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Phil Carr

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About Phil Carr

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/01/1957

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  • Interests
    Big game hunting. Shooting birds over my dogs. Collecting and shooting vintage SXS shotguns

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  1. Phil Carr

    I know most don’t like cats

    Losing one of our family pets can be tough. Sorry he is gone. My Milo is also 15. Seems like yesterday he caught his first deer.
  2. Phil Carr

    Elk points

    Thanks to everyone for taking the time to assist me. Phil
  3. Phil Carr

    Elk points

    He is a AZ resident but has bought points a few years due to health and scheduling. Thanks for the info.
  4. Phil Carr

    Elk points

    I have a hunting partner that has 26 points for elk. Can someone tell me how many people have 26 points or more for elk? Also how many people dropped off the list last year? We are just curious when he might be able to draw an early rifle bull tag. He would like to hunt unit one but is open to other suggestions. I realize this information is out there but I am just finding it difficult to find. I would be most appreciative of any help a member can provide. Thanks Phil
  5. Phil Carr

    Bison meat where to buy

    Costco in Tucson usually has Bison burger at a fair price.
  6. Phil Carr

    Wild horses in unit 8

    Well possibly AZG&F could wean the 14 poachers off of deer meat and on to the Mustang diet.
  7. Phil Carr

    My sheep hunt in the Picachos (37A east)

    Congratulations. So happy to hear you got your ram.
  8. Phil Carr

    WTB Marlin 30-30

    I have a 1949 JM waffle top 30-30 Absolutely beautiful with original finish. If interested PM your email address and I can send pictures.
  9. Phil Carr

    20 gauge SXS Shotgun for sale

    I am selling a high condition 20 gauge LC Smith Ranger 20 gauge. These rarely come up for sale. Only 1308 were made and sold by Sears. Pictures show condition, lots and lots of case color. Specs are as follows. Manufactured for only Sears between the years of 1937-1939. They were manufactured with the Ranger logo recoil pad which this gun has. LOP is 13 15/16 28” extractor barrels with twin ivory beads and matted rib. Choked Lt .032 and Rt .016. ( modified nd Full) Bores are excellent 2 3/4” chambers. Total weight is 6 1/2 lbs. Locks up tight with top lever right of center. If you have ever wanted a 20 gauge bird gun this is an excellent gun for that. Asking $1250 or $1150 if picked up at my home in Tucson.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. I will responded to members in the order messages come in. Thanks Phil
  10. Phil Carr

    Looking to replace my home A/C unit

    Thanks guys I will start making calls today.
  11. Phil Carr

    Looking to replace my home A/C unit

    Thanks Kooter. Brad what is the name of your AC company and telephone number and location?
  12. Phil Carr

    .404 Jefferey reloading components

    I will take these. PM sent.
  13. Over the years I have been so fortunate to find some great craftsman for doing tile work, pool restoration and equipment replacement, roofing etc. by asking for recommendations here on the forum. I am now looking for recommendations for an HVAC TECH OR COMPANY to replace my aging Air conditioner. My schedule is pretty flexible because my current system still operates pretty good. I also realize some that do side work, also like to hold off on projects when there are hunting seasons going on. Please Pm me if you are interested in doing a replacement or have a recommendation. I am located in Tucson. I am open to cash, or cash and trade for some quality firearms. I can supply the replacement units if desired. Thanks in advance Phil
  14. Phil Carr

    Selling shooting sticks

    Price reduced