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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    5BS over the weekend

    I drew a 5BS archery tag. I plan on heading up there the week of the 26th just to get reacquainted with the unit. I haven't hunted there in about 6 years.
  2. creed

    This is better than trailcam talk

    Hey Donnie good old buddy! You know you can tell me where they are LOL!
  3. I didn't follow this today but from the comments I am guessing they banned them yet left it so anyone but hunters can hang one? If so that is the dumbest thing I ever heard. I was for a ban but this is absolutely one of their finer moments of idiocy. Totally unenforceable IMO.
  4. Patience Andrew, They be coming.
  5. creed

    Hyperinflation is coming...

    My hunting partner and his wife are doing exactly that.
  6. creed

    Hyperinflation is coming...

    If you sell the capital gains is different between coins and bouillon.
  7. creed

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    Palomar and San Diego Jam knots are my favorites. If you double the line on the SD Jam it is as good a knot as there is.
  8. creed

    Hyperinflation is coming...

    I sold a chunk of real estate and bought physical gold when it was $450 an ounce. My then financial advisor told me I was a fool and would lose it all. I sold half when it hit $1000/ounce. The rest has been in a safety deposit box waiting for BS like this to happen.
  9. creed

    Hyperinflation is coming...

    This could get interesting for those of us with precious metal holdings.
  10. creed

    monsoon here???

    I haven't checked lately but NWS was predicting an early and heavier than normal monsoon. I hope they are right.
  11. This works off of your phone wi-fi and adjusts to fit most any diameter optics. 34.MP4
  12. creed


    I fished both there and in the brush. Also submerged treetops. The bigger fish came off of the rocks.
  13. creed

    Lion or Large Bobcat

  14. creed

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    that was an ugly thing. Learned alot about wildlife politics.
  15. creed

    Any bets? Fill in the blank!

    Donniedent. The old AZOD board. Whatever happened there?
  16. creed

    Need glassing gear advice

    I can't smoke it. It throws me into afib.
  17. creed

    Need glassing gear advice

    throw in some cataracts and glaucoma. You'll need more than readers.
  18. creed

    Need glassing gear advice

    I own older top end Nikons, Zeiss and various other optics. The Nikon LXL's are lightweight and with the exception of the swaro EL's have optics that will compete with anyone's glass. I have the Zeiss Victorys which are very light weight but their optics aren't as good as the NIkons. I have yet to see what I considered a lightweight pair of 15's. A guy that knows how to glass with 10's on a tripod can do lots of damage .Desertguide can take a pair of 10's and find more deer than most guys with 15's. 12's and a tripod might work? My issue with 12's is hand shake. I see no advantage for me to use 12's since I have to use a tripod with them. 75% of my glassing is done with hand held 10s, the rest is either 15s or a zeiss diascope on a tripod.
  19. creed

    Is this Legit?

    Caribou eat lemmings. Looks like elk eat rabbits.
  20. creed

    black light

    That's pretty slick! How are they wired into your system? I usually carry one battery for lights only.
  21. creed

    black light

    Strips? I have looked at them and wondered if they put out enough light
  22. creed

    Pray for me, my wife is already with god.

    Sometimes there are no words. I am so sorry. Prayers headed your way
  23. creed


    I was at Alamo last night. Laid down on the boat deck and went to sleep for a couple of hours. I woke up and was looking at string of bright lights directly ahead. I thought the Russians or aliens were coming. I got home this afternoon and started checking. SpaceX starlink satellites. I never knew such a thing existed. There may have been more than a hundred in the first formation I saw. I got their schedule and found two more tonight. First one tonight had maybe 60 satellites. i know, I need to get a life but to see that many satellites is very cool. https://findstarlink.com/#1586;3
  24. creed


    You moved to the other side of the state