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Everything posted by DCS

  1. DCS

    Lion with a Terrier

    Nice lion,and really nice pics,thanks for sharing them with us
  2. DCS

    unit 27 ram

    Great ram,I like your big eyes!!!!
  3. DCS

    Giant 16A ram

    Congrats to everyone involved,that is a monster!!!!
  4. DCS

    Cabella's Meat Grinder

    I have the 13/4hp and it is great.We cut our own beef,and I process all of game meat.
  5. DCS


    Thank god Grandpa had a gun,and wasn't afraid to use it.
  6. DCS

    Nebraska Whitetail

    Nice whitetail,should be some fine eating.
  7. DCS

    Trail Cam music video - Lots of critters!

    Really nice video Amanda,just wanted to know how you got the cows through the gate at the Phoenix zoo?LOL,Cliff
  8. Nice Job!!!!Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
  9. DCS

    Anyone harvest a Rocky in AZ

    Brian,Joey Savoini killed a rocky in 6a that I held,but I don't have any pics.G& F scored it between 182-185.Cliff
  10. DCS

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    Bryson,from your post I would be very proud to call you my son as I am sure your parents are.The problem is there are too many people that won't work,or try to build a future for themselves.They think being born here is enough,just send me a check.I am proud of my country,it's the government that is scaring me.
  11. DCS

    46B tag #1

    Nothing like hunting sheep,very nice.
  12. DCS

    Ideas on a quad...

    I have 4 Honda Quads,that we have been using on the ranch since 1986 when they first came out.We haul salt,and minerals with them,build fence,and use them most everyday.The only is we ever had with any of them is when my dad changed the oil,and put the filter in backwards.It ran about a week,but he finally burned the top end out.This was due to 0 oil going through it.Replaced the cylinder,and a new piston,and it's still running.Excellent machines!!!We bought a 700 Polaris Ranger from a friend last year,and the ride is awesome.We can put 6 adults in it and climb a telephone pole.Another excellent machine.
  13. DCS

    Alberta Archery Hunt

    Really nice video,neat to let the bucks go as nothing he wanted,and harvest a nice doe on the last evening.True hunter
  14. DCS

    Archery Aoudad

    Very nice
  15. DCS

    Video and pics of 186" Desert Sheep

    Great video,and hunt.Congrats to everyone involved.
  16. DCS

    Big One

    As was stated it's sinusitus.If the sheep can break the horn,and let the infection drain,they will usually make it,but if not they will die.One horn rams are prevelant up in the Kingman units.
  17. Bobby,thanks for the other picture,that is really nice.Congrats and welcome to Coues.com
  18. Awesome lion,helping out the deer herd!!!!!!!
  19. DCS

    Back from 13B

    Very nice buck,and a great writeup,like Gino said tough hunt by yourself.Well done
  20. DCS

    Desert muzzleloader mule deer

    I was lucky enough to be the other hunter in the unit when Brian had his sheep tag.I have gotten to know their family from this encounter,and they are great people,and good hunters.
  21. DCS

    Trail cam pics

    Very cool pictures