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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    Trouble putting in for the draw

    It's a screwed up deal now. My ex and I used our ss#. When I applied for my wife it wouldn't accept the ss# and I had to use her new ID#. A friend was having issues with applying. He called and was with a tech for quite awhile getting things right. He told me that according to this guy the new and old system are still linked thus the issues. When the actual draw occurs it will be from the old system. Who freakin knows?
  2. creed

    Trouble putting in for the draw

    Have you used his new department issued ID? I ran into a similar issue with my wife. it wouldn't accept it until I used the new ID#. I also cleared cookies too.
  3. I applied for elk and antelope about a week ago. Went into the portal and there’s no record that I have applied. I called the department and they told me that if I had confirmation numbers it should be OK. They had no way of checking for me. Has anyone else run into this? It’s got me nervous now
  4. creed

    Elk application not on record

    Nah. You'd like doing business with me. Not much gray area in my world.. It's either right or it's not.
  5. creed

    Elk application not on record

    Mine showed up too.
  6. creed

    Elk application not on record

    The ineptness of any government agency makes me nervous. I figure they are going to screw it up. I can't relax.
  7. creed

    Elk application not on record

    So something like this is what you guys are seeing?
  8. creed

    Elk application not on record

    This is the first time I’ve seen it. The part that makes me nervous is when they tell me it SHOULD be OK.
  9. creed

    Elk application not on record

    Wouldn’t it have to go before the commission? I think heck would freeze over before they would award you a tag. I cannot think of any time in the recent past where they awarded a tag to anyone. By the way I do have confirmation numbers but without having record on my portal still makes me nervous.
  10. creed

    water catchment 603

    Been sick with Covid and left a ground blind up on 603 in the Belmonts. Went out today to pick it up and some sob needed it worse than I did. There are trail cameras on the drinker that would have been able to see who got it. Anyone here has a camera there and sees someone other than a guy in a grey dodge taking down a ground blind I would sure like to see who it is
  11. creed

    water catchment 603

    LMAO! You don’t know me or anything about me. If you did you wouldn’t have made that remark.
  12. creed

    water catchment 603

    Another possibility is the wind out of this last storm uprooted it and blew it away. I looked the area over but didn't see it. If someone picked up a blind blown out into the desert that is completely different than breaking it down and putting it in the back of their truck.
  13. creed

    water catchment 603

    It's BLM. I don't know and don't care what the law is. I couldn't prove ownership. It's no big deal to remove a tag or mark over my name. I didn't plan on leaving it out there. I got sick enough the last day I hunted it I didn't think I would make it home from hunting. My boss offered to pick it up but I told him I would take care of it. Should have let him.
  14. creed

    Mule Deer 20/21 Rut Report

    My favorite unit. I had all of the covid house rest I could take and went into 44A today. I didn't put out any effort but did glass up a small 4x4. I think I could have killed him but he will be a good buck in a couple of years 34.mp4
  15. creed

    AZGFD please get a better IT Team

    I put in multiple apps a couple of days ago. Just went back in and looked and there is no record of having applied. I kept receipts but their system is an absolute joke. I am going to give it a couple of more days before calling. Maybe they will miraculously appear.
  16. creed


    The NRA is a pita. They drove me nuts calling several times a week. I told them I was not renewing my membership if they didn't stop the harassment. Having said that I renew my membership and donate when I can. I might be wrong but I think they are a major reason we still have firearms. We are going to need all the help we can get under this new communist party that is about to take power.
  17. creed

    Mule deer Rut question

    I have seen bucks with does into early April but where I hunt it has slowed way down by end of January. I have trailcam pics somewhere of a buck that had dropped in mid March. The secondary rut can be insane in February. I once counted 6 bucks on one doe
  18. creed

    Mule deer Rut question

    Been hunting hard since right after Xmas and have seen lots of does but only a couple of bucks above 160. still seeing groups of does without mature bucks. I don't know if it has anything to do with it but they shot the sh!t out of them during the general hunting over water. Due to this drought and the poor conditions there will be does that don't cycle. With no rain the does that do breed will drop fawns that aren't 100% healthy. No vegetation for cover means higher fawn predation. There is going to be long term effects. You can bet G&F won't cut permits either.
  19. Surprised by the number of liberals on this site. 😕
  20. creed

    Mule Deer 20/21 Rut Report

    6 point?
  21. creed

    Mule Deer 20/21 Rut Report

    Getting my butt handed to me on the muzzy hunt. Still seeing lots of does but nothing going on that I would call a rut
  22. creed

    Rid-A-Rat Pack Rat solution?

    I had the wiring harness on my wife's car chewed up 3 different times. No insurance coverage. We put up lights but they didn't help. The service manager at Ford said they used a soybean insulation on the wiring thus the issue with rats eating them. I had rats get under my house and set up shop. I poisoned them. Big mistake. I have to listen to my wife bitch about the smell of dead rats now. I don't know which is worse, her bitching or dead rat stench.
  23. creed

    Mule Deer 20/21 Rut Report

    Absolutely zero rutting activity in the areas I am hunting on the muzzy hunt
  24. creed

    FYI --New Log-In For AGFD Portal

    Something changed. I went in again this morning and was able to get my ex's account set up. Went very smooth.
  25. creed

    FYI --New Log-In For AGFD Portal

    I am having the very same issue with my ex wife's account. It's BS!