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Everything posted by JSR

  1. JSR

    butterfly effect

    A guy eats a rotten bat in China and 3 months later Wall Street bankers are wiping their A's with notebook paper because every Cletus in the country bought 400 rolls of TP. You couldn't make that up if you tried.
  2. JSR

    Effects of the virus scare?

    If true, that number must be worldwide. I don't see anyway 2.2 million die in the USA when only the frail or immune system problems are the high risk groups. 80% of those infected will have only mild symptoms. Hope not anyway.
  3. JSR

    Effects of the virus scare?

    We have about two weeks to get people back to work and spending money again before we are plunged in a huge recession. The streets are empty. The only place still bringing in money is the grocery store. In the span of 3 weeks, We went from a thriving consumer driven economy to one now being boosted by a trillion dollar stimulus.
  4. Do these people ever stop? Do they not have anything else to do but exercise their ego's and power trips?
  5. I don't get the whole TP thing. If I run out, my neighbor has a cat that's always in my yard. looks soft too. Hope its declawed though.
  6. JSR

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Pretty obvious that the Chinese are trying to influence the election.
  7. JSR

    Tree saddle or tree stand?

    Thanks, Ivan
  8. JSR

    First Elk Hunt! (Unit 10)

    FYI - if you go to the Big Bo you cannot sit on water. Just incase you were thinking of getting your dad set up in a ground blind.
  9. JSR

    Arizona Unit 1 maps

  10. JSR

    The giddy bro-man

    Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Doesn't Meat Eater lie Pole to Hole with them also?
  11. JSR

    Costco is getting emptied

    Wipe with a liberal
  12. JSR

    The giddy bro-man

    I was glad to listen to something besides a 45 minute info-mercial for MNT OPS.
  13. JSR

    The giddy bro-man

    We need hunters at the ballot box. Turn the tables.....go to the Midwest in October.
  14. JSR

    Processing javelina

    A javelina is not a pig. Maybe that's why they don't carry it.
  15. JSR

    Processing javelina

    There has never been a case of javelina carrying trichanosis.
  16. its only illegal if you get caught Love, Nobull
  17. JSR

    Your First Big Game Rifle?

    Browning BLR 30.06 Heavy as a F250 and on a good day I could hold a 3" group at a 100 Killed two elk and 2 muleys with it.
  18. JSR

    Youth Rifle Recommendations for Big Game

    For what you've spent on factory ammo you could be reloading. I did the same thing for years. 1000's of dollars later I finally saw the light.
  19. JSR

    Youth Rifle Recommendations for Big Game

    the 7-08 might be the most under rated cartridge out there. Love, lark
  20. JSR

    Crazy guy at Usery

    Looks like maybe Mayor Pete's ride.
  21. JSR

    Crazy guy at Usery

    I think he's Feeling the Bern
  22. GOVT workers don't start until after 8:00 am
  23. JSR

    Need help fast

    My wife told me this morning that our B of A card is being reissued due to compromise in their system but our current card is still valid until we activate the new one.
  24. JSR

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    I use prepaid cards. Less chance of mess ups.
  25. JSR

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    Call your bank. They can let the charges go through. Hurry though.