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L Cazador

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About L Cazador

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/30/1947

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  • Interests
    Long range shooter , varmint hunter , bird hunter , big game , and all year long hunter .

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  1. Do an 8 twist. If you decide to shoot 130-140 grain you will have enough twist. Don't worry about overspinning the lighter bullets.
  2. L Cazador

    Tasco 80mm Spotting scope

    Price drop to $80 cash. Meet in Tucson at Sportsmans.
  3. L Cazador

    Tasco 80mm Spotting scope

  4. L Cazador

    Feral hog

    Years ago there were feral hogs in the Cordes Junction area. That area became so populated that you couldn't safely shoot so everybody stopped hunting them. I'm sure they have spread as they are prolific breeders. Cook that meat well above 170 degrees. Watchout for trichinosis!
  5. L Cazador


    what bore scope did you use? Nice gun.
  6. L Cazador

    17hmr ammo for sale

    Are you selling rifle?
  7. L Cazador

    Prayers for my Dad Bill

    Our prayers for a full recovery. Godspeed.
  8. L Cazador

    Gunsmith in Tucson

    Check in with Craigs custom rifles. Kyle is great at getting it done.
  9. L Cazador


    I'll take the tumbler and accessories for $100
  10. L Cazador


    Sent you a pm
  11. L Cazador

    Rifle stocks and barrels

    I'll take the lot for $30. I need some tomato stakes. LOL!
  12. L Cazador

    10/22 trigger and optics

    I'd run a straight 6X or 10X, no variables for long range. For short range option a red dot is a great option. Definitely add the BX trigger. Then find the ammo that it likes and buy a boat load of it!
  13. L Cazador

    Tasco 80mm Spotting scope

  14. L Cazador

    Tasco 80mm Spotting scope

    Uno mas bump
  15. L Cazador

    Tasco 80mm Spotting scope
