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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. azcouesandelk

    DOUG & AMANDA!???!!!???!!!??

    Hey Gina I got alot of members and alot more girls than you would ever imagine! At least I wasnt seen walking around like this
  2. azcouesandelk

    DOUG & AMANDA!???!!!???!!!??

    I was wondering when Gina was going to start crying again
  3. Wish I could make it up this year but the dates are the same as Wapati Weekend for the Arizona Elk Society. Hope all you guys have fun up there this year again.
  4. azcouesandelk

    Shall We???

    March 20th around 2:32 PM
  5. azcouesandelk

    The Arizona Deer Association Banquet - June 27

    I will be there but not able to sit down for the meal. I will help you out with the silent auction this year Amanda.
  6. azcouesandelk


    Glad you made it back safe and sound! Those elephants are awesome! Big Congrats.
  7. azcouesandelk

    black ice bowtech

    That is a great deal! If I had the money I would buy that in a heartbeat!
  8. azcouesandelk

    Smith and Wesson .270

    Gun is SPF
  9. azcouesandelk

    Smith and Wesson .270

    I am selling my Smith and Wesson model 1500 .270. It has leupold rings and bases and I am asking $300 obo.
  10. azcouesandelk

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Also to give you guys some incentive to buy some tickets I just heard from the president that we will have Doc Meyers 440 bull along with several other 400 plus bulls on display at the banquet.
  11. azcouesandelk

    130" Coues rack

    Guess you will just need to swing by Dons while you are down here for the ISE show.
  12. azcouesandelk

    130" Coues rack

    Manny asked to not have any pictures released or I would have posted some up! You really have to hold this buck in person to get an idea of what it is!
  13. azcouesandelk

    130" Coues rack

    I have seen it many times! The mass is unreal on it!
  14. azcouesandelk

    ISE Show

    I will be there on Friday and Sunday at the Arizona Elk Society booth.
  15. azcouesandelk

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Alright guys and gals there are still tickets available and we will be setup at the ISE show next weekend so come on by and pick up your tickets!
  16. azcouesandelk

    Feral hog/Russian wild boar in 36C?

    I have heard of feral hogs in the 36's on the refuge, but have never seen them personally. The skull is definately from a feral hog, but is that a bullet hole in its skull? I found a skull like that around Flagstaff 2 years and it had a bullet hole in its skull most likely from someone who brought the pig out there to kill it and butcher it.
  17. azcouesandelk

    Our archery success... (pic heavy)

    Don't know how I missed this thread! Great job everybody that is one heck of a January!
  18. azcouesandelk

    Mexico 08/09! (Long & Pic Heavy)

    Great story and great buck! Sorry to hear about the missed shot in December, but it happens. Keep up the good work!
  19. azcouesandelk

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Looking forward to seeing you again Richard. Hopefully you will be as successful as last year! Just wanted to bump this to the top since we have more of our live auction items posted on the AES website.
  20. azcouesandelk

    Need a new boot

    I have always worn Red Wings, but I just got a pair of Danner Frontiers and with several trips out with them I am nothing but pleased with them. The Frontiers come in an Uninsilated, 200 gram and 400 gram.
  21. azcouesandelk

    Adios amigos!

    What about me Gino? I wanna see the beast now!
  22. azcouesandelk

    GTT Jr's/Jakob's 2nd junior javelina hunt

    Great video Bret. You both sound super excited. Keep up the good work.
  23. azcouesandelk

    Time for a new bow

    I have shot just about every bow on the market and to tell you honestly, they all shot great. The Hoyt line is a great bow that is smooth and quick but you need to keep the cams timed. The Matthews line is also great because of how smooth and compact they are. The Bowtech line is probably one of the most underrated bows out there because that are less expensive, but they are smooth, quick and light. PSE has the speed thing down for sure and they bows shoot good. Figure out which bows you are the most interested in and go to several shops to try each of them out and decide. No matter what anybody on here tells you it is what feels best when you shoot it. Good Luck and keep us posted on what you end up going with.
  24. azcouesandelk

    Juniors javelina success! Video added.

    Way to go Garrett! You are becoming one fine hunter. Keep up the good work and enjoy every minute in the field with your pops.
  25. azcouesandelk

    GTT Jr's/Jakob's 2nd junior javelina hunt

    Man Jakob is a hunting machine! Big congrats guys!