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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    Target Panic Cure?

    Been fighting it for years and I am almost to the point of quitting. I have tried nearly everything. I bought a hinge handle some years ago but never gave it a chance. I have fully committed to it. If it doesn't cure me then I quit. I have made a makeshift bow string and sit around the house in the evenings pulling it back, anchoring and going through the motion of releasing. I shoot at a very large bullseye from 5 yards away instead of the long ranges I used to shoot that eventually caused target panic. I got brave the other day and pulled out to 50 yds. to shoot. I put three broadhead tipped arrows in a 3" circle so maybe I am making some progress. I plan on hunting with it this year. If I get into a situation where I can't make the shot because of the time it takes me to get the hinge to fire I probably shouldn't have been shooting anyway.
  2. creed

    Great hunt with my dad

    Enjoy every minute that you can with your dad. I lost mine last week yet will have all of the memories of the hunts that we shared together.
  3. Surprised it took this long for him to get around to it. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/03/obama-goes-beyond-mere-gun-control-hints-confiscation/
  4. Here's some pics. Sorry about the quality but they were taken with my phone. this is the worse scuff mark on the stock. The stock has some marks, nothing really deep and most of them came when I had this rifle in a 25-06 and lugged it around in my jeep all the time. The cheapest I have found anything resembling this rifle is around $750. I would take the stock condition and the fact it is a 28 degree shoulder into consideration in a trade should I decide to get rid of it. I would guess it has somewhere between 500-750 rounds through it but I can't really remember it has been so long since I shot it. I didn't shoot it much after having it rechambered.
  5. I have a 257 Roberts Improved 700 BDL, 28 degree shoulder with a stainless barrel by the old Atkinson Gun Co. The stock is kind of rough. Does anyone know of a website that could give me an approximate value? I need a shotgun worse than this rifle. It's been collecting dust for the last 12 years.
  6. I would like to think that he is smarter than to try it. It could get very ugly in a big hurry.
  7. Forgot to add it is bedded and floated with factory trigger. I will try to post some pics tonight
  8. Looking for a 12 gauge of comparable value or an open sight 30-06. I have been unable to find how much this gun is worth as it seems prices are all over the place. Also have a straight line seater and a set of RCBS dies with the 40 degree shoulder and a couple boxes of ammo that would go with it should I decide to get rid of it. This rifle had a heavy varmint barrel on it and I sent it back to Atkinson in Prescott and had it turned down some so my wife could carry it. It will shoot factory Roberts ammo. Used to fire form the cases this way. It is a tack driver. Last time I used it was in 2000 on an antelope hunt. It chrono'd 87 grain handloads near 3500fps.
  9. creed

    Did you ever notice?

    Christians are fair game in anyone's book. We are "bigoted, haters, discriminatory, homophobic, etc." Need to wipe the world clean of such a people. Maybe the return of Christ will take care of that problem. God forbid anyone should say anything about muslims and the religion of peace. And yes, I have noticed that anytime this administration has something negative going on there is a distraction.
  10. creed

    UTV choices

    My Rhino was to the point it was giving me old age issues so I bought a Honda Pioneer. I bought it because I wanted to get away from the belt drive. I love the Honda automatic transmission and their engines are second to none. They are quiet compared to a belt drive machine The one thing about them I don't like is the position of the accelerator pedal and the lack of leg room. I didn't notice it until I took it out for a long morning. Not much room there and my foot was throbbing from the position I had to hold it in. I did some modifications and it is better but I still don't like it. I would take a hard look at the Yamaha Viking if I bought another one. I had zero complaints in the 10 years I ran my Rhino.
  11. creed

    Nikon warranty work

    Sent my Premier's in to have work done on them at the end of the Jan. deer season. I got them back the first week of August. They needed to be replaced and they were out of stock. They did offer to reimburse me if I had proof of purchase but I wanted the glass instead. I have friends that have gotten returned glass in 2-3 weeks.
  12. creed

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    I-10 and 395th Ave. A 4x5 bull was hit on the freeway just down from my house. There was an elk in the Gila Bend area some years ago too.
  13. creed

    Stolen stands and cameras in 5bs

    We came in mid day on a hunt once. Came back out to the treestand that afternoon. Forest service had taken the treestand out of the tree and set it at the base of the tree. They will muck with your property but this sounds like your common scum thief.
  14. creed

    Stolen stands and cameras in 5bs

    I hate freakin' thieves! Maybe check with the forest service. I don't think G&F is in the business of removing stands on national forests but the FS has been known to do it.
  15. creed

    Bagdad to Bozarth Mesa

    Has anyone been through here lately? I was thinking of heading up there and wondering if the road conditions are good enough to pull a flatbed trailer through. I have seen that road completely washed out or turn into a mud bog near the Bozarth Mesa turnoff.
  16. creed

    Bagdad to Bozarth Mesa

    Thanks for the info. Looks like I will take the Camp Wood Rd from Williamson Valley. That road is a mess too but at least it is driveable.
  17. creed

    Zeiss conquest 15x56HD

    Wish you were selling these when I bought mine. I paid $1500 through Camera Land and thought it was worth it. IMO they are every bit as good as the old Swaro SLC's. If you wear eyeglasses they are a lot more user friendly too! And I think Zeiss has a good of a transferable warranty as anyone out there
  18. creed

    Stolen camera

    Camps can't be abandoned for more than 24 hours. I would bet they can apply the same rules to trail cameras. They write the rules and change them as needed to meet their agenda. http://thenationalforests.com/the-national-forests/national-forest-camping-rules.html
  19. creed


    I saw my ex-wife shoot a bull elk at 200 yds. in the 4th rib on the right side and blow the left shoulder completely out. She was shooting a factory load with a 180 grain Winchester Silvertip . I wouldn't hesitate to take a 308 elk hunting.
  20. creed

    UTV bow carrier

    Just bought a Honda Pioneer SxS. Was wondering what you guys with UTVs used to carry your bows. I made one for my Rhino but think I will buy one this time around. Any suggestions on what works well?
  21. I'm selling my dad's 500 quadrunner. He bought it new and it has been sitting for the last 4-5 years. 2160 hours on it. I just put a new battery in it. It could use a new fuel valve but that's probably not a must. It needs o-rings and will leak when turned to reserve. The valve runs about a $100 and 10 minutes of time to swap out. Tires are in decent shape and it runs good. Other than age no known issues other than what I posted. Asking $1600
  22. creed

    1998 Suzuki 4x4 Quadrunner

    price drop to $1300
  23. creed

    Pop up camper canvas repair?

    I just had these guys do some repair on my pop up where the original stitching was coming apart and extend the rain fly around the outside. I haven't had it in the field yet but it seems like quality work. The price was very reasonable. http://www.phoenixtent.com/
  24. creed

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    That's what I don't agree with. If there's a gate and you don't want me on the road then lock the gate that's already their. With that said- I try to obey the road closures except the ones I just don't agree with. I believe the road closure excuse was to prevent further destruction of the habitat and yet they just graded a closed road. On the camping side of it I would probably follow the rules just because I don't want to spend all the time it takes to set up the wall tent to be told to take it down and move. Last archery season, we had just finished setting the tent up when forest service pulled in and pulled out her map and said good news, you're in a designated camping spot so I don't have to make you move. When did they start with designated camping spots? I thought that camping was allowed throughout the forest. It was motorized travel or parking within 30 feet of the road that was the issue.