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About alexjh1

  • Rank
  • Birthday April 1

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  • Location
    Surprise Az
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, family...and a nap under a tree in the woods.

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  1. alexjh1

    5BS over the weekend

    Wowzers, a toad for sure. A couple of hears ago AZGFD was trucking water in, and this year has been really dry up there.. Lets hope that fire stays low for you lucky ducks that drew a tag. Good luck!
  2. alexjh1

    Results are Up!!!

    I called Tuscon, told me my app didnt take, not showing....not only do i not get my app burt i am going to lose my loyalty!! I put in the online sytem. This freaken blows!
  3. alexjh1

    Results are Up!!!

    Obamacare....that was funny! Congrats i think?
  4. alexjh1

    Results are Up!!!

    My browser still shows AZGFD main page saying results are available
  5. alexjh1

    Results are Up!!!

    It took me about 100 times, im at work so i have a speed dail. Man how frustrating.....either way, when all was said and done, the automated message said "Draw results are unavailable at this time" then the call disconected me. What the heck?
  6. alexjh1

    4 tags / 1st hour / 4 Javelina's

    That is pretty awesome for the family, thank you for sharing. Alex
  7. alexjh1

    Got creative with this years skulls

    Very cool, you could almost use the skulls as book ends if you mount them on the wood. Either way, great idea, Alex
  8. alexjh1

    Tag Frustrations....

    Bummer, I was out there years ago on a left over tag and did not see any pigs. I did glass up some nice mulies I jus did some internet research and I am sure you already know this but google maps is amazing!!!! alex
  9. alexjh1

    My Daughter Awesome Hunt!

    Amazing, thanks for sharing your story Alex
  10. alexjh1

    goter done in 35b 3 out of 4

    Very nice, thanks for sharing
  11. alexjh1

    Finally, the curse is broken

    That's awesome, I am pretty sure that's the beast I missed in 24B a few weeks ago to end my Coues curse..PS, I still have the curse =). I recently figured out that archery Coues is impossible, unless you have mastered the 200 yard lob shot technique. I have not so have switched to my 30-06 and saving my bow for Javelina and Elk. It would appear that when you are not carrying your bow, the deer extend from 200 yards to 800!!!! if you can see them. haha All a true story, I will get my Coues next year, and hike a little deeper and glass a little longer. Lots of tough country and deer were tough to glass. Alex
  12. Thats it, im putting my bear outfit away....I have been found out...haha!
  13. alexjh1

    Being patient after the shot....

    Wow, I wish I read this thread years ago when it started, and yes that is funny it started years ago. I hit an Elk at 40 yards, and I swear it was a dead center shot...maybe a tad back but a kill shot for sure. I gave it an hour and put in the call to the buddies.....they all jammed up to my coordinates where I of course did my tracking for about 40 yards with some tape and yes I treated the area like a crime scene which is awesome advice. The buddies got there and the trail went from a beautiful red pool to slowly dropping down to very small drops but the elk was running....but I still had it..tracks, leaves turned over, dirt hoof prints and then boom another drop. I got all day baby! Sure as... well...stuff.... one of my buddies tromped ahead to my last marked spot when I went back to grab the other buddy, around the corner he jumped the elk who was close to expiring from the pool of blood in the bed. My buddy without a bow just watched as it broke through thick brush and beyond...I came over, we waited another hour as the animal left a lot of blood in the bed so we had sack lunch on the mountain. After that we tracked another 70 yards to brush and trees that had blood smears but the animal stopped bleeding...but the blood thickened up and we never saw it again. I still feel bad, angry and a ton of other emotions. So great thread, and I agree with the crime scene comment, give the animals a few hours if its not to warm. If you have to get after it 30-60 minutes be ready you never know when they need another shot. Great information on this thread...Thanks Alex
  14. alexjh1

    123" Velvet Buck

    Holy moly, that thing is tall. Congratulations, Alex
  15. alexjh1

    Unit 21 Whitetail.

    Amazing story, thanks for sharing and a great buck...Congratulations. Alex