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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    December desert muzzy hunt. #1179

    I've got it. It is the only hunt I have applied for in nearly 20 years.
  2. creed

    5b South early archery cow

    I have the early archery bull tag. I've hunted the unit before and my experience is that you can pick a spot and elk will be there. You can't go wrong. Check out the AZGFD "where to hunt" section. Lots of good stuff therel http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunting_units_5b.shtml
  3. creed

    Regular joe workout

    I've been hitting moderate weights 2-3 times a week for the last 6 years on a pretty regular schedule. I had plantar fasciitis and had to back out of the cardio for a couple of years but got that straightened out, kind of. I have thrown stationary bike and a treadmill in to get the cardio going. My workout schedule keeps me busy 5-6 days a week except during hunting season. You younger guys better enjoy how easy it is to get and stay hunting fit. It is a bitch getting old
  4. creed

    Crossbow use during acrchery season?

    I don't know if it has changed but you needed a 90% disability in one arm a few years back when my ex-wife applied for one. You have to get the form from G&F and have your doctor fill it out.
  5. creed

    The results are up!

    Dec desert muzzy hunt. Girlfriend drew 42 general. With an archery bull tag and her with a general cow tag it is going to be a fun hunting season.
  6. creed


    The regs say on page 20 that they will start accepting applications for leftovers on July 22nd so the results should be out this week.
  7. creed

    2013 draw results ?

    I did. I couldn't stand it. Drew a late muzzy tag.
  8. creed

    2013 draw results ?

    Anyone put in with a Cabela's card? They run a couple of days behind but if I take my current charges and run it against my available credit there is a $35 difference. They have rounded the numbers off on the available credit. Just curious if that means anything or maybe I drew that late muzzy hunt?
  9. creed

    2013 draw results ?

    My dad's was Chase.
  10. creed

    2013 draw results ?

    My dad had the loyalty and hunter ed points for a 40something general hunt
  11. creed

    2013 draw results ?

    No BS. My dad just got a hit too.
  12. How about someone coming up with an app identifying this idiot as a pedophile? That would make some of these morons think twice about coming up with some of this junk. http://freepatriot.org/2013/07/09/new-android-app-allows-everyone-to-see-who-is-a-gun-owner-in-their-neighborhood/
  13. creed

    Arizona Cell Phone Coverage

    I have used several companies over the years but Verizon has the best coverage of any I have tried. They have issues too. There is technology out now that allows you to send out a 911 satellite signal without breaking the bank. I hunt alone alot too and am considering looking into something like that.
  14. creed

    Interesting find when slicing jerky

    A buddy shot an elk that had a muzzy slug embedded in his skull plate and a Thunderhead broadhead that had gristled up lodged in his spinal area. They are tough animals.
  15. I heard yesterday that in the latest polls over 70% of Americans polled believe that these latest scandals are of secondary importance. The economy is the pressing issue. I can't believe that most people are willing to allow a corrupt government to walk all over their constitutional rights to keep their wallets healthy. What happened to freedom and the protection of the constitution? We are truly becoming a soicalist country that is developing a "what can you do for me" mentality.
  16. creed

    Hoyt Vectrix XL for sale

    I still have this bow but haven't been pushing it. I need to get rid of it. I will throw in a hard case and all accessories for $350. If you only want a bare bow make me an offer. I will consider trades in ammo in 30-06, .270, 7mm Mag, 22LR or 22 Mag
  17. creed

    Hoyt Vectrix XL for sale

    I am cleaning out some hunting gear and this is one of the things I want to go. I have a 2007 right hand Hoyt Vectrix XL , 30" draw. It has one hunting season on new limbs and cams. NAP 4000 micro adjustable arrow rest, Truglo 5 arrow quiver, Truglo single pin Range Rover sight, Vaportrail strings and cables that may have one more hunting season in them, maybe. I am selling it with either 5 Carbon Express Maxima 3D select arrows or 7 Carbontech Cheetah arrows, straightness of both are .001. A couple of the Cheetahs may need refletched. Fletch hunter release and a pack of Steelhead XL broadheads. This stuff shows normal signs of wear and tear. Asking $400 cash. I prefer to sell locally in the greater Phoenix area.
  18. I read an interesting take on insurance rate increases a while back. They stated that the liberals knew this would happen and it will give them an excuse to take control of healthcare by driving people to government health care due to the high costs of private insurance. They would then have control of you. I guess we will find out soon enough.
  19. My premiums are increasing about a hundred dollars a month, my deductible is going from $2800 to $3500. It sucks.
  20. creed

    Bow Strings

    I've used several different strings including Winner's Choice. Vaportrails are the best I have used with great customer service too.
  21. creed

    Navajo Army Depot for Elk, Question?

    I drew a leftover there about 4 years ago and was harrassed so badly that I spent a total of 15 minutes there. It started at the gate with a jackhole and a pistol thinking he was important. He gave me nothing but a hard time. When I finally got it out of him where to camp it started all over again with the "host" at the camping area telling me since I wasn't military I couldn't hunt/camp there. I showed him a tag and still was into with him over whether I was there legally or not. I decided it wasn't worth dealing with idiots, turned around and drove the 200 miles back home. Having said that, I have friends that hunt there nearly every year. It comes down to do you want to potentially have to deal with stupidity and people overwhelmed with their own importance. Lots of elk and I know people that have had no problem whatsoever. I think it just depends on who you are talking to that day.
  22. creed

    Hoyt Vectrix XL for sale

    one more time
  23. You may be right but I don't think it will come to fighting in the street. I think a just God will judge us before that. This world can't continue on the insane track it is on without something happening.
  24. This country is not far from hitting the bottom. The social issues of today that are getting majority support are an indication of where we are as a society. It's pretty sad.
  25. creed

    How many points for archery 10 Antelope?

    About 12% with 7 BP's for 21 archery antelope.