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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    N E 1 know this guy?

    It's an indication of where we are as a society. Any society that would elect Joe Biden and company as leaders has some serious issues.
  2. creed

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    It seems I am always that guy. If there's a way to screw something up I will. Unless it's desert muleys. I have them dialed in most of the time
  3. creed

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    I am guessing coffeegrinders are spinning reels? Doesn't change a thing. I still hate baitcasters.
  4. creed

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    I go to Sitka deep-sea fishing. They always furnish bait cast rods and reels. I freaking hate them. This year I’m going to find me a good spinning reel, and a break down rod for transportation in the airlines. Been doing some pricing and I can get out of it for under $200. if you use them a lot and like spinning reels, it’s worth the investment.
  5. creed

    Commissioner bear tag

    Maybe $8500???? I wasn’t paying much attention when they auctioned it off.
  6. creed

    I am bored

  7. creed

    I am bored

    I posted these before but I am going to post them again deer_video_59.mp4 029.MP4
  8. creed

    Double standard?

    Thanks for bringing to my attention my bloodlust.
  9. creed

    Double standard?

    Why would I think there would be an automatic charge? Why do you think there shouldn't be a charge? do you have inside knowledge or just voicing your opinion? If it were my dog that got out and attacked someone I would bet there would be some kind of negligence charge. Maybe not but based on my dealings with the law, dogs and livestock issues I would be surprised if there wasn't.
  10. creed

    Double standard?

    You don't think so?
  11. creed

    Double standard?

    cop or civilian
  12. creed

    Double standard?

    The leash law in Maricopa county came as a result of a young girl that was killed by a couple of pit bulls on her way to school. it happened about a mile from my house. People that can't/won't keep their dogs up shouldn't be allowed to have one. If you think there is no double standard you just don't want to see it.
  13. creed

    Card Hits!

    It’s entertaining. A guy just has to keep it in perspective that it’s all Internet. BS. If you don’t have a thick skin or can’t take insults stay off of the dang forums. I would bet that there’s not very many that haven’t gotten into it with somebody else on the www.
  14. creed

    Card Hits!

    Too many people moving here. Voter fraud aside it's why we are no longer a red state. Californians and liberals.
  15. creed

    Card Hits!

    What messes me up is 19 archery antelope points and didn’t get drawn on 2 units that were 100% last year with that number of points. Talk about point creep!
  16. creed


  17. creed

    Line counters

    I am wanting to take my spinning rod and reel to Alaska with me this summer, and use it to catch salmon. I need a line counter and the only thing I can find are the ones that clip on the pole. Anybody ever use one? Bait cast reel‘s with line counters are common, but I won’t use one. I don’t like them.
  18. creed

    Who’s in ?

    With only 2 points for elk I don't stand a chance. But, I had bought point guard last year for antelope and turned my tag in. That gives me a bunch of archery antelope points. The two units I applied for were in the bonus round last year with the number of points I have this year. We shall see.
  19. creed

    Azgfd fall regs

    Wanna bet? LOL!
  20. creed


    Does anyone know how to go full screen in Onx? I have done it accidentally a couple of times but have no idea what I did.
  21. creed


    Just press the freakin X.