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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    Lion or Large Bobcat

  2. creed

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    that was an ugly thing. Learned alot about wildlife politics.
  3. creed

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    Donniedent. The old AZOD board. Whatever happened there?
  4. creed

    Need glassing gear advice

    I can't smoke it. It throws me into afib.
  5. creed

    Need glassing gear advice

    throw in some cataracts and glaucoma. You'll need more than readers.
  6. creed

    Need glassing gear advice

    I own older top end Nikons, Zeiss and various other optics. The Nikon LXL's are lightweight and with the exception of the swaro EL's have optics that will compete with anyone's glass. I have the Zeiss Victorys which are very light weight but their optics aren't as good as the NIkons. I have yet to see what I considered a lightweight pair of 15's. A guy that knows how to glass with 10's on a tripod can do lots of damage .Desertguide can take a pair of 10's and find more deer than most guys with 15's. 12's and a tripod might work? My issue with 12's is hand shake. I see no advantage for me to use 12's since I have to use a tripod with them. 75% of my glassing is done with hand held 10s, the rest is either 15s or a zeiss diascope on a tripod.
  7. creed

    Is this Legit?

    Caribou eat lemmings. Looks like elk eat rabbits.
  8. creed

    black light

    That's pretty slick! How are they wired into your system? I usually carry one battery for lights only.
  9. creed

    black light

    Strips? I have looked at them and wondered if they put out enough light
  10. creed

    Pray for me, my wife is already with god.

    Sometimes there are no words. I am so sorry. Prayers headed your way
  11. creed


    I was at Alamo last night. Laid down on the boat deck and went to sleep for a couple of hours. I woke up and was looking at string of bright lights directly ahead. I thought the Russians or aliens were coming. I got home this afternoon and started checking. SpaceX starlink satellites. I never knew such a thing existed. There may have been more than a hundred in the first formation I saw. I got their schedule and found two more tonight. First one tonight had maybe 60 satellites. i know, I need to get a life but to see that many satellites is very cool. https://findstarlink.com/#1586;3
  12. creed


    You moved to the other side of the state
  13. creed


    Did it look like this?
  14. creed


    Bet it was starlink satellites. i just posted about them in the Campfire. There is a schedule of their flyovers.
  15. creed


    Fishing was slow. Caught just enough to keep me throwing a bait.
  16. creed

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Had an ablation done last Thursday. I have 3 months to completely heal but the actual downtime is about 5-7 days. I went back to light work Monday but full workload by next Monday. I will be on blood thinners for a couple of months but if things go as planned I will be med free when all is said and done. The worse part is they enter an artery in the groin. You are shaved as slick as a baby's butt. And the fondling by multiple nurses is not something I am used to. They gotta hold it for you when you urinate into a urinal. They don't want you getting up and moving around. And as many IV's as they give you you urinate a lot. 😳 Good thing about it is I was home the same day. Covid sucks. Sometimes wonder if I will ever get back to normal.
  17. Don't know what part of 23 you drew but I have seen some monsters taken in the Tyrone area. About 25 years ago I missed 3x a buck on the very extreme south end of the Burros that I bet would go the mid 200's. He had trash everywhere. That was the most heartbreaking screw up of my hunting life.
  18. creed

    Here's one for all the mask fans

    I didn’t know it was possible to have differing opinions on CW and not get into a pissing match
  19. creed

    Bumper hitch vs 5th Wheel

    They all seem to have issues of some sort but I own a Genesis toyhauler. I know others that own them and they seem to hold up very well. I have owned Forest River, Fleetwood and Coleman trailers. This Genesis I have now seems to be better quality.
  20. creed

    Bumper hitch vs 5th Wheel

    I have owned both and have a 32’ bumper pull now. I put a Hensley Arrow hitch on it. A semi passing or strong crosswind are scarcely noticeable.
  21. creed

    Havasu Report

    Nice! Used to fish there all the time but haven’t been there in over 30 years. Been thinking about trying it again
  22. creed

    ADBSS auction... this is funny as heck.

    LMAO! If you only knew.
  23. creed

    ADBSS auction... this is funny as heck.

    He’s a mule deer freak like me. I feel sorry for you sheep guys that will never draw a tag. To those that have......congratulations!
  24. creed

    Ride Now

    I freakin hate that!