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Everything posted by luvdemcoues

  1. luvdemcoues

    New Pictures

    Gotta love catching those things on camera. Thanks for the post.
  2. luvdemcoues

    *2009 Bull Elk success*

    I love the fact that you can get your wife and kids out there with you. Thanks for sharing! Any pics of your brothers bull?
  3. luvdemcoues

    AZ Archery Bull Down!

    Those 4ths are some serious daggers man. Congrats!
  4. luvdemcoues


    How cool is that to be able to consistently find sheds of the same buck?!
  5. luvdemcoues

    pigs, deer, and elk

    My folks in Show Low string up parts of nylons with Irish Spring soap shavings stuffed into them about the size of a baseball. Apparently they don't like that too much.
  6. luvdemcoues

    Third times a Charm 'First Archery Elk'

    Way cool. Congratulations! The eye guards on the right side look pretty neat.
  7. luvdemcoues

    clints bull

    Saweet! I bet that felt great to connect with a bull like that. What an achievement.
  8. luvdemcoues

    Please Welcome 4 new sponsors!

    That is great! I am learning that there really is tangible value by being a part of this website. There is a great sense of camaraderie amongst the members of the site. For example, my brother was able to connect with a bull last year due to a fellow member of the site. Pretty cool stuff. I will be into Bear Mountain and thank them as well. As for the others, welcome and hopefully I will be needing your taxidermy services soon!
  9. luvdemcoues


    My brother-in-law went up for a Unit 1 bull hunt this last weekend. Said where he was they weren't talking much at all. He said it was still pretty warm though. Talked with my folks from Show Low last night and they said the nights are really started to cool down, their garden is even starting to get frost bite. That's a good sign. Good luck!
  10. luvdemcoues

    Driving at Prime Time

    My two cents... yes, it is lame and annoying when you've done the necessary homework and scouting before a hunt, and you've gotten out of bed in time to get to your spot well before light, only to see someone drive near or through your area, especially on roads you know are "closed". But, as some have mentioned, we all have the right and privilege to hunt these areas. It is up to us to figure out how to deal with it. For example, I had one day for my archery deer hunt this year, hiked a few miles up and down and around, glassed for a while in all areas, didn't see anything, then saw a jeeper on a road I was sure was closed that went right through the middle of the area I was watching. So i decided to wait and watch him drive and see if he jumped anything up that I could keep an eye on and go get. That plan didn't quite pan out, but just an example of how to use a certain situation to your advantage. I know of plenty of guys who have found positive outcomes because they chose to stay positive. BTW, that is lame about the beer can getting chucked at you. Like an F250 has more right to be on a two tracker than a quad does. That's ridiculous.
  11. luvdemcoues

    trail cam pic

    Wow... way to come out swinging!
  12. Uhhhhhhh... (no words are coming out)! Bien hecho!
  13. luvdemcoues

    Utah bow hunt.

  14. luvdemcoues

    This little guy

    Buenas suerte! Sure bet is nice hunting these guys in less than 100 degree temperatures...
  15. luvdemcoues

    my "trophy"

    Congrats! Nowhere but up from here for you. I like your style!
  16. luvdemcoues

    2009 Archery Coues Success

    Makes it a lot sweeter when you've put the work in and know what you are looking for. Good job man!
  17. luvdemcoues

    Wes's 2009 Buck

    Wes, way to set the bar high right from the start! Now what are the rest of us going to do??? Congrats man.
  18. luvdemcoues

    Who's packed & ready?

    I am more than ready... if that's possible. I leave tomorrow morning early or late tonight, however you want to call it. I have one day to get mine this year as it is going to be all about school, family, work. You know how that goes. In fact, I only put in for a bonus point for the draw. I may sneak out on my brothers deer or elk hunt though.
  19. luvdemcoues

    Easy Meals while camping?

    I will throw a vote in for the MountainHouse idea. Those meals are quick, easy to store, have a good variety and I think they are great. Try the lasagna! Good luck... 10 days??? Wish i could pull that off! One of my other favorites is Hormell or Stagg Chili with a Mortons steak from Costco. Mmmm, my mouth is already watering just thinking about it.
  20. My brother-in-law placed a trail camera on a water hole in unit 24b. It was a good spot and pain to hike to. We went out early this morning to download the pics and the camera plus the tripod it was mounted on were gone. It was well hidden in some bushes too. The camera was not out even 5 days. My thoughts are that the guy that stole it probably knows of some big bucks in the area (there are, we've seen them) and thinks by stealing the trail camera, he is protecting his teritory. Any thoughts on that?
  21. luvdemcoues

    Another Trail Camera gone... any thoughts?

    Thanks for the thoughts everyone. We did look all over thinking it could have been tossed or dragged, but nothin. Oh well. Guess we'll just have to do it old school now from now on!!!! It still sucks knowing people like that are out in the woods with the true sportsmen.
  22. luvdemcoues

    California Fly Fishing Trip

    Fantastic post. I have been dying to up into that country. Way to take advantage and live the dream!
  23. luvdemcoues

    1999 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4

    Sorry... it's diesel>
  24. luvdemcoues

    1999 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4

    1999 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4. 221,000 miles. Extended Cab. Long Bed. Air Lift airbags on rear axle. Interco TRXUS 285/75 R16 Mudder tires. Exhaust brake. Triple Lock Commander on transmission. $5750 OBO. Call or text Josh @ 602-403-9000 or email onesourcejake@gmail.com
  25. luvdemcoues

    Lower Salt River

    Well, I went and fished the Lower Salt again yesterday morning. Finally caught one drifting a brown woolly bugger, then slowly stripped it as the line started to swing. It was a fat 13 incher. Too much fun. I then spent the next few hours throwing a small parachute adams that I tied (size 18) and watching the fish hit about every other cast. That is always fun. I have a turkey hunt going on in Unit 1 right now that I am having ot miss out on as the wife is going to have #3 any day. I know that if I were to go up, she would no doubt go into labor just to spite me! I have actually really enjoyed fishing the Salt. Not a bad place to spend a morning every now and then.