suit

    Edited for adding matching jacket to listing. Looking to move this, reasonable offers considered. I have a Chugach NX rain suit for sale in Verde. Suit is 9.5/10, I honestly can't find a mark on them. I have only worn these in the hunting field a couple of times, and over the last few years I was only using them on my bass boat the 3-4 times a year when I would get dumped on while out on the water. The suit is outstanding and you will not get wet in it - I have been in some absolute downpours out on the boat and come out dry every time. I am typically a 38 - 40 waist in most pants, I got the XXXL size so I can slip these on over belted pants or shorts - I wanted plenty of room in the hips and legs when I do that and the XXXL works perfect for that. Same thing for the jacket - I am a typical XL or XXL, but wanted it a little bigger to fit over heavier clothes if needed. The pant and jacket waists are highly adjustable. The whole suit retails for $550 on Kuiu - asking $315 to your door.
  6. DubTee

    12BW Late Solo

    Thanks couesmagnet, still working out logistics but may take you up on that. I’ll keep you posted. Rifle and gear are all ready, can’t wait. Sounds like the area needs a little moisture between now and the hunt though.
  7. DubTee

    12BW Late Solo

    Thanks for the input fellas.
  8. DubTee

    12BW Late Solo

    Guys, I drew the 12BW Late tag and will be heading down from MN solo. I plan on hunting the entire hunt with 1.5 days on the front end to get my bearings. My wife is not real excited about the solo part - that being said, could someone relay some first hand experience as far as cell coverage? I have AT&T, and their map actually shows pretty good signal in most parts, but I have also heard reception is super spotty. I have access to a Verizon phone if that would help make a difference. Thanks for any help here.
  9. DubTee

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Officially 12BW Late. Time to start preparing! Coming in from MN and going solo, trying not to waste much time when I get there. Anyone have any suggestions on a camping spot that gives good access to the unit - is it all good camping? How is the cell service, any providers work or don’t work up there? Thanks for any help.
  10. DubTee

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Good times and good luck. Fall in MN is beautiful.
  11. DubTee

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Former AZ resident and bought a lifetime before I left. I had 15 points.
  12. DubTee

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Will be traveling down from MN late November - drew either 12AW late or 12BW late. Looking forward to it. Congrats to all that drew.
  13. DubTee

    12 points...now what?

    I had 12 resident points this year and did not draw 10 early archery.
  14. My non-resident buddy drew a late coues tag in here, I'll be helping and we're hunting last 5 days. I'd be happy to share any info if we see a good muley to anyone who is hunting at that time. PM me and perhaps we can at least get each other's #'s.
  15. DubTee

    2018 Elk Draw Odds

    Thanks guys. That clears it up for me.