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Everything posted by azcouesandelk

  1. azcouesandelk

    dec hunts

    The game and fish added an October hunt for 23 and took the tags from the December hunt.
  2. Maybe it might be a wild boar or maybe just a demestic hog somebody took out to slaughter. If that is a javelina WOW
  3. azcouesandelk

    Good Hunt.

    Hey Muley just email the pics to me at cdude2006@cox.net and I will post them for you.
  4. That is awesome. True piece of history there.
  5. Last year while quail hunting over the year I found 3 differnt Old Timer knives. #1 was south of Arivaca and that was a boner. #2 I found by Coolidge and that was just a pocket knife. #3 I found out by Oracle and that was a caper.
  6. azcouesandelk

    35B December

    If anybody has a December whitey tag I will be down there from December 17-24 for quail and some scouting. If any of you guys have a tag send me a PM and I would gladly try to help you out. I know the area pretty well and have seen some very nice deer.
  7. That isnt bad at all. Where did you buy the setup I am very interested in buying one.
  8. Hey standman how much does a setup like that cost? By the way very nice pics they are very clear and well centered.
  9. azcouesandelk

    youth hunt

    That is an awesome deer. Hope she is hooked for life.
  10. azcouesandelk

    Unti 34A Hunt

    WOW very impressive.
  11. Here is Casey's (firstcoueswas80) buck. Absolute toad.
  12. azcouesandelk

    Good Buck

    Very nice deer and I only see the little doll deer along with the buck.
  13. azcouesandelk


    We are all here to show off our game and to brag about it I mean I wish I could have done that this year. I posted my story about my hunt and how I came close and only a few weeks later BAM there it is a story different from mine which was implied towards me. We are hunters and need to stick together and fight those PETA people and any other anti-hunting organizations so we can preserve our rights for the future. We are hunters of america and we need to stand together.
  14. azcouesandelk

    You guys thought Mace's buck was big?!?!

    Another angle of this ungodly large buck And here is a pic of Casey's Dad's buck
  15. azcouesandelk

    hey casey first coues

    Do you have a picture? I am interested. Bluegrass all the way
  16. azcouesandelk

    24A sheds

    Very nice find. I really like those eyeguards they are beautiful
  17. azcouesandelk

    Monster AZ Coues

    Awesome job to the hunter. I still cant believe that there are coues that big.
  18. azcouesandelk

    35B Late WT.

    I have hunted 35b many times for mearns and have found alot of nice sheds and seen some nice bucks but it is really thick and dense in the central part of the unit. If I were you I would try to make a run down there and do some quail hunting and some scouting at the same time.
  19. azcouesandelk

    Personal Success

    Sounds like you had a really fun hunt with your dad.
  20. azcouesandelk

    Leupold VX-III help with a decision

    The 50mm is the way to go in my mind. You will get that much more light in and it will make all the difference I noticed it from my uprade from a 3-9x32 to my 4.5-14x42.
  21. azcouesandelk

    Game and Fish

    I dont think that he is allowed to threaten you like that unless he has probable cause and there wasn't a probable cause it seems like. By any chance were you able to get his name?
  22. azcouesandelk

    Lark's elk photos

    Great job lark all are great bulls. What unit were you guys in?
  23. azcouesandelk

    22 Success

    Great job both are beautiful bucks.
  24. azcouesandelk


    I am trying to work my way up to az4life's level but that means I cannot leave the site for about 3 days.
  25. azcouesandelk

