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L Cazador

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Everything posted by L Cazador

  1. L Cazador

    For sale "JM" stamped Marlin 336...

    Great guy to buy from. Top notch!
  2. L Cazador

    Gold purchase info

    When you deal with a reputable store thay will tell you percent of gold or silver you're buying and they will sell to you according to market price of gold or silver plus a mark up.
  3. L Cazador

    Gold purchase info

    Go online to APMEX.com. They are very reputable. You can buy bars or coin. Coins are collectibles and can be bought in varying conditions. Stay with the older coins. They have intrinsic value.
  4. L Cazador


    Are the scales sold?
  5. L Cazador

    WTT: Pre-64 Winchester Model 70 .270

    You may want to take that stock boot off so everyone can see the beautiful wood and butt plate under it. Good luck selling.
  6. L Cazador

    Shipping a rifle?

    This was effective April 1, 2022 for UPS, I think it was Jan. 1, 2022 for Fed-Ex. It's their policy not ATF rules. I believe it's to cut down on internal theft. I set up account and have no issues, I print and pay for label at home and drop off. My dealer recently took firearm to hub, and they would not ship it. He had to go home set up account and print shipping label and then return to hub to drop off. A few miles, a few gallons of gas, and a few headaches later! s
  7. L Cazador

    Mounting a Rifle Scope

    A bolt gun in 223 will be pretty easy recoil on the scope. Lets' qualify your question first. What is the size of the target you will be using this combo on? Depending on target size a finer reticle may be required, and lower-end scopes can have thick reticles which can block out your target. A $400-500 is now considered and lower end scope. Several things that lower end scopes will exhibit; one is less resistance to recoil before damage occurs. Most lower end scopes will not take a lot of rounds of ammo before they fail. This shouldn't be much of a worry with the 223. If recoil is a concern, pick a scope with a good warranty and a quick return after repair. Next low-end scopes have pretty thick reticles and when you get to 300 yards that's going to present a problem on small game. Then there is the problem of parallax at longer range. You may need an adjustable objective, which most lower end scopes may not offer. Then there is the problem of minutes of elevation and windage. When shooting longer ranges keep in mind that you need an adequate amount of windage and elevation to make use of the most important part of the scope which is the middle of the working range of the scope. Once you reach the outer limits of scope adjustment things become pretty unpredictable. Finally, there's the question of power on the high end and only you can qualify this by experience. I hope this all helps because in the end you're the one can answer your question. Sometimes waiting till you have the funds for a better scope can be the best decision! Sorry for the delay in posting this.
  8. L Cazador

    Shipping a rifle?

    UPS or Fed-Ex will not accept any firearms unless you have an account with them. Even FFL dealer cannot ship without an account. You or your dealer must have an account and then you can drop it off at the hub. UPS or Fed-Ex stores will not process anything firearms related and they have made any such drop offs completely illegal. Your firearm can be confiscated if this happens.
  9. L Cazador

    WTB 17 mach IV FL Sizing Die

    There's a brand new RCBS set of 17 Fireball at Midway, $40. Same dimensions as 17 Mach lV, brass too!
  10. L Cazador

    Taurus Raging Bull 41 mag **Price drop

    Sent personal message.
  11. L Cazador

    WTB 6.5 Creedmoor Sizing Die or Set

    Redding die wax is the best lube. Rub it on with your fingers and never stick another case again. Brunos has some in stock. I used to make my own with anhydrous lanolin and white vaseline but when a container of die wax lasts more than 5 years, why bother? I load thousands of rounds a year!
  12. L Cazador

    WTB 6.5 Creedmoor Sizing Die or Set

    What's wrong with the Hornady set? They have Redding precision set on sale at Midway. Get Redding full length Type S bushing sizing die. I believe Brunos had them too, cheaper than Midway.
  13. L Cazador

    Ruger 45 LC

    Looking for Ruger 45 Long Colt, new model or old model, 7.5 inch only. Or Colt New Frontier in same caliber. What have ya"?
  14. L Cazador

    Ruger 45 LC

  15. L Cazador

    300 wsm load development

    I'm a target shooter and while yes I may be .003 .006" into the lands that is not going stick a bullet in the rifleing but most of my target rifles shoot at touch or up to .015" off. Sticking a bullet can be neck tension specific. Ie; more neck tension can prevent a stuck bullet. But I wouldn't advise any novice reloader to seat bullets in the lands unless they have proper measuring tools. Sticking a bullet refers to a bullet being pulled out of the case and left in the bore. I measure seating depth and headspace with a barrel stub that's a true representation of my chamber and bore. The pics show the difference between the inside diameter .3070" of a 30 cal. bore groove and the inside diameter .2955" of a Hornady bullet comparator. The bullet comparator provides a reference point to work from but it is not a true measure to the lands. You work .020" to .030" off that measurement to start. Most reloaders do not have barrel stubs but they can measure with suitable accuracy distance to lands with a bullet seating gauge such as the Hornady. The two tools are not one and the same, the bullet comparator and the bullet seating gauge. Most SAMMI chambers have generous dimensions that will never be reached by a cartridge that fits in a magazine. So unless you load single shot, make a dummy that will fit your magazine and work your way back away from that measurement in increments of .010". I recently did a stock 300 PRC and had to start from .035" off, ( magazine max length) found the best load at .055" off. Worked at .010" off for each group. The final group size of .450" with an ES of 15 at a hundred was the proof I needed that the starting length of .035" wasn't the best seating depth!
  16. L Cazador

    300 wsm load development

    Of course much different but that pre made case is not the issue. The issue is one tool measures to the lands diameter and the other tool (bullet comparator) uses an arbitrary measurement! That's why you use your own case fired in your rifle and either use the touch method or jam method. Go to " you tube" and watch Alex Wheelers" touch method for finding lands or Erik Cortinas "jam" method. Both methods work equally well. I've been using the jump method for more than 50 years now. Just remember to apply die wax or some lube on the bullet so the measurement isn't distorted.
  17. L Cazador

    300 wsm load development

    That tool measures to your bore diameter and the tool your'e measuring with the comparator is not a true representation of your bore diameter. What caliber are you loading?
  18. L Cazador

    300 wsm load development

    You state .55 off the lands, that means 550 thousands off the lands?? I presume you mean .055" or 55 thousands off the lands?? How do find where your lands are?
  19. L Cazador

    300 wsm load development

    Recently checked bullet base to ogive measurement on a box of Hornady ELDX (sample of 10 bullets) had as much as .010" difference while Berger only .002"(sample of ten bullets). While H4350 worked best for me with 168 grain bullets, H1000 and RL26 both temp stable worked best with 200 grain plus bullets.
  20. L Cazador

    300 wsm load development

    Generally, magazine length can be .100-200" off. Strip the bolt and find "bullet touch" first then calculate measurement to lands. 20-30 off is only important from a liability standpoint for Hornady and for you its a safety issue. Sticking a bullet in the lands is very dangerous. Seating depth is however very important as it can influence extreme spreads, velocity, point of impact, and group size!!!By the way that load above is a pretty hot load. Sierra book shows 59 grains of H4350 as max. with an average velocity of 2800! Also the recommended powders are H1000 and Retumbo for the 200 grain bullet. H4350 is faster burning than Retumbo and H1000. Use with caution.
  21. L Cazador


    I've got a Savage heavy barrel, 12 twist 22/250. detachable mag, with camo stock, like new with very low round count, $600. Exceptional shooter that shoot's sub 1/2 moa groups with Hornady 53 grain VMax. Ammo available with it! One of the best out of the box firearms I've ever encountered. Can ship to your dealer but prefer face to face transaction. I'm in Tucson. PM me for pics
  22. L Cazador

    300 wsm load development

    You may want to wait till the Chrono shows up. You wasting your time looking for groups first. Don't worry about that. Most reloaders start backwards. You start with finding a max load first and best extreme spread with the best powder that fits to accomplish these goals. Then you work your way to best group! Start with fireformed brass. Use a moderate load to fireform your brass. Use cheap bullets to fireform. Keep this in mind, great groups with bad ES usually means you've chosen the wrong powder. Low extreme spreads and bad groups usually mean you've chosen the wrong seating depth. Start at magazine length and work your way back 5 thousandths at a time. Don't use your buddy's pet load, every rifle is different! Use a powder with a temperature coating if you're loading ammo that's going to be shot several month's later. Don't load any more ammo than you'll be using in years time. Just a few do's and don'ts!
  23. L Cazador

    Looking for 280 ackley improved brass

    Sportsmans in Tucson has Nosler brass. I'll bet the website has it too.
  24. L Cazador

    Ruger 45 LC

    Thanks Rick! That's what I need! Merry Christmas all!
  25. L Cazador

    Ruger 45 LC

    Just looking for an old fashion single six with adjustable rear sight. Thanks.