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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. azcouesandelk

    Mills Ridge Water Catchment

    I would go but I am having my wisdom teeth removed on the 13th! So I will be laying around the house recovering and complaining
  2. azcouesandelk

    My Best Find

    I agree with Arizona Guide I just added it up but may be way off but I came up with 345 to 350. Great bull none the less.
  3. azcouesandelk

    My Best Find

    I figured around 85 or so also.
  4. azcouesandelk

    My Best Find

    Nice find. What do you think he scores?
  5. azcouesandelk

    My 2006 Summer

    I was only able to get 1 good photo of a black bear because every other time I saw them it was in the thick woods where I couldn't get good light or I had to draw my gun to keep the guest calm This bear would always come around when we were filleting fish and later the owner actually had to take him out because he had no fear of humans and tried to break into the lodge several times.
  6. azcouesandelk

    2002 Ford F-350 Super Duty

    If I had the money to buy a truck like that I would. Maybe when you want to sell this new old bad @$$ truck your talking about I might have enough saved up
  7. azcouesandelk

    2002 Ford F-350 Super Duty

    Don't you try to pin this on me Casey. I thought you said I was to small to break anything because I am only 160 pounds.
  8. azcouesandelk

    My 2006 Summer

    Forgot to tell all of you that for the shore lunch we had to carry in all the spices, butter, potatoes, foil, cutting board, fillet knife, foil and anything else that the client wanted to eat that day. So on a shore lunch day my pack would weigh around 50 pounds going in, normally around 80 or so coming out
  9. azcouesandelk


    Nice looking pig. Very light looking pig almost white! Congrats on the first hunt success always a good way to get them involved.
  10. azcouesandelk

    This Morning's Finds

    I still have not found a match set either so don't feel bad.
  11. azcouesandelk

    C/W member says his card got hit

    This is sad we do not even know where we were drawn for and some of us do not even know if we were drawn yet and this is the 215th post on this topic. Can't wait til everybody knows for sure.
  12. azcouesandelk

    This Morning's Finds

    Nice job! Looks like a good set and good ipod
  13. azcouesandelk

    My 2006 Summer

    Bowhuntcoues brought to my attention that I left out steps 5 and 6 Only thing with step 5 is we didn't have a grill so we had to do shore lunches Step 6 is to kick back and enjoy the meal. This was on my birthday and luckily I had the day off. Went out and caught a nice 40 pound king and several of the other guides came down and cooked it up and had that for dinner. I am the one in the second chair.
  14. azcouesandelk

    My 2007 Mexico Hunt

    Sounds like you had a blast. Just go back and get that 108 buck next year when he will be a 115
  15. azcouesandelk

    My 2006 Summer

    Those will be tomorows pics then
  16. azcouesandelk

    My 2006 Summer

    You guys are in for a treat today. Here is the fillet process on a salmon. Step one you have to have a salmon Step two you cut down to he spine right behind the head and follow the spine to the tail Step 3 divide into desireed amount of sections Step four slice the bones out
  17. azcouesandelk

    Feral Hogs in Az!?

    http://www.bragboard.com/Arizona/Hunting/B...%20Bourassa.htm This one was supposively shot in 5b somewhere.
  18. azcouesandelk

    Feral Hogs in Az!?

    I have only seen "feral hogs" in AZ one time and I couldn't believe it. It was about 1 mile in off the Stoneman Lake Road off I-17 and about a mile south of the road. My dad and I were out hiking and saw a small one thought it was a javelina and got onto a group of about 10. Really neat to see wish one of us would have had a gun. They are in AZ but there are far a few between. I have heard that there are some on the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge.
  19. azcouesandelk

    Happy Birthday Scott!!

    Happy b-day Scott. 3 mile run at any age is good especially at 43
  20. azcouesandelk

    Seeking binocular advice

    Go with the 15x my friend. You will not be let down. Sometimes you will spot deer way out there and will not be able to tell if they are bucks. So the tripler is still a good idea with the 15x.
  21. azcouesandelk

    AZ Elk Society work project in NE AZ

    I will make my best effort to be at both of those projects. Hopefully will be helping some kids learn to fly fish on the Big Lake weekend.
  22. azcouesandelk

    Smallest three point

    Hey that aint much bigger than the 3 point I killed this year Good find and try to keep tabs on that lion that has been roaming around there.
  23. azcouesandelk

    My 2006 Summer

    You guys get a double today. With all the talk about sheds I thought I would throw in a couple pics of one of the several moose sheds I found. I was happy to find this shed after hiking close to 3 miles upstream from where everybody else fished and this was on a gravel bar. A little old and busted up but I liked how unique is was. Here is how I spotted it ( ad to move a little bit to get a better picture) Here is a closeup of it
  24. azcouesandelk


    Trust me all the docs are out of allergy medicine. I hit up every doctor in the lower 48 because mine are so bad right now. I haven't been able to breath, hear or see properly in 10 days. Also those are some nice sheds you got there. I wasnt able to make it up do to my allergies and work around the house. Hopefully next weekend
  25. azcouesandelk

    My 2006 Summer

    Jason it doesnt seem realistic and I thought the lodge owner was full of you know what when he said this but in all reality it was either a 5 hour boat ride from Anchorage with the 5 mile hike in or the 2 hour boat ride with the 5 mile hike in. There is no place to land a helicopter in the area also because there is to much brush. I really wish everybody could be standing in the middle of the creek there with the spruce and alders making a tunnel for almost a mile up that creek. Absolutely breath taking walking through it and the only openings to the creek are bear trails. I miss it already