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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. azcouesandelk

    Freaks of the Woods

    Jim you sure that thing is off a muley and not an elk CRB that is awesome man I love the palmation big time.
  2. azcouesandelk

    Freaks of the Woods

    I can't believe your buddy didn't pick that skull up. That is a really unique. Well I did not find this but it was given to me by a friend. It was found in 35a near Parker Canyon Lake. This is a big deer and it should score around 105 with a 10 inch spread. It has a somewhat corkscrewed g3. The end of the mainbeam is what makes it unique but it is hard to take good pics of. The end of the main beam has a bulge on the end and it has a small droptine on the bulge.
  3. azcouesandelk

    New Coues Machine

    The wood on that gun is amazing Doug! What do you estimate it will shoot out the muzzle?
  4. azcouesandelk


    I wouldn't call mine a diary its more of a log book or hunting journal
  5. azcouesandelk

    pentax scope

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Your father sounds like a great man. Fought to the last minute, fought for his country and raised a great family. My prayers are to your family
  6. azcouesandelk

    Favorite Photo of 2006

    I want to change mine. This is a picture from my summer in Alaska. This was the view from the outhouse. Yes the outhouse. I was able to see this site many many times. Mt. Foraker is on the left and Mt. McKineley in on the right
  7. azcouesandelk

    chaning your application

    Yeah for instance in unit 9 for the general cow tag for october last year for 400 tags there was 1276 1st and 2nd choice applicants that applied.
  8. azcouesandelk

    Favorite Photo of 2006

    I have 2 pictures. The first one is from September I believe. This is in 36b from one of my scouting trips and seeing how green it was was breathtaking. The second picture is of my dad with his deer. 28 years living in AZ and on his 10th coues hunt he was finally successful. I could not have been happier
  9. azcouesandelk

    chaning your application

    I do not think you need to worry about getting a 4th choice cow hunt. All the tags will go to the 1st and 2nd choice applicants.
  10. azcouesandelk

    WTB 15x Swaro

    It depends what kind of flies did you tie
  11. azcouesandelk

    Survival tips from a pro

    I took about 2 pages of notes from that video. He is a genius.
  12. Turning the big 11 Happy Birthday and may coues deer dance in your dreams :D
  13. azcouesandelk


    That is just unreal. Amazing job please congratulate them for me.
  14. azcouesandelk

    Archery Hunting in Arizona

    I like to know that there will bucks in the area that I will be hunting so I spend the time in the summer and inbetween hunts scouting new areas and the areas I would like to hunt. I try to scout units that I know have good bucks and a bordering unit the same weekend to try and find some new deer.
  15. azcouesandelk

    Tini Bini

    I would recomend the 8x30 swarovski slc's if you can save up the money. They are small, somewhat lightweight and have great clarity. I have the 8x42 wind river cascades and they are decent for the money just fuzzy around the edges.
  16. azcouesandelk

    az raffle tag buck

    That is a great animal. Congratulations and make sure you thank your wife for signing the tag over to you
  17. That little 2 point doesnt look like that bad of a buck SunDevil.
  18. Holy eyeguards. Love the unique shape of those things. He has got mass up the wazzo also. I like this place just by the looks of it and 2 109 inch bucks and a 106 coming out of it makes it even better.
  19. Wow is all I can say. When you posted you got to 109 inch bucks I couldn't believe it but I really cant believe that you have 2 109 inch bucks that have a ton of character. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound. I will try to book a hunt down there for next January with ya
  20. I cropped some pictures to get some good closeups. The 2 nice 3x3's are different bucks if you look at the left antler you can really see the different angles of the g1 and g2. Some good genes going around. You guys are probably tired of seeing these bucks but I like posting pics when I am bored Small 3x3 Nice 3x3 from december Nice 3x3 from janurary (about 1 1/2 miles away from other nice 3x3) It is possible they are the same buck but they look alot different to me in the pics. Both are shooters in my book.
  21. Man now I cant wait to see the 2 bigger bucks. I cant believe Steve would pass up a 105 class buck on the first day. That took some guts but he still got a very nice buck.
  22. azcouesandelk

    Anybody else heading down this weekend?

    Atta boy Jim!!! But you are pulling shortpants leg you didnt get 2 110 bucks, you got 2 109 and some change bucks Man the conditions sound like they were brutal but you know how to get it done thats for sure. Cant wait til tomorow to see these bucks.
  23. Its about time you get back Jim. I wanna see those pics ASAP!!!
  24. azcouesandelk

    Sonoran Coues

    Not to shabby not shabby at all. That muley in the background has some nice eyegurads on it also. I would rather take the palmated coues.