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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. That little 2 point doesnt look like that bad of a buck SunDevil.
  2. Holy eyeguards. Love the unique shape of those things. He has got mass up the wazzo also. I like this place just by the looks of it and 2 109 inch bucks and a 106 coming out of it makes it even better.
  3. Wow is all I can say. When you posted you got to 109 inch bucks I couldn't believe it but I really cant believe that you have 2 109 inch bucks that have a ton of character. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound. I will try to book a hunt down there for next January with ya
  4. I cropped some pictures to get some good closeups. The 2 nice 3x3's are different bucks if you look at the left antler you can really see the different angles of the g1 and g2. Some good genes going around. You guys are probably tired of seeing these bucks but I like posting pics when I am bored Small 3x3 Nice 3x3 from december Nice 3x3 from janurary (about 1 1/2 miles away from other nice 3x3) It is possible they are the same buck but they look alot different to me in the pics. Both are shooters in my book.
  5. Man now I cant wait to see the 2 bigger bucks. I cant believe Steve would pass up a 105 class buck on the first day. That took some guts but he still got a very nice buck.
  6. azcouesandelk

    Anybody else heading down this weekend?

    Atta boy Jim!!! But you are pulling shortpants leg you didnt get 2 110 bucks, you got 2 109 and some change bucks Man the conditions sound like they were brutal but you know how to get it done thats for sure. Cant wait til tomorow to see these bucks.
  7. Its about time you get back Jim. I wanna see those pics ASAP!!!
  8. azcouesandelk

    Sonoran Coues

    Not to shabby not shabby at all. That muley in the background has some nice eyegurads on it also. I would rather take the palmated coues.
  9. azcouesandelk


    TRRESTANDMAN congrats on your 1000th post also.
  10. azcouesandelk


    It was a good effort though.
  11. azcouesandelk


    The link isn't working for me. I dont think either were killed in December because I saw both of them in January.
  12. azcouesandelk


    I know what you mean treestandman. The biggest difference that stands out to me is that the second buck had about a 14 to 15 inch spread and the third buck had about a 11 or 12 inch spread. I was able to see the top buck 2 different times about 2 weeks apart and he was within 100 yards of the first place I had seen him. The third buck I was able to watch through my spotting scope at 300 yards. It is hard to tell from the pictures but the third buck has darker antlers and a reddish patch on the top of his head inbetween his antlers that the buck in the second picture didnt have. This was a test to see if anybody could tell the difference and these bucks are indeed 2 different bucks Thanks for playing
  13. azcouesandelk


    Gamehauler I try to sleep every now and then but when I dont have class on Fridays and am not out of town it is hard to lay down and sleep. So I stay up and read even more about coues Elkhunter I didnt even realize the larger gaps between the g2 and g3 good catch and the mainbeams do seem longer on the second buck. Also if you look you can see that the second buck has a longer face than the third. The main difference that seperates these bucks to me is that the second bucks right eyeguard is a little further up the mainbeam and grows inward slightly as the third bucks grows almost straight up and almost right from the base.
  14. azcouesandelk


    They are heavy and bulky but you cant beat them for stability. I was crazy enough to carry 2 of them on my scouting trips and then got smart and decided to pack just one.
  15. azcouesandelk


    Those are some beautiful bucks you have there.
  16. azcouesandelk

    Jr. Javelina Hunt 2007

    I said it once and I will say it again. Congrats on another pig Erik. You now have killed more pigs than me and I got a few years on ya.
  17. azcouesandelk

    What a way to end 2006

    That is a brute. Love the tall eyeguards and the mass. also 4 and half hours crawling through a cactus flat makes that a well earned trophy.
  18. azcouesandelk

    Whats In A Name

    That is pretty darn funny Josh. How does J-O-S-H get turned into GRONG.
  19. azcouesandelk

    My Desert Archery Mule Deer (pics)

    That looks just like a buck I was chasing around in 36a. Great buck and congratulations.
  20. azcouesandelk

    Looking for a new site

    Just want to get some input on this. I am looking for getting an upgrade from my 3 pin site. I have several questions. Is a 7 pin going overboard or should I stick with getting a 5 pin? I am looking at Spot-Hogg sites. How are these? What kind of site do you shoot? I am also thinking of getting my bow uped to either 65 or 70 pounds. So I am hoping I will be close to shooting the IBO for my bow which is 308 fps.
  21. azcouesandelk

    Looking for a new site

    bobbyo I really like the looks of the sight and the thought of using a slide to adjust distance in the field. I searched those models and found this website http://www.fusearchery.com/sights/index.tpl I really like the Intrepid model and will be going to Bear Mountain Archery to look them over.
  22. azcouesandelk

    Truly Unbelievable!

    I would have tried to have gotten on but if stopped I would have contacted game and fish and tell them that I have a downed animal in the area. Maybe game and fish would feel some pity and try to help you get on.
  23. azcouesandelk

    Truly Unbelievable!

    That is a shame. A once in a lifetime buck taken right from underneath him. If it was a buck of that caliber I am sure that it is the same one because I do not think there are many 200 inch mulies in 24b
  24. azcouesandelk

    My buck won a biannual Pope & Young Award

    This is all your choice but if it were me personally I would insure it and send it to give the animal some well earned recognition.
  25. azcouesandelk

    Jr. Hunt Success

    Sounds like a great weekend. Nothing better than a weekend of biggame and upland and waterfowl spent with your son.