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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    Good rut???

    Good bad or otherwise I have a tag and I am going to enjoy every minute of it. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have an elk tag. At my age I am looking at this as possibly the last archery bull elk tag I will ever have. I am going to make the most of it.
  2. creed

    Is AZGFD giving out our personal information?

    I have been told they sell it. Never read their privacy notice if they even have it but the wording that allows them to do it is probably buried in that. I don't really care. In this day and age everyone and their brother has access to your info. I get solicitations from companies all the time. I think they all have access to who I am and what I do.
  3. creed

    Decoys While Solo Hunting

    I have had the same thing with elk hanging up. I always thought that a visual would help bring them in that last 30-40 yards. I went ahead and bought this. If it doesn't work I guess I am just out the money. I didn't buy the clamp. I don't need anything else hanging off of my bow. http://www.ebay.com/itm/381308881498?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  4. creed

    Solo elk hunting

    Thanks for all the offers to help. As much as anything I was curious as to how many solo hunters there would be. More than I expected. As it gets closer there are a couple of guys that hunt the same areas I like. Even if family comes through and I have company I may check in with them. I think nearly everyone could use another strong back when it comes to packing one out. I have that!
  5. creed

    Solo elk hunting

    2013 in the middle of the 93 road. Sliding all over the place. It can get wet.
  6. creed

    Solo elk hunting

    My wife knows where I'll be. She has been all over the unit. And we spent our "honeymoon" chasing elk there a few years back. She may finagle a way to get there yet.
  7. creed

    Solo elk hunting

    5BS Kind of surprised the number of guys that may be hunting alone. I have received several pm's and appreciate all of the offers. Still a lot of uncertainty about this hunt. I am going to do one more scout close to the opener. Things can change a lot but regardless life is pretty good when you have a bull elk tag in hand.
  8. creed

    Best time to hunt the burns?

    I am about to find out. 36000 acres burned in my elk unit this year with my hunting grounds taking the brunt of it. I was up there about 3 weeks ago and it was starting to green up where the sun had penetrated the canopy. Elk sign was scarce to non existent there. I moved 3 miles to where it had not burned and saw a herd of 100-150 elk and sign everywhere. I am thinking they shifted out of the burn. I have talked to a couple of very good elk hunters and a former G&F biologist and they all said the same thing, if there is enough early rain to get a greenup going the burns will be as good as anyplace in the unit. The 2nd and 3rd year is when it can be really good. One of them said 90% of the elk they kill come out of burns.
  9. I own both a Spot Hogg 7DP and a Black Gold Ascent. You can't go wrong with either but if I were to buy one int would be the Black Gold. Awesome sight and great customer service. Lots of moving parts on the 7DP. Still an awesome sight.
  10. creed

    mouth reeds

    So I admit I am not the best elk hunter around. In fact I stink. I am trying to master mouth reeds and am not having any luck. Just wondering what you guys would recommend to a piss poor elk hunter and worse elk caller? I need something easy. Any suggestions?
  11. creed

    I wonder

    I think you are right. This government is so corrupt. They should save the taxpayers a bunch of money and incoronate the Queen right now but that isn't going to happen. The media needs something to worship and adore. They need to gloat over how badly she beat Trump. The thought of looking at her for 8 years makes me want to puke.
  12. creed

    40 %.........

    Ok, I admit I am not too smart but what is quality checks?
  13. creed

    Plantar fasciitis insoles

    Spenco runner insoles and alcohol injections fixed me. I went through 2 years of complete misery and was sure I would never be able to walk normally again without surgery. My podiatrist opted for alcohol injections into the nerve as a last resort before surgery. Best thing that happened to me! That was nearly 9 years ago and I have zero issues with foot pain. I still stretch regularly and never go without shoes, even around the house.
  14. creed

    mouth reeds

    Tonopah Thanks for the help guys. Maybe I am expecting too much too soon. I'll keep after it.
  15. creed

    Arizona glass for mulies?

    +1. And buy the best glass you can possibly afford. Glass is one area where the saying you get what you pay for is true.
  16. creed


    Target Panic. Maybe.
  17. creed


    Her thermometer is probably not in a good place. She is always 3 degrees hotter than mine. I hit 129. Regardless, it was one miserable day and today isn't going to be much better.
  18. creed


    Hit 129 at my house, 133 at my daughter's a couple of hundred yards north of me. I think those numbers are probably pretty close. We live in a hot spot.
  19. creed


    OK, so at 10:45 it is 120 degrees. The school down the road will be 3-5 degrees hotter. My daughter's house will be 2-3 degrees hotter. I live in a cool spot. I have no idea why I live in this he!!hole. Retardation maybe, lack of common sense, stupidity? I will go with stupidity.
  20. creed


    The last hot spell hit 127 at my house. My daughter who lives a couple hundred yards from me had 130. I am a native and it's only the 4th time in 60 years I have seen it 130 or more. I work outside in this stuff and freakin hate it.
  21. creed

    Please Pray for Me and My Family

    Prayers headed your way Nick.
  22. Picked up one of these back in the 70's and still have it. It isn't free weights but it can certainly strengthen your bow muscles. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bullworker-Classic-/301593679351?hash=item46386255f7:g:FeEAAOSwfcVUBSvA
  23. creed

    Bachelor Groups

    I have seen the same thing. I have been hunting desert muleys for 50 years and have seen it several times. Last January I saw a 140ish 4x4 with a doe, 3 cows and 5 burros. Saw it again later in the season.
  24. creed

    NM draw

    Nothing. But I guess that is OK since my wife has an October cow tag and I have an early archery bull tag.
  25. creed

    Unit 23 sucess?

    My elk app has changed several times in the last week or so. From order 123 to 213 to 123 yesterday back to 213 this morning. Here's a link to a thread I started on the national bowsite the other day. Lots of interesting theories but I don't expect anything to come of it. But if it is true along with my 5BS early archery bull tag I drew unit 15 NM first archery bull. http://forums.bowsite.com/TF/bgforums/thread.cfm?threadid=452654&messages=78&forum=5#4205192