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Everything posted by acftfireman

  1. acftfireman

    Lady Luck!

    Nice buck! Beautiful mount!
  2. acftfireman

    bear mount

    Nice job. Cool mount!
  3. acftfireman

    Euro'd muley bucks

    Nice job! Nice bucks!
  4. acftfireman

    How about a little youth trout fishing?

    Great stuff! He is hooked for life.
  5. That's pretty cool. I hunt ducks non stop up here until everything freezes and I have only killed 2 banded ducks.
  6. acftfireman

    San Carlos Bucks

    Great bucks! Looks like they are cleaning up.
  7. acftfireman

    Stamp(s) question

    Your 2013 duck stamps work until the end of the season January 2014. In October, when the 2014 season starts you will need purchase the 2014 federal and state duck stamps to hunt waterfowl this fall. Hope this helps.
  8. acftfireman

    Mathews blows up Again 2nd time this year

    Nope, but I shoot a BOWTECH!!!!
  9. acftfireman

    Unit 27 December Rifle Mule Deer Buck

    Awesome deer! Congratulations!
  10. acftfireman

    Friends Buck

    HOLY COW!!!!
  11. acftfireman

    the Hunt (Daughter's First Buck)

    Great buck, great video, great huntress!!!!! That was too cool!
  12. acftfireman

    Last Day Bruiser Update

    Super buck!!!!!!!
  13. acftfireman

    First coues and awsum shot

    Nice buck, great shooting!
  14. acftfireman

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    That thing is unbelievable! I have been hunting these little buggers for 30 years and have never seen a beast like that! CONGRATULATIONS!! Paul
  15. acftfireman

    My Daughter Awesome Hunt!

    That is too cool. The same thing happened to my son and I a few years ago. His buck was a lot bigger than mine though. Paul
  16. acftfireman

    My first 100" buck

  17. acftfireman

    New bow to outfit

    I have the Bowtech Insanity CPX. I shoot Ripcord SOS, Tight Spot Quiver, 7 pin Spot Hogg, Hogg It wrapped and a B Stinger Hunter Extreme Stabilizer. Paul
  18. acftfireman

    Bowtech insanity cpx

    I have been shooting one for about 8 months. Awesome bow! I have owned several compound bows and this is my favorite so far. I bought mine from Bull Basin Archery here in Flagstaff. Great shop and service. They let me shoot all of the bows I wanted before I chose this one. Paul