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Everything posted by couesking

  1. couesking

    Arizona looses court case!

    This has turned into a big mess because some poeple other than Arizonan's feel this is unfair. First of all if you are not from Arizona I think you shouldn't have much say in what we do. We ought to think about having out of staters use Arizona residential guides only. This would keep the money in our state not in New Mexico. I don't mean have an arizona guides license I mean proof of residents in Arizona. Just a thought. It is funny how states do not have any power anymore. It comes down to who's got the money or who knows someone.
  2. couesking

    Arizona looses court case!

    It is very sad when one organization can ruin a good thing. They take something like hunting and turn it into a political mess. Hunting is something that most poeple in my part of the state have been raised by. Poeple like the USO don't realize what a strain they put on the regular poeple who haven't been drawn for bull elk in 8 to 10 years. They don't pay the taxes for our state and our Game and Fish need to grow up and do somehting about this. I can guarantee that the Indian tribe would tell the USO and the Federal Government where to go and how to get there. The USO is nothing more than just overpaid babysitters for the rich. They have shown there true colors I hope there company sinks because of this.