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Everything posted by Kilimanjaro

  1. Kilimanjaro

    Tucson area guys

    From everybody's responses, it sounds like we all get it from time to time.. I just know that my bout with it this round was the WORST EVER!!! I still dont have much of an appitite and just dont feel quite "right" as of yet. Its all in my gut. That damned chicken really did a number on me. Lets all hope for a food poisoning free opener!!!
  2. Kilimanjaro

    Have any of you guys???

    Well, considering how my week had started off(the whole raging food poising, ER vistit, etc.), I had already written off even giving the race a chance this weekend.. BUT, although not even close to 100% yet, I felt good enough to keep my word and headed to Bisbee this morning and ran in the Bisbee1000. I completed the race in 49min.. It is basically a 5K race that is comparable to a 10K with all the stairs and the elevation. Felt great to be there, but I sure would have loved to have ran it at 100% well.. I'm still on track for the marathon in Dec, though!!
  3. Kilimanjaro

    Have any of you guys???

    Have any of my fellow CWT'ers ever run a marathon?? I got a wild hair up my butt yesterday and signed up for the Tucson Marathon here on Dec 7th. I've never run one before, but figured what the hey... I'm not getting any younger and its a great way to stay in great shape. I run alot, but nothing like this!! I hear that they can get really addicting and are a load of fun and the company is really good.. I guess I'll find out here in a few months!! It starts up in Oracle and goes (downhill!!) to Tucson on hwy77. Anybody else on here ever ran one??
  4. Kilimanjaro

    Antelope Hunt Success

    Great looking lopers!! That 1st one and last one do it for me!! Love that mass. Great pics!
  5. I watched it all.. If I was to say what I really want to here in this PC world we've made for ourselves, I'd be kicked off of CWT for being a "hater" or racist, or whatever you'd like to call me.. Therefore I'll just say that I fully agree with the video and I am def. not a fan of the Islam religion or Islamic followers, "peacful" or otherwise. Period. And that's biting my tongue as hard as I can. And it hurts.. Religion has killed more people than anything throughout history.. I will never understand why that is. The whole "My God is better than yours, so you must die" mentality never ceases to amaze me. And its been going on since mankind could make up these rediculous CULTS. As the old saying goes... what's the difference between a cult and a religion?? About 5K followers and the blessing of the Sate. That's it. To each their own, though.
  6. Kilimanjaro

    Mystery Deer

    I'm usually pretty good at knowing what species a deer is, or if a deer has any abnormal genetic defects such as albinoism or melanistic characteristics, but this one has me stumped. I've never seen a deer quite like it. It has the coat of a spotted Fallow deer, and the face that carries the traits of both a mule deer and a Pierre David Deer. Weird!! Its gotta be some kind of genetic defect in a muley, but from the looks alone, it looks like a Hienzes 57 of deer!! Ive never seen anything like it before. Thaks for sharing the pic with us. If you dont mind, I might email the pic to my old college professor. He would be interested in seeing this deer for sure!
  7. Kilimanjaro

    Mystery Deer

    Where was this deer taken??
  8. Kilimanjaro

    Tucson area guys

    Thanks guys.. I feel 100X better than I did yesterday for sure!! That was an experience that I never want to go through again!! Bill, WOW!! I want to say that I could never imagine having to be put in the ICU for a pizza, but after my bout, I could see how an injested "bug" could kill ya just as easily as a bullet. That was some BAD stuff!! Your's sounded about as bad as it can get!! The EMS's were sure right about low potassium and electrolyes will kill ya dead. Quick. I've actually been drinking Pedialyte (an infant rehydration drink) to get my levels back up. I kept thinking that each time I threw up would be the last, but 20 min later, it'd start all over. After doing that more times than I could count, I threw in my chips and went to the ER. By the time I decided to go to the ER, I was so dehydrated that I couldn't see straight and had to call work to come and get me and take me. Because of the nature of my job, dehydration is beat into our brains all the time.. We get taught all the symptoms and the changes the body goes through as it progresses, and I was starting to get bad. No moisture in my eyes or mouth, horrible cramps in my lower back, and not being able to think clearly. Let's just say that buffalo wings wont be on my menu ever again..
  9. Kilimanjaro

    need boot advise

    Scottyboy - is that a pic of Michelle Obama for your avatar? Naw, he's too good looking to be confused with that demon seed.
  10. Kilimanjaro

    need boot advise

    I wear Danners everyday at work.. Gotta say that they agree with my feet the best out of all the diff boots I've tried. Currently, I have a pair of Meidel Ibex and they've been a good pair of boots. Not the best, but good. After I wear them out, I think I'm gonna stick with Danners from here on out.
  11. Kilimanjaro

    albino elk

    Those pics are in TX.. there are actually quite a few places in TX with them.. I'm in TX as I type this and from where I'm sitting, I know of at least 3 places off the top of my head with white elk within 40 miles of me.
  12. Kilimanjaro

    My New Elk Rifle

    That rifle is the .577 Tyranasauruas Rex. It was developed by the guy who runs the website accuratereloading.com... He lives in Dubai, UAE and is an African hunting fool!!
  13. Kilimanjaro


    Casey, that badger looks like it was microwaved?????
  14. Kilimanjaro

    "Check It Out"

    You know it!! Only another 45 days or so til the "real" quail season opens!! I'll be out this weekend chasin' scalies and gambels and watchin' for snakes out in the Wilcox area. The pups are ready to rock and roll! Its been a long summer for sure. Looks like its going to be a pretty decent season for the desert birds and a great one for the Mearns. Just wish it'd cool off a bit. About the gun, I just cant pass up good deals on shotguns.. I have WAY too many as it is, but could always use another! I'll be looking for the email. Thanks!
  15. Kilimanjaro

    "Check It Out"

    I might be interested in the O/U.. PM being sent your way
  16. Kilimanjaro

    Holy moly......Shed Collection

    Jim, I gotta say that you are the craziest lunatic for coues I've ever seen!!! Now that is an insane collection of cwt.
  17. Kilimanjaro

    Guess the score contest Oct 2008

    126 7/8ths
  18. I wont be in the same area you are going to be, but I'll be headed out for sure!!
  19. Kilimanjaro

    Our Canadian Caribou hunt

    Nice boo's and ptarmigan!!
  20. Kilimanjaro

    Giant AZ 8x8

    That is one of the most beautiful bulls I've ever seen. A dream bull for sure. Congrats to the lucky hunter!!
  21. Kilimanjaro

    An incredible 3 day hunt, and.....

    Awesome bull, Jim!!
  22. Thank God I pulled all my stock out of the riskier funds 2 weeks ago and put all of them into the least hit G-fund.. Had I not, I would be feeling a HARD hit.. Playing that market can make you ALOT of money, but it can also break you quickly.. Better to play it safe for awhile now. Its fun when it's hot, but in times like this, its like going to the casino and no matter what you do, you cant win.. Kinda like Clark Griswald in Vegas Vacation!!
  23. Forgot to add, heck yes I'm interested!!! Do you have a supplier in the area? I was in PHX this weekend and we found a good looking "put and take" preserve up in Snowflake that we'll be hitting to get the dogs back into the game for the upcoming season.
  24. NOW your talkin', Simon!! Hey guys, let's forego all this 100 degree bird hunting and temporarily postpone the quail area get together till cool weather sets in and Mearns opens up.. Whaddya say?? I just don't like to run my dogs in this kind of heat and the snakes are still bad (saw 4 last night at work). We could maybe do a campout down south and then all go our separate ways and hunt, and then come back and grill up the birds, have a few beers, and BS the night away.. then repeat the following day! Simon, I run a knot-headed EP and a Brit.. both are Mearns machines!! I didnt get to hunt quail last yr cuz I moved to MT (although I did hunt all 7 species there!) so I am beyond ready to hunt Mearns!! I've hunted 15 diff species of upland birds behind these dogs and I always come back to Mearns and Bobwhites.. I guess what you are raised on hunting remains close to the heart for life. Here's my 2 mutts on a Mearns covey from 2 seasons ago.. Huntin' Huns on the Rocky Mtn Front Range.. And a good afternoon from last season in MT.
  25. Kilimanjaro

    Chef's Birthday!

    Have a great day bro!!!