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Everything posted by Marque

  1. Marque

    Unit 28 Javelina?

    Hi Guys: I decided to pick up an over the counter tag for javelina, since I didn't get drawn for anything else this last year. I picked Unit 28, although I have never hunted it. I did have some luck on a javelina hunt in 27 a couple years ago. Can anyone recommend some spots to start glassing in 28? I plan on staying at Safford and working north and east from there if possible. Any good starting points would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....
  2. Marque

    Unit 28 Javelina?

    In answer to your question regarding leftover tags, Game and Fish had more than a thousand leftovers following the draw this year. In many units, more tags were available than people applied for. Thus they were put up for first come - first serve sale over the counter. I bought one for unit 28.