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Everything posted by creed

  1. $150 to fill my pickup. It's almost to the point of affecting how much hunting/fishing I do. Almost
  2. creed

    unit 8 early archery bull

    Just curious if anyone else drew this tag this year.
  3. So if the last deer killed to fill the quota is killed on a Friday, I could still hunt through the following Wednesday? How are they to strictly enforce this when you can't get one to respond to a violation that you have called in and are watching happen. 3 years ago I called in a violation. I was told a game warden would immediately contact me. I am still waiting. Same thing happened once before. I don't even bother now.
  4. creed

    Deer Regs

    Bet it takes longer to get them out this year because of all their shenanigans.
  5. creed

    New Mexico draw

    I have rancher friends on the extreme south end of the Burros. The first few years they ranched there they took over 60 lions off their ranch. You pull up in their yard and you were greeted by 13 lion hounds. Last time I hunted there I had a lion run across the road in front of me.
  6. creed

    23 North Early Archery

    I know people that have had that hunt or early rifle. All but one hired guides. All but one killed 350+ bulls. I would likely go DIY but that is some badass country! I hunted the late hunt in the Gordon Canyon area 25 years ago. I thought I was in good shape but found out I could’ve been in better.
  7. creed


  8. creed


  9. creed

    New Member

    voting for Joe Biden
  10. creed

    New Member

    I love this freakin place!
  11. I don't see the problem with the LE hunts. The number of tags allotted are not having an effect on game. I have zero issue with them raising money. As to the longer seasons, why not? It should make for more applicants which should raise more revenue. Still don't like the OTC quotas. I would have preferred to see a draw.
  12. creed


    It would make the libs look bad if there was covid news. The mid terms are coming up. It's gonna be a blood bath as it is without covid.
  13. creed


    This country has gone nuts. Sh!t is about to hit the fan. Ruby Ridge
  14. creed

    hunting/camping solo

    Campmeat's thread got me thinking, Just curious as to how many hunt mainly alone and why. I probably hunt/camp solo 75% of the time, sometimes for several days at a time. When I do hunt with someone it is usually my wife. I don't need company and find solo helps clear my head out of the garbage that tends to clutter it up. Helping out others is different. I usually camp with them when I am helping but if it is my hunt, especially archery, it is usually alone. It makes my family nervous because of poor cell phone reception in some of my areas and health issues that come with age but it is my favorite way to hunt.
  15. A lot of guys kill deer during the general and then bowhunt January. Since they start the cycle in August I wonder if that is going to shut that down? I got an email today from the Dept in response to a question I had about NR's. They are not allowed to restrict NRs on the OTC hunts but was working to get legislative approval that would allow that. Hello, Currently, AZ statute does not allow the Department to restrict nonresident participation during hunts with tags that are offered over-the-counter. How, during the current AZ legislative process, the Department is pursuing changes that will allow us to do so. The bill has not yet been approved by both the House and Senate.
  16. creed

    Spott Hogg Fast Eddie

    ^^^^^ This Small adjustments with a peep can change POI. Good luck with the slider. I will never use one again.
  17. creed

    Alamo-any reports

    I have never fished for crappie except under lights and that is hit and miss. What would be a good technique this time of year?
  18. SSS The speaker is probably right. This state is a mini CA. We hunters are too busy fighting each other over trivial shoot like crossbows and long range rifles to be concerned about something of importance.
  19. What are limited entry hunts? Are these those special tags they threw out there last year? If so they've added elk, antelope, and turkey.
  20. I didn't misspeak. I am in total agreement they hurt average hunters. I would like to think this is going to make it harder for an outfitter to book a nonresident hunter when they don't know if a unit is going to be open or not. I didn't see it but there was also a cap of 10% of total tags allocated to nonresidents discussed earlier. I am hoping that is still a go. The areas I hunt in the Dec/Jan hunts have been overrun with guided NR hunters the last 2-3 years. Maybe this slows it down. If it doesn't the "average Joe" is screwed again. I am not sure I like the quota system but something needs to be done. I would have preferred to see a draw but with the huge influx of people, drought, loss of habitat, predation and hunting pressure the desert mule deer herd needs some help.
  21. Hope the guys pushing for quotas are happy. Those archery kill numbers are pretty restrictive. Gonna hurt outfitters
  22. creed

    Getting into welding question

    I used to blow coal black snot out my nose after a day of hardfacing with Ranite green tip. Throw in some organophosphate fumes when rebuilding injector knives and I am loaded up with good stuff.
  23. creed

    Getting into welding question

    No kidding! Being a dumbass and working for a guy that didn’t care about his employees has caused me many health issues. Years of inhaling welding smoke and fumes without ventilation or a welding mask has taken a heavy toll on my nervous system. Heavy metals are no joke!
  24. creed

    OTC hunts for 2023

    And those late rut hunts are what I live for. I cannot imagine not chasing rutting mule deer.
  25. creed

    OTC hunts for 2023

    That sucks. They are potentially decreasing opportunity.