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Hardcore Outdoor

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Everything posted by Hardcore Outdoor

  1. Hardcore Outdoor


    If Vortex was going to go to the trouble of upgrading their big glass why not go all the way and give us a 15x60. Better yet, if the Zeiss boys could bring the theirs out of retirement, give it a little spiffing up and some FL glass, I would be happier than a puppy with two peters.
  2. Hardcore Outdoor

    Vortex 2x Doubler

    I like my Swaro doubler but then again I am not a big fan of spotting scopes.
  3. Hardcore Outdoor

    Bogen 701 vs 3130 heads

    I own the 700rc2, 701rc2, Jim White Fluid Head and the Outdoorsmans Pan Head. I like the the Outdoorsmans best for my Swaro and Zeiss 15s because it is the quickest and easiest to adjust and it nose bumps left to right exceptionally well. Next it is a toss up between the 700rc2 and the Jim White. For super lightweight I go with a Slik 613cf tripod and the Outdoorsmans Pistol Grip head and it works well for the binos but the spotting scopes are too big for it so i am limited to a doubler for that set up. Wade www.HardcoreOutdoor.com
  4. Hardcore Outdoor

    Havalon Piranta Edge Hunting Knife Review

    Nice review and I agree. I have been recommending this knife since December of 07 and have received nothing but very positive comments on it. I carry the Havalon with a Randall model #5 Camp and Trail Knife, a Buck Ranger #112 and a Gerber Sportsmans Saw. Wade www.HardcoreOutdoor.com
  5. Hardcore Outdoor

    One-Ten or nuthin', Buddy!!!

    I don't know about community dear, in the end, it all boils down to you making the shot...which you did under less than ideal conditions. That is a bomber buck and a good story. Again, congratulations. By the way, Goff says that that he doesn't want any fudge but he would like to borrow a goat for the weekend. I don't think I want to know what that is about. Regards, Wade www.HardcoreOutdoor.com
  6. Hardcore Outdoor

    glassing chair/stool ideas?

    Walk-Stool from the Outdoorsmans for truck, quad and Ranger hunting but just a Wiggy's Lamilite pillow for backpacking. Good size, thick, cushy, light and gives me something to put my head on when I bivy for the night. Wade www.HardcoreOutdoor.com
  7. Hardcore Outdoor

    Head Lamps

    I always carry three sources of light and I think you get what you pay for. I have tried many others that failed under heavy use but I have put these three through the ringer many times and they have never let me down. Petzl e+Lite, Petzl Tactikka Plus and a Surefire 6P with the high output bulb. Wade www.HardcoreOutdoor.com
  8. Hardcore Outdoor

    Monarch ATB Tripod adaptor

    I use the Outdoorsmans stud and tripod adaptor with a set of Monarch ATB 10x56s and it works beautifully. I like their system best anyway so I use it on all of optics. Check it out. Wade www.HardcoreOutdoor.com