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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. azcouesandelk

    trail cam pics

    i dont think it downloaded completely all i see is the top of the pic and then it is all grey
  2. azcouesandelk

    One more pic

    The one in the top left looks to be a good one. And they are way in the open there.
  3. azcouesandelk

    Unit 28 Bull

    That is an awesome set. And from unit 28 WOW!!!!!!!!
  4. azcouesandelk

    Alaska Bear & Deer Pics

    Man Desertbull you are one lucky guy to be able to go and hunt Alaska for deer and bear. Great pics and I bet that deer does taste good.
  5. azcouesandelk

    Friday Night

    never have seen one in the wild but hopefully this spring i might get lucky
  6. azcouesandelk

    UNIT 22

    yeah there are only carp the last coues was taking last year
  7. azcouesandelk

    Family Strengths

    I work at Red Mountain Trap and Skeet as a puller so if you want to shoot look for Christian and say you are from Coueswhitetail and we can chat.
  8. azcouesandelk

    I got my elk

    whatever kind of mount you decide to get I am sure that it will be great because that is an awesome animal.
  9. My guess is at 95 or so that is a nice buck.
  10. azcouesandelk

    I got my elk

    azhuntnut you are the man. Great bull what did he score.
  11. OK tonight was Saguaro's first homegame of the season for football. There was channel 3 and 12 104.7 and 92.3 there and it was just a big deal. Myself and 2 of my friends decided that we were going to paint our bodies our school colors. Upon return they let us in and we start cheering on the team. We win all of the spirit awards and the radio stations and news cast wanted to interview us. Well this is where it pisses me off. I am sitting on the couch since we won the spirit award and we are told to put our shirts on so we do and the assistant principle comes in and tells us that we need to leave the stadium as of that moment. We ask why and she says that we are breaking dress code. I looked it up and there is nothing in the conduct for dress codes at school sporting events. When we are leaving because she is literally pushing us out the radio stations wanted to do a live interview but she said no they need to get off of the school's property. When she was pushing us out the principle said that he loved our school spirit and he really appreciated that we did this. The assistant principle then says that we are getting kicked out for dress code causing a scene throwing our clothes and yelling at her. Now she is threatening to suspend me and my friends as of monday for this. I am so pissed at the school board and everybody thought that it was a great idea we were told by approximately 400 people that they were going to write letters to the administration and start petitions. School sporting events are to go out and have fun how is it fun if you cannot even express yourself. Did I mention that I am pissed off!!!!
  12. Well I went down to 36b scouting for my November tag yesterday and did pretty good. All in all I saw 7 bucks and out of those 7 3 were defenite shooters in my book. While we were camping though we kept having border patrol coming into our camp throughout the night. I have no clue what this was for but we packed up at 2:30 this morning and drove to Casa Grande area to spend the rest of the night. Here are some pics. We also saw 2 bucks that were noticeablly larger than this buck.
  13. azcouesandelk


    No Lark I had my shorts on and they were not short shorts.
  14. azcouesandelk

    Pictures through Binos

    I put the camera lens in the eyecup of the bino's.
  15. azcouesandelk


    Future hunting guide or wildlife biology is what you mean right?
  16. azcouesandelk

    More Sheds Found.....

    Isnt that how it always is littlebear.
  17. azcouesandelk

    Pictures through Binos

    I hope they will be as good as Josh's his elk pic is awesome.
  18. azcouesandelk

    Pictures through Binos

    This pic was taken through my 8x42 leupolds with the digital magnified up to 3x and this is my first pic through my bino's and I am impressed with the quality. And this picture was taking from 300 yards.
  19. azcouesandelk


    Well she wanted to suspend me and my friends but we had her look up and show us the rule saying that we were not allowed to do what we did. She said that she did not believe there was a rule stating that completely. She then called us in at the end of the day and said that it is only for basketball games you are not allowed to paint your body. So as of now it appears that I have won round #1.
  20. azcouesandelk

    More Sheds Found.....

    Awesome find
  21. azcouesandelk

    Scouting report 36b (pics)

    Still no Swarovski's yet but hopefully before my hunt
  22. azcouesandelk


    We lost 13 to 12 and we only scored the 12 points while we were at the game after we got kicked out it died down so much and alot of people left
  23. azcouesandelk

    Friday evening deer

    Looking forward to the pics. This should end up being interesting.
  24. azcouesandelk

    24 wildlife cam in Africa

    tons of guinea fell or whatever and some lopes of some kind.
  25. azcouesandelk

    Lucky finds

    Looks like those sheds might be from the same elk and that is an excellent muley shed. GREAT JOB!!!