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    The Old Pueblo

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  1. I was at the Sunrise shoot this past weekend. And after numerous reminders from the event organizers that there is a smoking ban. I was astonished that there were still people lighting up on the courses!!! I had to deal with this situation first hand. While shooting one of the fun courses. A guy in my group lit up a cigarette (while I was shooting) and layed it on the ground!! After my shot I moved over to let the next guy shoot (which was the guy who lit the cigarette). Well, I just happen to move over to find his burning cigarette lying on the ground burning. I was in total disbelief and quickly gave some constructive criticism! I then informed him about the states most horrific fire caused by careless individuals just last year. He quickly understood and apologized. I wasn't trying to be a Ares to him as I found out he is new to archery and to this state. But I cherish the forest and did what I hope most would do. Just venting a little. By the way the Sunrise Shoot was very Fun and I complement everyone involved for putting in the hard work to make it a memorable experience.
  2. June


    The trap is set!! Get sum SC!!!
  3. June


    Lack of institutional control or something like that. Pretty dumb if you ask me supposedly Murphy had some improper contact with some recruits back in the day. It had nothing to do with the kids on this yrs team or the coaching staff. Thanks. I want to think that as of now? The coaches are able to contact their recruits without violations.
  4. June


    Sooooooo. Can someone explain to me why the Devil's basebal team are on probation?
  5. June


    Guess this #3 seeded Florida team wasn't the one. "The Worm has Turned".
  6. June


    Maybe so, But Today!! Officially, The Worm has Turned!!
  7. June


    SOOOOoooey!!! The Worm has Turned!!!!!! Back The CATS!!
  8. June

    NO Campfires

    For me personally, It boils down to educating others whom are experiencing the outdoors. I'm assuming for their first time. Then again, I'm assuming. But then again, how many of us know how long charcoal burns. Even after being buried(+24hrs) Insane how that stuff burns. I don't care for confrontation like the rest of us. But if you are educated enough in the outdoors. Help those that are not. Walk over to their camp and give them some courtesy advice. It just might save your forest. Understand forrest.
  9. June

    Boogie Monster!

    Great and interesting posts. Great way to pass the time in between the seasons. i was looking back at some of the pics I took and it seems that there were at least two of these "Monsters". One with the 04 and one with 03. I guess I figured it was the same bird everytime it came by. Was quite the experience to say the least seeing them flying so low through the mountains down south.
  10. June

    Boogie Monster!

    Too funny!! The heat does make you see thongs Don't it? DOA maybe leased can be explained.
  11. June

    Boogie Monster!

    Seen this monster fly over at low alt. a few times while looking for sheds. I'm guessing it is one of ours even though there are zero markings on the fuse.Thus, making it a "Booogie Monster"? Leased. Super Stallion?
  12. June


    I guess it could be worse.
  13. June


    Really, 40'ish? All I know is that this person can bust a bottle cap like no other. Great talent. But time has taken it's toll. I don't think the metal things will do much. But that's why I asked. Thanks
  14. June


    So at what age will those metal things not correct it? Is approaching late 30's a little late?
  15. It's a sandal or a sturdy pair of ski's ,Unless, It has a Vibram sole.