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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. azcouesandelk


    The ugly dog they brought up last year (Gus) now lives in Nebraska with my sister but they should be bringing up my pup Heidi.
  2. azcouesandelk


    My parents are going to make it up there for the campout but I am going to be over helping out the AES with Wapati Weekend east of Springerville.
  3. azcouesandelk

    Credit Card Hits???????

    Well results are posted and it looks like nothing for me in New Mexico this year! Congrats to all that drew and good luck this season!
  4. azcouesandelk

    Napoleon Goes To Texas!

    Sorry I havent responded sooner guys I have actually been working 300ultramag. I want to but I keep getting called in on Wednesday and I have to work tomorow night so I cant make it this week either! You may not believe it but Cody actually listened to me and went with Gold Tip arrows for his new setup! I think he is shooting 330 if I remember right. Traveler he went with a friend and his grandpa who owns a portion of the YO Ranch. trophyhntr Cody is still living in AZ he just had to move up to Cottonwood or "The Wood" as AZ402 calls it!
  5. azcouesandelk

    Credit Card Hits???????

    Big Congrats Jason!!!
  6. azcouesandelk

    Happy Fathers Day

    Come on guys its all about the Old Town!!!
  7. azcouesandelk

    Credit Card Hits???????

    Congrats fatfootdoc!!! Looks like you guys nailed the motherload this year!!! I guess I just have to be patient and pray!
  8. azcouesandelk

    Credit Card Hits???????

    Are you guys getting emails or what I just checked the website and it still says the results are pending! I need to know if I get to go deer, elk or antelope hunting this year
  9. azcouesandelk

    Credit Card Hits???????

    Nothing for me yet but I can hope I still nail a deer tag!!!
  10. azcouesandelk

    Happy Fathers Day

    Had to work all morning but came home and grilled up some steak and shrimp for the ol' man.
  11. azcouesandelk

    Monster coues bucks

    Josh alot of those were because of you!!! But I have been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time quite a bit
  12. azcouesandelk

    Monster coues bucks

    I have been fortunate to hold 4 racks over 140 and about 20 racks that have been over 120
  13. Mark sorry to hear about your loss. Good luck to you and Kathy on all your hunts this year.
  14. azcouesandelk

    Draw Results

    I will say June 18th. Hoping I might nail an antelope tag over there!
  15. azcouesandelk


    Just got the paycheck that will pay for the sheep tag I am bound to get
  16. Happy Birthday to Tyler (elkhunter) and to Steve (rthrbhntng) and to azpacknhorns!!! Hope both of you have a great season and have a great day even if you are hiding out in Alaska
  17. azcouesandelk

    FS: 1978 International Scout II

    Still for sale folks asking $4000 now.
  18. How nice of you guys to through a party on my birthday! I might swing down that way for the day to support cwt.
  19. azcouesandelk

    ADA Tickets

    Terry I won a Marlin lever action .45-70! Should do the trick for squirrel this year
  20. azcouesandelk

    ADA Banquet

    I may be wrong but I believe the coues tag went for 22k, the mule deer tag went for 122k ? and I know the san carlos hunt went for 3k. the Mexifari hunt went for 3750 I believe also. It was a good night alot of stuff went for good money and the ADA raised a good amount of money for wildlife.
  21. azcouesandelk

    ADA Tickets

    It was a great banquet! Having only guns for the general raffle was a neat twist. Not sure if they will do it again next year or not but I think that they will have to with all the lucky winners including myself and ajohunter! It was a pleasure to meet everybody there and hopefully you all will be there next year!!!
  22. azcouesandelk


    Proper English? "Atleast"? Ha ha, busted! And you're supposed to be able to bench your own bodyweight, sissy. HaHaHaHa!! You tell him Kevin!! Hey Casey, I figured you to be a member of the 500 club as Wicked tough as you say you are! I was in the 500 club for squat... couldnt break into for bench. oh well Hey Casey I was also in the 500 club for squat and was half the weight Thanks for sharing the pics of the cats guys! It is making me want to get out and wet a line. I guess I will stick to glassing up elk and deer for the next few months.
  23. Here is what Jim really harvested this year on his October hunt! I knew he was hiding something when I talked to him after he harvested this buck! Thanks for the real picture Mr. Mullions Now we know why you have that confused look on your face Jim
  24. azcouesandelk

    COOSEFANS 2007 AZ Buck

    Yeah and I didn't have enough ammo! This time I am ready for war
  25. azcouesandelk

    COOSEFAN and Gamehauler at there best!!!

    Mike its on but it looks like you have fallen a little behind