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Everything posted by Deserthorn

  1. Deserthorn

    9 Scouting Memorial day

    Neat pics. I was up in 9 last weekend also. The bigger bulls I saw were all grown out to where their swords split off the main beam. Hopefully we can get a good rain early in July, otherwise it looks like most or all of the dirt tanks will be dry.
  2. Deserthorn

    Once in a lifetime

    Congatulations on a fantastic ram! He is as big as they get in that unit, not to mention he isn't broomed or busted up like most of the rams are. I have never posted on this forum before, but when I saw your photos I immediately recognized that ram as one that I videoed and took still photos of last February. Hopefully I will draw a tag someday! I would be happy to E-mail you copies of the photos if you like.