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Everything posted by sotomike

  1. hello everybody i have a question while channel surfing i found something called best of the west they promote long range shooting and one shot ethical shots but enough about that my question is they sell a huskemaw scope for about 1000 bucks or 1500 installed here is the info exactly as it is on the website gunwerks.com "Already have a great shooting firearm? Gunwerks will provide new 30mm rings and a 5-20 LR Huskemaw Rifle Scope. You provide your firearm and 40 rounds of your factory ammunition, Gunwerks will calibrate a custom drop turret that matches your exact ballistic profile. You will be able to range and dial just like the Gunwerks LRH and RH models. To increase your terminal performance, try the Gunwerks custom ammo loaded with the Berger VLD Bullet. Requirements: -Clean firearm -Shipped in hard plastic case -Accuracy text target -40 round factory ammunition What's Included: -Scope rings -Scope mounts -Lapping leveler -Custom drop data -RFBC elevation turret" now my question is: the scope and all that is included with it is it worth it? i contacted them about the price of their ammo with the berger vld bullet runs at about 50 bucks a box of 20