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About glassm'up

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  1. glassm'up

    Lifesize Az lion finished up.

    nice mount. looks very good.
  2. glassm'up

    144" gross Coues for sale

    $500.00 cash money. PM me if interested.
  3. glassm'up

    Giant 410+ Velvet Bull killed!

    +1 and -1 good point, if you would of left the name calling out, they would of had nothing to say. Cause an ignorant fool could even see that its not fair someone gets to elk hunt based on his money. NOT FAIR AZGFD. Oh and if this guy is such a GREAT hunter, why does he need a guide to follow it 24-7? This guy makes more money and is worth more money then we could all ever dream about, with that said why would he not hire the best guides in the state to help him harvest a giant bull. I'll assume it would cost him allot more money to spend a year out in the field hunting then giving some local guides a little money to do the scouting for him. Hes obviously a smart business man and he made a very smart business decision and a giant bull was the result. Guide or not it comes down to the hunter to close the deal and he did on this bull. Along with this bull Alan has taken many other giants bull and bucks like "Houdini".
  4. glassm'up

    Giant 410+ Velvet Bull killed!

    By the way. That bull isnt Toby Toad he died along time ago.
  5. glassm'up

    Giant 410+ Velvet Bull killed!

    The reason that this millionare got this old boy killed is because he is also a very great hunter and knows how to hunt better then 90 percent of the guys out there. Alan is not an SOB and if you knew him and what he has done for the AZ you would realize you are the only SOB. Unbelievable that someone would run there mouth about mossback or alan. Enjoy the bull and pictures if you dont like it go to a different post.Thanks Amanda for posting them up. Congrats to alan and mossback.
  6. glassm'up

    Tell me about 23 late

    24B is the place to be not 22 or 23.
  7. glassm'up

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    120 2/8 SWEEEET BUCK
  8. glassm'up

    Mt. Ord

    When I was up there during the October coues hunt I had one at 150 yards but before I could get in position to kill it, he was gone. The next day we notcied the fawn that was with the doe in the same area was gone. Someone needs to get up there and kill those dang things. Isnt there any guys with hounds on here that can try to emilinate a few lions in there.
  9. glassm'up

    San Carlos Unit A Jan 2012 Tag

    I would have a 100" minimum! Good Luck!!
  10. glassm'up


    I will tell everyone I know. That has to be horrible. It would be like someone taking your vehicle. I just looked up these binos online and to get everything that he has missing would cost him around $6,000.00. I hope there is a good ending to this story. Keep us up to date, sooner or later someone has to run into the individual out in the field or trying to sell them. I will be watching out for them.
  11. glassm'up

    2011 Coues hunt, which unit?

    What the guys dont want to tell you is 24B is hands down the best unit in the country and close to home. Go get them. I know of a 130 incher living in there right now and Im sure there other big bucks all around. Good Luck
  12. glassm'up

    Jeremy Ulmer and late rifle coues hunting

    Great job to the hunter I just saw the buck on another forum and its a true trophy.
  13. glassm'up

    24a november hunt 3 for 3! All tagged out

    Another tuff guy behind the computer. Guess you wouldnt of like to see my 12 year old son plow a 107" coues at 850 yards . T E C H N O L O G Y make these shots possible. You keep shooting at coues at 300 yards and I ll keep killing giants out past 500 to 1000 yards. Great job arizonaelitefreak to you and your family. So many jealous people. Get off the computer and start hunting and you ll see times and technology have changed.
  14. glassm'up

    crazy year for jumbos

    Kill Photos ????????
  15. glassm'up

    24B Mule Deer
