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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. azcouesandelk

    Big Huachuca Buck...

    I cannot see the picture either.
  2. azcouesandelk

    Big Huachuca Buck...

    A couple of my dads friends got their deer out of their last weekend. Both go about 80 or so not the biggest, but their first.
  3. azcouesandelk

    36C opener

    That makes 3 now.
  4. azcouesandelk

    Bear calling

    Just curios where do you guys hunt bears in the pears. I have never seen a bear in the pears before. Only in oak hillsides and in the pine forest.
  5. azcouesandelk

    Even more NM coues.

    Hey way to go man. Hopefully my dad and I will have the same luck nest weekend in 36c.
  6. azcouesandelk

    Barska Optics

    Let me change the subject now. I have done my research and that is not for me, but if anybody can steer me toward a good rifle scope for under $400 I would appreciate it. I have looked at the leupolds, and the burris and so far i am leaning toward a burris fullfield 2 4.5-14x42.
  7. azcouesandelk

    34b toad

    Hey congrats on the trophy. I have never seen a coues that size before. Great job.
  8. azcouesandelk

    Favorite Deer Gun

    I am just curious to see what this will be. Mine would have to be my .300 win mag, but my good old .243 is up there to.
  9. azcouesandelk

    Hey Bullwidgeon/36c

    A azpackhorse my dad and I bot hgot a November tag for 36c. This will be my first coues hunt and I am hoping for it to be successful. We have a few spots picked out, but have not seen much that will top the 90 range. If you could help that would be appreciated.
  10. azcouesandelk

    Unit 28 Early Hunt (Success Photos)

    Congrats on the great deer. Also do you know what the one on the left will score that looks like a great trophy.
  11. .300 win mag all the way. It is the only gun that I will shoot for big game anymore.
  12. azcouesandelk

    november hunt.

    I will be leaving on veterans day morning to go get a camp set up and just practice my glassing that afternoon from camp. Then the next morning if we get our camp spot my dad and I will be hiking up the sideo fthe mountain up onto a saddle and watch 2 canyons and on side of a mountain so hopefully it will work out.
  13. azcouesandelk

    Who can score

    I would say an 18 inch spread (inside) and it would score about 105 or so.
  14. azcouesandelk

    Coues Whitetail .Com Record book

    That sounds great now I can only hope that I can get my deer this year to enter it.
  15. azcouesandelk

    Hunters Who Care Trash Cleanup

    I wish that I could make it down there. but I have a baseball game and then my homecoming that night. I cannot let my team and my lady down.
  16. azcouesandelk

    The best unit

    This is my first year going after coues, but I have spent enough time in some great coues units and seen enough coues to understand where it is good and where it isn't. Anyway I would have to say either 35a or 36c would have to be the best ones in the state.
  17. azcouesandelk

    Scent Vs. Noise

    This is a very difficult poll question. Because both being quiet and not smelling is important. You can have no smell and be noisy and spook the deer or be absolutely silent and have the wind to your back and it would still spook the deer. In my mind you need both but great question. I chose noise because I personally think that being quiet is just as important.
  18. azcouesandelk


    While coming out from sugar loaf mountain practicing my shootin a 4 foot diamondback came out on the road. So I stopped picked up a good sized rock and killed him with one throw to the back of it's head. I cannot stand rattlers they are posseessed in my mind.
  19. azcouesandelk

    Favorite Deer Gun

    I am surprised to see that nobody shoots a .280. In my mind that is an awesome round that deserves more credit.
  20. azcouesandelk

    Favorite Deer Gun

    Yes I have taking a deer with my .243 and it was my first. It was an antlerless deer in kaibab at about 50 yards and it stopped in its tracks. I just listed the first guns that had came to my mind. I apologize for no .30-06 and other guns that are good for deer.
  21. azcouesandelk

    New way of hunting discovered!!!!

    I don't know if that is a real way of hunting.
  22. azcouesandelk

    Lets see 'em

    I have wounded one animal and found him the next morning, but I still believe that I am a rookie because the other 3 big game animals I have gotten have dropped in there tracks.
  23. azcouesandelk

    .300 Win. Mag.

    I was not on a range. I was just outside of Florence Junction shooting into a water hole berm.
  24. azcouesandelk

    .300 Win. Mag.

    I will be shooting a .300 win. mag and I am going to be out at the range hopoefully every other weekend until the hunt starting next weekend. I am going to be ordering some ammo for it soon and was wondering what the best ammo is for it that is under $30 a box.
  25. azcouesandelk

    .300 Win. Mag.

    I will be out every other weekend shooting probably a box or so just so when I get that shot I will not miss.