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About kkay

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  • Location
    Gila valley
  • Interests
    All things cool

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  1. kkay

    What do you do when

    Note to self--- Non Typical has a honey hole North of Four Bar...HahaHaha Only place you can do that speed
  2. kkay


    Azgame and fish does test for cwd. I don't know the number but I know people, mostly taxidermists send in the lymph nodes to be tested.
  3. kkay

    Wanting DR 650

    Looking for a DR 650 with low miles. Thanks
  4. kkay

    Who put in for 31 coues?

    Gonna burn from trip Canyon to Swift trail from pines to creosotes and everything in between. Buck brush, mesquites, junipers and scrub oak -gone. Normally I would agree that a fire can do an area good but the fact there been no wind and it's a hot slow burning fire is not good. Huge bummer, a lot of honey holes that ain't gonna be back for years.
  5. kkay

    Saddle panier fix

    Heck - one or two good trips and the color will match just like it's supposed to. I'm so glad those will live to "pack" another day.
  6. kkay

    Rica 2002-2017

    That's a heart breaker. You gave that dog a great life. I gotta believe dogs are waiting on the other side with our loved ones. And I hope they're waiting for the scum bag dog owners to get some pay back.
  7. kkay

    Boat for sale "price drop"

    PM sent
  8. I love it. What a cool kid. He's a rare breed in this day and age. Drop a reminder come the fall hunts.
  9. kkay

    Horses for 27

    Check your PM
  10. kkay

    Careful what you wish for

    Loved the write up. You're the man Mike
  11. kkay

    Strange Bear Pic

    It looks like unmolted fur from the year before to me. Is that an old gash on his back?
  12. kkay

    Don't forget to vote

    "Like I said before gun is a multi billion dollar industry, do you think they will let anything happen?" Holy smokes man, where have you been living for the past 57 years? Yah, firearms are lucrative. Ya know what makes gun sales look like a hill of beans? Uncontested taxation of the middle class, when 5-6 Court justices deems millions of existing and transported immigrants as new American voters. The repercussions of this election is about SO much more than gun rights.
  13. kkay

    Enough about elk. Let's talk trees!!

    I love the Texas fan ash. They're hardy like the Az ash, but ball out and have smooth leaves. Very good looking tree
  14. kkay

    Pack in scouting trip

    It doesn't get much better then that. Thanks for sharing
  15. It is too early for a grown man to be crying. From the pictures I assume your little guy might have some physical challenges as well. Wow, you are truly beautiful people.