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Everything posted by Coues&Bass

  1. Coues&Bass

    Driving route advice needed

    Big Tub is right on. When I am pulling any kind of a load I go through mule creek, Glenwood route. It is more miles on the vehicle but worth it.
  2. Coues&Bass

    Now That's a Trail Cam

    That is funnnnny!
  3. Coues&Bass

    Son's First Buck

    Congratulations Dakota! I was with my daughter this year when she took her first deer after 2 prior attempts. She was so excited that she danced around and yelled. I also coached her up until she took the shot and she performed just as I thought her thanks for sharing.
  4. Coues&Bass

    144" gross Coues for sale

    Not my trophy so why would I buy it? Perpetratin?
  5. Coues&Bass

    Good practice round for .243 for kids?

    If you change ammo most likely you will have to resite the scope. It may only take a few clicks to get it to shoot where you want. I would personally have my kid shoot the ammo they will be hunting with. I think the hardest thing for kids is sighting with a scope. If you have a 22 with a scope I would work on sight picture first.
  6. Nice buck thanks for sharing! Just killed with my daughter last Saturday. Great fun watching my daughter to take her first deer.
  7. Coues&Bass

    youth rifle

    A short mag does have alot of kick. I would stick with just a 243 or other small round like 22-250. Cabelas sales a savage bolt action 243 youth model with a scope and synthetic camo stock for $400 and it loves a 100gr remington express ammo. Daughter just killed with one. She was shooting 300 yards easilyat the range. Killed dear with one round at 175. My 2 cents
  8. Coues&Bass

    Black Tip Down

    Good looking buck. I love the tine length
  9. Coues&Bass

    best bang for the buck

    Both Vortex and Minox optics are nice but the Vortex are about half the size and weight. My 2 cents
  10. Coues&Bass

    Rylees First Deer

    Great first deer Rylee!
  11. Coues&Bass

    2011 Rifle Coues

    4x4 how sweet and hard to find, congratulations!
  12. My daughter Emily and I left town to start our hunt. Opening morning came and we left camp early and drove to a spot we always find deer in. The wind was blowing pretty hard so we hunted into it. We climb into a saddle and right away I spot a deer moving across the canyon then it is gone. Awhile latter I pick up another deer ahead of us and see that he has horns. We slowly move up to where we think the buck went to get out of the wind but the area is thick with brush. My buddy Jimmy says he will walk down and try and bird-dog him out of his bed. He leaves us and 5min. Later the buck comes out headed up canyon. I tried to get my daughter on the deer but he was moving to fast for her to keep the deer in the scope. She says dad you better take him before he gets away. I shoot twice and hit the buck and put him down. I shot a a couple more rounds to make sure he is down. The next morning we wake up to 40 mile winds and snow. So we take are time leaving camp. The wind slows to about 15 mph so we take off to hunt. We spot a buck on a hillside at about 700 yards so as we are closing the distance we hear another hunter shoot from behind us and they take the buck down. My daughter then is discouraged that her chance was over. We move around the corner from the know dead deer and I spot another buck. I take my tripod out and get Emily set up to make a shot. She drops to one knee and finds the deer in her scope and bang! I could tell the buck was hit hard and it falls then rolls out the other side of the tree. We make it to the deer and she picks the head up and starts yelling and screaming with excitement., She was proud that her buck was bigger then dads. Never posted from my. Cell so hope it works.
  13. Coues&Bass

    Should I mount it?

    A trophy to you is a trophy to me as a guide ounce said.
  14. Coues&Bass

    Any sucess in unit 32?

    Bucks were up eating late in the day after the storm in 31.
  15. I have had great success with Remington Express. I know it is not the most expensive ammo but it does work with all my rifles. My kid just shot her deer with a Savage 243 youth model with RE ammo with one shot one kill at 175 yards . I have though changed to reloading for my 7mm mag and noticed how much more knock down power my Sierra Game Kings do to an animal when they make contact. I will never go back to factory ammo out of my Ruger 7mm. One shot on a bull elk and deer is all it took to create the damage needed. So take it into consideration when you buy or load ammo. I did see an ad for ammo called doubledown and they claim it has very high standards for shelf ammo. Although I have never used. My 2 cents
  16. Coues&Bass

    Emily's first buck

    Thanks Binky I will tell her. Weather was definitely in our favour. No 100 degree temps.
  17. Coues&Bass

    Emily's first buck

    My buddy Jimmy packed the deer out for me because of my bum knee. while he had it on his back Emily grabbed the deers head and put the deers tunge in his ear. Thats why he is turning away in the post above. good times but still two tags to fill. leaving in the morning to try and get my dad and brother a deer. I am so proud of my daughter she has stuck it out for three years and it finally all came together.
  18. Coues&Bass

    Get ready!

    Well it looks like the first couple days of the Nov. 4th hunt will be plaged by bad weather. expecting 50 mph winds, rain and snow! Sounds like a good time in the hills. I am leaving for 31 this afternoon. Good luck to all you Coues hunters may the hunting gods be with you. CHOW!
  19. Coues&Bass

    5 Day Backpack Hunt

    Good luck cause the weather is going to S$%k at least for 2-3 days. Oh ya more rain on Monday.
  20. Coues&Bass

    .270 vs .308

    I am working up to 1000 yrds with my 7mm but my 3x9 Leopold is not enouph for that kind of distance. I will shoot 500 yards pretty confidently but after that I am streaching it. So if you realy want to get out there I would personally look at shooting a mag caliber such as 300win or even 300 ultra. Alot of good calibers out there just need find what works for you. Definatly need to buy some good glass. I think my next scope will be a Vortex with turets. It will be dificult to accomplish consistantly with factory ammo. I was able to work up a load for my 7mm and love the new preformance. It was a little pricey to get started but I can know reload for half the price or less then buying factory ammo. My 2 cents.
  21. Coues&Bass

    Cameron's awesome coues buck!

    THATS A PIG! thanks for sharing
  22. Coues&Bass

    The Draw

    Put your name in the hat and wait for the results.