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Everything posted by wetmule
wetmule replied to bowsniper's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
I think the approach the G & F Dept. is taking on this issue is Dead Wrong. Essentially what they are telling the hunting public by not making all reporting mandatory is this: 1. Here is our survey card, you can fill it out and turn it in if you want, but if you don't want to that's OK too - we really don't care. 2. If you do happen to fill it out and turn in your card that's cool, we'll plug whatever information you give us into some computer model and it will give us a baseline as to what's going on out there (Not taking into account whether the survey cards are being filled out accurately or not, IT DOESN'T MATTER) and we may or may not use that information to manage our wildlife populations based on what direction the commission and or the Director wants us to go. 3. Reporting for archery is mandatory but we are not going to enforce it AND we are going to use whatever information we get (Accuracy Notwithstanding) to regulate the archers and set permit numbers. See TLH's post above - he's right on. The whole thing is a joke IMO - If they really wanted to know, they they could VERY easily institute a system that would accurately give them harvest info., as most people are pretty honest and will report the truth. With the system they have they are encouraging and fostering the dishonest report, as many people don't want their information to further decrease their odds in their favorite unit or further erode their particular hunting opportunities based on their personal beliefs of what is going on. I think they would be wise, once they get the online system back up and running to institute an online mandatory reporting system whereby if you don't report you lose a bonus point or some other incentive be it positive or negative, that encourages people to report and give accurate data. With the system the way it currently is, it only fosters the perception that there is some funky stuff going on within the Dept. Either real or perceived, perception is reality. My .02 -
Don't eat the Lutefisk, you'll regret it (some kind of fish dish that looks exactly like snot) - be sure to post some pics of the Swedish Bikini Team when you get home. Have fun
Way to go Amanda glad you got to participate, and great pics, thanks for posting! When Jim Devos made his presentation to the ADA Board last year, from all the past researsch done on Three Bar up to this point, one can conclude that the primary and possibly only limiting factor for deer - is predation. When the fence was up with no predators the deer did extremely well inside while at the same time on the outside where predators roamed unabated, the deer did extremely poor. All this taking place during an extremely rough drought period where weather conditions, forage etc. were the same inside the enclosure as it was outside. One can conclude at least in the Three Bar area, that drought, weather, poor forage etc. has little to do with a deer's survivability. It's all about Predators. I believe I remember Amanda asking Jim in that meeting something to the effect of - Can one conclude or assume that in other parts of the State - other deer herds are being limited by the same factors ie: predators? If I remember right he was a little hesitant in answering but he said yes, one can come to that conclusion. This research is being done as a result of that meeting and its results may or may not futher the theory that predators are the biggest limiting factor in this deer herd. I also remember that the G&F was a little hesitant to get involved in this project. Congrats to them for getting involved and here's hoping that they use this information and data collected to better manage our deer herds, and hopefully and maybe more importantly our predators. Given their recent stance on hunter recruitment and retention, that may be a tool that they have to use again at some point. But given all the green opposition to doing anything at all about predators, it's going to be a tough road to hoe.
It could be Pat Newman but I don't have his contact #, if that's the guy you're looking for he is really good at his job.
wetmule replied to Non-Typical Solutions's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
I think you are right on Scotty, a wolf in sheepskin. If people in this country somehow elect this wacko to the highest office we're in deep doodoo IMO. People think the economy is bad now I have a feeling we ain't seen nothing if this guy gets in. The tax increases we'll see from this nut job will grind this economy to a complete halt, especially if the dems maintain a majority in congress. This guy doesn't have a CLUE!!! He said we have "57 States" ? he also said we need to put Arabic speaking people in Afghanistan, Hello! they speak Farsi in Afghanistan!! I can go on and on about all the blatant lies this guy has recently told. Tell us Barack O'Bummer just how are you going to unite this country when you can't even convince one man - your preacher & mentor of 20 years to stop hating this country or you can't convince your wife to find one thing about this country to be proud about. I'll tell you why you can't convince them - It's because you hold the same views. The sad and pathetic thing about this guy is the Media is soooo in the tank for this guy and they are heck bent on getting him in and unfortunately alot of people are drinking his KoolAid. Not Me. Jimmy Carter part two and worse is on the horizon if he makes it into office. -
Wind or rubbing on the wrong tree ? Must be an AZ bull
A big thanks to all who showed up to support the ADA and part with their hard earned cash on behalf of AZ deer herds. Muchas Gracias I also won my first raffle item, I think it's a Rem. 270WSM.
http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/Hamas_E...4/17/88754.html Who's next SATAN??
Yep, let the free market do its thing. If they put out a good product that people enjoy and find useful, interesting or entertaining they have a chance. The public at large will decide if it makes it or not.
maybe if we all buy some carbon offsets our critters won't get rabies
Spring Snow Melt and Global Warming
wetmule replied to SilentButDeadly's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Shocking ...........Not! http://www.roguegovernment.com/news.php?id=8474 -
AZGFD Commission Meeting in Phoenix
wetmule replied to Red Rabbit's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
I'd have to disagrre with Mark's comment regarding Leonard, after knowing him a little bit I would say he's anything but pompous and arrogant. He is just doing his job and like alot of us takes direction from above, in his case the Director and the Commission. Now as for a "Bellicose" commission I'd have to completely agree with you there are several members that I would say without question are hostile, arrogant and pompous and the sooner their terms are over the better, in my opinion. I also agree with you on Dick King, you won't find a more humble nicer guy. -
http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/realityzone...warmingtest.htm I know my facts
Spring Snow Melt and Global Warming
wetmule replied to SilentButDeadly's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/28629.html Lark, Bill Quimby=Smart dudes with strong foundations of common sense. Add that to your dictionary Bill -
School of Hard Knocks, like the rest of us?
There are many many articles in this next link if you really want to educate yourself about this farce. http://www.firesociety.com/article/24204/
We need to stop this nonsense!! http://www.grassfire.org/106/petition.asp?
Is that why you are referred to as Headache? man I got a headache just thinkin about an antler hitting me in the head.
Hunters are worried about global warming
wetmule replied to az4life's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
You know as well as I do Lark they are going to blame that record snowfall in Jellystone on Global Warming, as they do any weather pattern that conflicts with their master plan. I posted this article previously on the presidential thread but here it is again. It's worth the read if you missed it, IMO. http://www.winningreen.com/site/files/621/...A_Today_Mag.pdf -
Hunters are worried about global warming
wetmule replied to az4life's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
http://www.greeleytrib.com/article/2008040...ADERS/365808976 -
Sounds to me like Tony is planning another party
Two sportsmen showed up for the Pinetop meeting, Blaine Bickford and one other person. Way to go pinetop
Is this our next president?
wetmule replied to azpackhorse's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Couldn't agree more GIG, makes absolutely no sense to me not to vote even if it is the lesser of three evils. It's pretty clear to me that a vote for Obama or Rodham is a vote for higher taxes, liberal judges legislating from the bench, bigger government, bigger blob of a beaurocracy than we already have, more wasteful spending etc., etc. that will push this country closer & closer to the SanFrancisco type socialist marxist system of control. Not voting is as good or bad (however you look at it) as voting for Billary or Barama. McLame at least says he will appoint conservative judges that will follow the constitution, he will reign in this pathetic pork earmark spending and he will not raise taxes. That's three things I agree with McLame on. Personally I can't find one thing I agree with the other two on and I don't want either of them answering the white house phone at three in the morning. Having slick Billy back in the Whitehouse or worse Obama is a scary proposition. Find at least one thing and go vote or hold your nose and vote. -
Is this our next president?
wetmule replied to azpackhorse's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
http://www.ncpa.org/pub/st/st285/st285a.html http://www.ncpa.org/pub/st/st285/st285b.html http://www.ncpa.org/pub/st/st285/st285c.html http://www.ncpa.org/pub/st/st285/st285d.html