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Everything posted by Kilimanjaro

  1. Kilimanjaro

    Huntin' Fool Bighorn article

    Fantastic ram.. and to think, FOUR POINTS. I need to drink whatever he's having each morning. Congrats to the hunter on a phenomenal trophy. My ultimate North American dream hunt.
  2. Kilimanjaro

    Jaycie's First Big Game Hunt.

    A huge congrats to Jaycie!! She still had a perma-smile the next day when they dropped that big buck off with me. Thanks again, Phil. I appreciate the business.
  3. Kilimanjaro

    big family weekend in unit 1

  4. Kilimanjaro

    Firesale in TX

    Available slots have sold. Thank you.
  5. Kilimanjaro

    KUIU Ultralight Hunting / Vias Camo

    As usual, I waited too long this season and missed the boat! If anyone on here knows of an XL Guide jacket in camo for sale, please let me know.. It would be GREATLY appreciated!! I have two international mountain hunts coming up real soon, and Kuiu isn't expecting any new shipments in until mid-late Nov.. Thank you in advance!!
  6. Kilimanjaro

    Giraffe Skull

    Thank you for the great work you've provided! Much appreciated. It will make a great addition to the trophy room.
  7. Kilimanjaro

    CMC skullworks

    That old timer had some RAGGED worn out front dientes! I made that comment when I skinned him out. Great work, Cole. Looks great. Cody, superb bruin.
  8. Kilimanjaro

    2011 buck

    Great buck, Cody! That is a heck of an accomplishment to shoot that calibre of buck with archery gear, spot/stalk, nonetheless! Very impressive! Thank you for the opportunity to preserve the memory for you. Those velvet bucks make for unique mounts and great conversation pieces. Not too many states you can hunt them in.
  9. Kilimanjaro

    Tough Mudder Endurance Race

    We've already got our team ready and registered. Should be "fun"! I'm really looking forward to this race. Good luck!
  10. Kilimanjaro

    Dove Hunting Poll

    Go to Argentina. It will open your eyes at to what dove hunting Vahalla truly is.
  11. Kilimanjaro

    Change Up?

    Change up? Not going to Africa this year for the 1st time in many years. Decided it was high time to do some other hunts I have always wanted to do. T-minus 3 months til hunts.
  12. Kilimanjaro

    2010 mounts

    Gotcoues I knew you were kidding.. that comment was directed solely at Jamaro, not you or anyone else. Please go back and re-read. Sorry if you thought I was "talking" to you. Not at all. He (Jamaro) decided to use my seemingly generic comment about the bobcat mount to take another snipe at Casey. I merely told him I could care less what those two are warring over, I just want to be left out of their BS and petty fighting. Nothing in it for me! I only logged on to thank Casey for the business. When I saw that cat mount in the background, I just wanted to clarify that it was not from me! Hence my only reason for coming out of my cave and logging onto this site, def not to start any stink with anyone... Now, back to the cave for me. I hope that clears it up!! Good luck this fall in your hunting adventures! Cheers
  13. Kilimanjaro

    2010 mounts

    Is that the bobcat that Casey might or might not have had a tag for that he shot in Mexico??? J Not sure what part of "DID NOT MOUNT" wasn't clear enough for you to understand, Jamaro... Cat could have come from Timbuktu for all I know. I don't know nor care what you two are warring over.. do not include me in it.
  14. Kilimanjaro

    2010 mounts

    Thanks for the work Casey.. BTW, I DID NOT MOUNT THAT BOBCAT IN THE BACKGROUND!!! Just wanted to clarify that to the unknowing.
  15. Kilimanjaro

    My 2011 Sothern Az Bear

    Congrats , Cole. You stick n string hunters have been laying these souther bears down!
  16. Kilimanjaro

    2011 southern az bear

    FANTASTIC BRUIN, Cody!! I am going to give it my 110% effort to save this fantastic trophy for you. You certainly earned him. I am keepin my fingers crossed my tannery can save the skin. Congratulations, my friend! What a flippin pumpkin headed beast!
  17. Kilimanjaro

    Unit 1 Fire?

    I feel for yall up there. Alpine is/was an Eden.
  18. Kilimanjaro

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    117 3/8
  19. Kilimanjaro

    2011 Mexico Buck.

    Phil Great buck! Thank you for the opportunity to preserve the memory for you. I appreciate it immensely. Thanks, bud!
  20. Kilimanjaro

    Whackin' N' Stackin'!

    Yes I do love TX. It's home, afterall! Looks like a fun time was had. That part of the state can produce some bruiser bucks. Pity you had to see it at it worst. Its drier than a popcorn fart right now. That area of the state is burning really badly. It should have been as green as a golf course out there with bluebonnets covering the grass. I was out there 2 weeks ago and I was appauled by just how dry it really is.
  21. Kilimanjaro

    Abominable Snowman

    I left that place as soon as I could for a reason! One year was more than enough for me. When are you heading back down?? I need a wood worker!! I have a bunch of bases I need built and you are MY wood guy!
  22. Kilimanjaro

    Mountain Bike 2007 GT ID 2.0 XC Large Frame

    Matt PM sent your way. Thanks
  23. Kilimanjaro

    Mountain Bike 2007 GT ID 2.0 XC Large Frame

    I may be very interested in this set up. Im going to show this sale to a buddy of mine.. He is the bike guru. I've been in the market for this type of set up.
  24. Kilimanjaro

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    I drew a 10 day Rocky Mountain goat/wolf combo hunt in British Columbia for October and then a 10 day Mid Asian ibex hunt in Kyrgyzstan for November! Yoowhoo!! Points for the pronghorn, and I had better chance to win the lottery than the elk tag I put in for.. Congrats to all that draw their dream tags!!
  25. Kilimanjaro

    Warrior Dash!!

    I'm running this (Ive done a few of these type of races) with a group of buddies.. We are on the noon leg of the race. Looking forward to it!