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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    Dream Hunt?

    Same here. Big rutting desert muleys with a bow is one of my passions.
  2. creed

    Landowner Tags

    I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading. I had a 2 year war with G&F over crop damage from javelina. It wasn't any small amount either but was tens of thousands of dollars a year. I was told so sad too bad. Other than lip service there was absolutely nothing they would do. Also found out the state owns the animals. Looking back I should have hired an attorney and fought it in court. I opened the farm up to any hunter that would ask permission. Even at that the trash and vandalism was crazy. Having experienced what the hunting public can do and wildlife damage I would support LO tags if they were structured properly. And how many hunt where improved livestock waters are the only source of water? Cattlemen have down far more for wildlife than the harm to the environment that cattle cause.
  3. creed

    Coues deer moving north!

    Some years ago I saw a trailcam pic a game warden had of a coues off the gunnery range in Gila Bend. That thing looked like an eastern whitetail. Also have a rancher friend that says there are some huge coues in the thickets of Centennial Wash and the Gila. They see them on cattle roundups.
  4. creed

    Otc Deer kill location

    What I find interesting is this is the driest I have seen 42 since 2002. It's also the longest it has remained opened since the quota system went into effect. It came within a couple of days of making it all the way.
  5. creed

    Archery OTC Future?

    I like it. Kinda like choose your weapon.
  6. creed

    Archery OTC Future?

    Antler restrictions have been tried and dropped. Go to the draw.
  7. creed

    Rut In January 2025

    Years ago I read an article predicting the mule deer would be extinct within a hundred years. Unless there are some drastic changes it will be sooner than that for the desert mule deer. The drop in numbers in the areas I hunt in just the last 10-15 years is scary.
  8. creed

    Crossbow permit repeal

    I had a guy tell me they are going to attempt to get the Americans with Disability Act involved. There is a possibility a can of worms has been opened. Think I will go fishing
  9. creed

    Prayers for my Dad Bill

  10. creed

    Crossbow permit repeal

    I’m old enough to remember OTC rifle deer tags. Just a handful of years ago desert rifle deer tags used to be a sure thing with two bonus points.. I have friends and family needing 3-4 now. I don’t have the time to wait that long. I likely am done if I don’t draw this year.
  11. creed

    Crossbow permit repeal

    You can find people in nearly any area of life that abuse the system. How many guys do you know that road hunt? How about driving down the road and see a big buck or bull? Do you ignore it and keep driving just because you spotted it from the road? I'm not. I'm going to try and kill it. Is that considered road hunting? Does it violate the rules of fair chase? How about radios? There's a whole other topic. I think they should be banned. How did G&F come up with their 40%? For you guys with the answers, how far are guys killing game with an xbow? It's said they have an advantage. I killed an antelope at 93 yards with a Hoyt Vectrix. No, I shouldn't have taken that kind of shot but did. How much greater advantage do they really have? I will give you that over water xbow's likely have an advantage. Less movement for sure. Otherwise I have hunted with disabled vets that used xbows. If they had an advantage spot and stalk I completely missed it. I am going to let the Dept know my thoughts but this feels like a done deal. Comments are likely a formality. I'm sorry but I get the feeling of elitism here.
  12. creed

    Crossbow permit repeal

    Other than the argument crossbows aren't archery equipment what is the issue with a disabled person using an xbow during an archery hunt? Why are they less archery than a modern compound loaded with today's top of the line accessories? I've been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and other conditions that make it hard to hunt. It's tough to go from bench pressing over 300lbs to having difficulty even walking. I have never killed anything with a crossbow but when I get to the point I can't shoot a compound I won't hesitate to go crossbow.
  13. creed

    Rut In January 2025

    Unit 42. Freaking 4 bucks have been terrorizing my yard. I could shoot them out the laundry room window but they only come in after dark. Heard a commotion the other night and had 5 pigs destroying anything that was in their reach.
  14. creed

    Rut In January 2025

    Someone post a picture of what a deer looks like. Only thing I can find is pigs.
  15. creed

    Oleander removal

    Just keep in mind oleanders are highly poisonous and that includes smoke. It can kill you
  16. creed

    Any kids here have 42 youth?

    Good luck to anyone with that hunt. I just got done helping a friend during the general and it’s pretty tough.
  17. creed


    Maybe another year? deer_video_59.mp4
  18. creed


    I guessed him at 155ish. He looks like a younger deer with some good potential. Over the last 15 years or so I have killed 3 bucks over 180 within a mile of where I found him.
  19. Good shape. Price Drop again Asking $950 Should be covered by the Zeiss Lifetiime Transferable Warranty https://www.zeiss.com/content/dam/consumer-products/united-states/service/limited-lifetime-transferable-warranty.pdf
  20. creed

    Browning B2000 12ga

    What kind of trade might interest you?
  21. creed

    What keeps you from going?

    I have health issues that started with covid and snowballed into a bunch of other issues. To add to the fun I was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, what they think is from a lifetime of agricultural chemical exposure. I have missed out on a lot of hunting for the last 2 years but I am not going to let it stop me anymore. I have hunted solo most of my life and will likely continue to do so. It's harder to get ready to go but I have come to accept I'm not 20 anymore. It keeps me motivated to work out and stay in shape. Even at that it's still a pain in the arse to get ready.
  22. creed

    Mexico Fishing

    I'm envious. Looks like it was a great trip I've been looking for a Mexico all inclusive that won't break me. Been going to Alaska but I'm wanting to try something differrent.