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Everything posted by DCS

  1. DCS

    Borrego 2 Volumes

    I will take them,let me know your address,and I will send a check.Better to PM me,and then Hillary won't have your address!!!Ha Ha
  2. DCS

    Auction buck got killed

    Yes,he's got the #1and #2 Boone&Crocket Antelope from New Mexico also.
  3. DCS

    Tell me about Girl hunters

    Great pictures and great topic.Both of my kids hunted and shot elk,deer,turkeys,and pigs.My wife killed an elk,and went with us.Great memories!!!!
  4. Not trying to steal your thread,but I have a neighbor rancher that had 2 kill a yearling heifer,a month ago over by Hillside.They seen 3,2 of which had blue collars on them,1 did not.Another local has trail cam pics of one.Like it was posted,they are where they where they haven't been seen in years.
  5. DCS

    Putting Them to Bed

    The buck I killed last year I watched bed at 8:30 in the morning.He repositioned himsef 3 times in the next 5 hours,due to the sun starting to shine on him.I could only see parts of him,and finally at 1:30 he got up,streched,and started to walk straight away.After all this time I had decided to shoot my best shot at 600yds if he went up the hill,if he came towards me I would let him come,reducing the yardage.I squeezed off,and he is in my freezer.This was on the Dec hunt,last day of the year.
  6. DCS

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Thank you for the kind words,and the HK Steve,I already shot it,and love it,Cliff
  7. DCS

    Gauging Interest -- HK USP 45

    I was born and raised here.I'm 65,Amanda can verify all this.I was at the SCI banquet with her last Sat.night in Tucson.I am busy this weekend,but I can meet up with you sometime next week in the valley.My home phone is 928 427 0274,and cell is 928 499 9267.My name is Cliff
  8. DCS

    Gauging Interest -- HK USP 45

    Interest is high,only took 41 minutes to sell !!!!
  9. DCS

    Gauging Interest -- HK USP 45

    I'll take it,where are you located?
  10. I know the feeling,I have my dad's old model 70 in 30-06 that was made in 1949 with a weaver variable 2 1/2x5.Every now and then I think about doing something with it,but then I back off.Back in the early 50's this was top shelf.
  11. DCS

    SPF......FS 20-50X80 ED Docters

    Devin,if these are your back ups what is your go to glass?
  12. Thanks Edge,it will be good to see you again.
  13. Thanks for the prayers Tj,I think that is one of the reasons I am doing so well.They told me that it would take 3 months to 1 year to recover ,but I told my wife I would go for the 3 months,but 1 year would never happen.
  14. Amanda,If you have an extra ticket I think that I will be well enough to go.I hadn't posted anything on the forum,but 3 weeks ago,on the 18 of M ay I had a 1200 lb.bull get me down in the corral at the house.Long story short he broke 10 ribs and 5 vertebraes in my back.I ended up with a chopper ride to Banner Good Sam in Phx.ICU in Phx acouple days,more hospital,and then off to home.Anyway I'm getting better every day,and I would like to come.Cliff
  15. Elkaholic,I understand your concern,but if you either don't want to go,or can't afford it,just say no.I have won my share of prizes,but that is not why I go.I enjoy seeing my friends in a fun atmosphere.
  16. DCS

    Prayers For My Dad

    Your in my thoughts and prayers
  17. DCS

    Anyone use one?

    Back in the 70's they came out wth a little clip that slides on your belt.Everyone had one back then,I still use mine.Keeps you from laying your bow down in the dirt.
  18. DCS

    45 Years Ago Today

    Audie Murphy was what America is all about.Not trying to take anything away from him,but there are 100s of unsung hereos in every War,and "Conflict".
  19. DCS

    Unit to apply for thoughts?

    There are still units that you would have a great hunt,and be able to kill a nice ram.You will never get drawn unless you're in the draw.It took me 39 years!!!
  20. DCS

    Rifle Stock Painting

    Great job Lance,you're the man!!!!
  21. DCS

    *SPF* HK USP 45 Compact

    I will buy this if you still have it.I live out of town but will be in Phx on Sat.and could meet you either at Cabelas or Sportsman Warehouse.My cell is 928 499 9267,name is Cliff.
  22. DCS

    Coyote question

    Lots of coyotes seen on the pig hunts this winter.My son has killed 22 down by Congress since Xmas,I've killed 11.It all helps the prey animals.
  23. DCS

    Lasik Surgery and Kamra Inlay

    Lasik surgery 15 years ago after wearing glasses 35 years,best thing I ever done.I went from 20/1200,20/800 to 20/20.Wife and kids all had it done.
  24. DCS


    Good for you.