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Everything posted by luvdemcoues

  1. luvdemcoues

    Nikon Spot On

    Interesting. I just entered the exact same ballistic information that I have programmed into my ballistics program on my phone (Shooter) into the Nikon site. It reflects a 7 inch difference at 500 yards than Shooter does. All of my field testing so far has confirmed Shooter's accuracy. Now, Shooter only calculates the number of clicks needed for the main crosshair while Nikon SpotOn breaks it down to the BDC reticles. But this was the same problem I had with SpotOn last year. It showed my bullet hitting a lot higher than it actually did (almost 10 feet at 700 yards, though part of that was some wrong information entered on my part). So far I am a big fan of Shooter. Easy to use too.
  2. luvdemcoues

    Nikon Spot On

    I had seen this before. I was actually looking for it the other day. Thanks for posting it up! I tried using this last year, but entered some incorrect information and it threw my points way off. I am excited to see if it works this time around.
  3. luvdemcoues

    big family weekend in unit 1

    Atta boy!!! Congrats Casey!
  4. luvdemcoues

    Coues Buck Down!

    Good job! That's what life is about right there. Making those memories with family. Thanks for sharing brotha!
  5. I ended up loading up some federal brass last night. We'll see how they shoot compared to the winchester brass (which is nickel plated by the way). I don't think I will be able to notice that much difference. I will let you know.
  6. I have been searching this question and can't seem to come up with a good answer. I have been using Winchester brass for my 270 WSM while searching for that special load. Now that I have found it, if I load up all of my Federal brass in addition to the Winchester brass, would I get different results between the two? If so, how big of a difference?
  7. luvdemcoues

    Opening Morning 1st deer

    Very cool! Congrats Clay on your first deer.
  8. Thanks for the info guys. I did the water test, and the capacities were identical. So the only other variable I will need to field test for is the tension in the neck of the cases to see if that effects the accuracy. This forum rocks! I love the wealth of knowledge that exists here.
  9. I have also heard that Federal brass is junk. Is this still true or have they fixed their issues?
  10. luvdemcoues

    new to area 33.. new to AZ

    I will be helping some family and friends on that hunt. It's a fun one. Look for a silver 4 door Tacoma, white 4 door Tacoma or a silver 4 door Frontier in the area you have been scouting. Stop by and say hi, and if you haven't gotten into them, we can steer you to some good areas.
  11. luvdemcoues

    Early Season Muzzy Bull

    That was a great write up. Thanks for sharing and allowing us to take part in the experience of your hunt.
  12. luvdemcoues

    New spot has potential!

    I'll say.
  13. luvdemcoues

    270 WSM load

    Ya, after sleeping on it, I have decided to go with the load I shot yesterday. I agree with you Casey and Doug. Thanks for the input. Sounds like all the extra work won't do much to improve the results I am seeing right now. Thanks guys. Josh
  14. luvdemcoues

    270 WSM load

    Just went out and shot this morning to see how my new load performed. Using 140 grain Bergers pushed by 61 grains of RL 17 and Federal Mag Primers, I was getting 3,125 FPS and great groups. I really want to get it about 100 FPS faster. Only problem is that I don't know when I will be able to get out with a chrono again. So my question is this, how much of an increase in velocity should I expect to see with each additional grain of powder? (By way of disclaimer, I showed no pressure signs and am at maybe 85% capacity) I hope to use this info to save some time in building up my next loads. Muchas Gracias!!!
  15. luvdemcoues

    Early Rifle Bull Trifecta

    Dude, that was awesome!!!
  16. luvdemcoues


    Seriously a pet peeve of mine. You work so hard for your stuff and it takes a weinerschnitzel like that only a couple of minutes to take it away. Been there my friend. Good luck.
  17. luvdemcoues

    Flip up scope covers

    I had the same problems recently. I even tried both the see through ones as well as the solid ones. The see through ones barely made it out of the store before they broke. I know guys with the older ones, and they don't have any problems. I am thinking the scopecoat is the way to go too.
  18. luvdemcoues

    270 WSM load

    Respectable, yes. I agree with you, and believe me I am struggling with this decision. I shot 2 rounds at 300 today, but put them within an inch and half of each other. First time I have ever done that and I was stoked. But on the other hand, I know it can do better on the velocity side. Wouldn't you want to maximize your rifle's potential? That extra 100 FPS translates into extra energy at longer distances, and with the 270 caliber I would like all of the extra energy I can get. Granted, I may not get the same accuracy with the higher charges, but at least I will know that I tried. As far as the RL 22 goes, I did try that. I was getting too much variation in velocities with temperature, plus my velocities were only around 2800 FPS. I did shoot very accurately with that load though. I was totally ok with it until recently when I realized how much drop I was getting past 3-400 yards. Thanks for the replies so far. I look forward to hearing more.
  19. luvdemcoues

    the boys 2011 bull !!!

    Unbelievable!! Awesome job to all involved.
  20. luvdemcoues

    I found this shed at a yard sale

    That's just unkind!
  21. luvdemcoues

    does anybody know this person?

    Well, thanks for the post Dblung. Anyone else find it fascinating that Craig's guide ended up helping out Dblung? Just makes me think it was all a big misunderstanding with things getting blown way out of proportion. But I guess things like that can happen when a 400 bull is involved. Sometimes we all want to find something/someone to lay blame on when things don't go right.
  22. luvdemcoues

    Nice Bull

    Incredible bull man. Love it! The taxidermist is gonna have fun with that one!
  23. luvdemcoues

    does anybody know this person?

    Bueno. Good luck to ya!
  24. luvdemcoues

    does anybody know this person?

    Probably because you guys are as good at lighting camp fires as you are at hunitng? Thus the reason for the posse, and going after an already injured elk??? Just kidding. I couldn't resist. I really haven't formed any real conclusions on this yet. Just waiting to hear both sides.
  25. luvdemcoues

    Law vs. Ethics

    "The law, for example, allows you to drive while having [had] a little to drink, while I do not drink at all, if I did, I would not drive at all..." I believe you knew what I meant. Correction made just for you!