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About Greenhorn

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  1. Greenhorn

    And the Card hits will begin

    I drew that one also - 27 points
  2. Greenhorn

    And the Card hits will begin

    Boom! Party time
  3. Greenhorn

    And the Card hits will begin

    Says I’m tag #1 Doubting early rifle so assuming early archery 23N
  4. Greenhorn

    And the Card hits will begin

    How long does it usually take for the game and fish to update the portal once the cards have been charged? I’m assuming that’s a frequently asked question..
  5. Greenhorn

    And the Card hits will begin

    First applied in AZ in 1997 with hopes of drawing elk. Have applied every year since and have drawn strip mule deer and 2 antelope permits along the way. Finally drew elk and looks like I’ll be in 23N most all of this coming September.
  6. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    I never did hear back from the other permit holder from last year in 17A. Anybody know him or how he did? I spent about a week down there looking all over and didn't see many bucks, none that I felt were 80". I shot this weird one on the opener and went home to hunt elk.
  7. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    Hey! Just checking back in and saw your message. Let’s stay in touch for sure- congrats on the permit and those are some great bucks! Kurt
  8. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    17A it is.
  9. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    Del, those places you mention a quite a ways from where I'll be hunting. But any Arizona antelope photos here would be certainly great to see here. Last time I was down that way antelope hunting was almost 25 years ago in 19A. I had a muzzleloader permit - man there were some big bucks around but more of a suburban/private land hunt than this one might be. I applied for 5B first choice, but I'm assuming I drew 17A - I'm not that lucky. - Will likely see official results soon...
  10. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    delw - long time! I'm coming for a fun time - surprised to have drawn as the odd are terribly low. I'm sure there's a couple decent bucks around. Will really enjoy the new scenery. My boy's 19 now. He shot a pretty decent MT buck last fall up here.
  11. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    I've heard the goat habitat is limited to those places. I doubt I'll pay a trespass fee as my budget barely covers the price of the permit and the gas. What is the price of the K4 access?
  12. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    Thanks for the photos. Those are real nice ones. I suspect I'll be there well before the season to look around. I suspect since all those other units border 17A, there could be some similar-type goats around.
  13. Greenhorn

    AZ Antelope luck!

    IT looks like I was hit for $550 and I have a rifle antelope permit coming - likely 17A. I created an account here over a decade ago, and remembered this place was heavy on the Arizona content. If anybody can post up pics of bucks from 17A I'd love to see some past animals. Since there's only 2 permits, id be just as amped up to see bucks taken in 17B either 18s and 19B. I'm looking forward to a long road trip and some antelope hunting this year. Good luck to the rest of you in the draws.
  14. Greenhorn

    Where's GRONG?

    I just got another one from Stan... said it was from GRONG. Self photo, something about bundling up to keep warm in the winter.. Ugh. You poor guy. Who knows anything about pronghorn quality in 4A? If I ever draw something in Arizona, can I stack up coues deer like cordwood in the back of my truck? They're small enough - I should be able to get a 12-pack of them back to Montana, undetected.. Frikkin Arizona..
  15. Greenhorn

    Where's GRONG?

    GRONG.. I've been told this stuff Stan sends me is from you. You are ONE SICK PUPPY. I've been hunting before, but have never seen a coues deer. Figured I'd register here because anybody like GRONG must have some interesting hobbies.