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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Brand new 300 Win Mag

    What manufacturer?
  2. sjvcon

    Unit 27

    Bow hunted the lower part of the unit a few years back ... they are definitely down in those canyons and rocky areas by the Blue.
  3. sjvcon

    How do you hunt the Kaibab?

    In addition to finding water, feed spots, etc ... you might try the Pray, and make sure you hit Church a few times before you go method ... can't hurt, right???
  4. sjvcon


    Why create a law that is an ethical issue and is unenforceable. You can't police ethics! Nothing in life is 100% and to think that just because someone is unable to recover game that they made some unethical choice is not realistic. The best hunters in the world, meaning lions, tigers, wolves etc. are successful maybe 10% of the time, to think that human hunters should never wound something is silly, its just part of hunting. A lot of our game laws have an ethical nexus, doesn't mean they shouldn't be laws. I also never said hunters do not wound game, they do. If more hunters had the ethical position of having tag soup after wounding and loosing an animal we wouldn't even need to consider this discussion. The fact remains, that is not the case. IMHO Have to say that I agree on the "tag soup". You wound it, you're done. Period. That is the way I learned, the way I teach my boys, and the way they will teach their kids if I have any say ... and I will. As to whether we need a law ... not sure. I usually don't like the government meddling, but sometimes that is the only way to get people to see what is ethically right. Tragedy really ... it should just be common sense.
  5. sjvcon

    Older Ruger M77 Quality

    My son has a Ruger M77 Mark II in 7-08. It is their compact model with an 18" barrel. The thing is ABSOLUTELY LIGHTS OUT. 100 yard 3 leaf clovers. All that has been done to it is a Timney Trigger. The older M77's had some issues with barrels, or so I have heard. They used multiple manufacturers, and it depended whose barrel you got whether your rifle was a champ or a stinker. One of my buddies builds rifles on that M77 Tang Action and loves it. Another buddy had a Tang .30-06 that wouldn't hit the same place twice ever ... of course he never cleaned it, which may have contributed. But I have heard it just depends on your barrel. Solution ... Lilja, Hart, Krieger, Schneider, Shilen or any number of other premier barrel blanks and a good smith.
  6. sjvcon

    Mulie In Town

    Just saw a mulie on Ellsworth Road and Riggs just outside of Orchard Park Ranch. Crazy. Right on the sideyard of a house.
  7. sjvcon

    CC Hits

    Checked this AM and there is a hit for $342 ... three Bull Tags ... my Dad and my Boys. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess I'm still waiting ... the points are still racking up. Now in the mid-teens I think.
  8. sjvcon

    Mulie In Town

    Nope. No mistaking it. It was a mulie. Big ole' ears, creamie white butt, black highlighted tail. I was about 50 feet from it. It was in the retention basin just outside of Orchard Ranch Park on the side of the road. Not fenced in. I've seen some jumbo mulies further out toward the road to Coolidge, but never in past Johnson Ranch. I guess given the fact that we had a Mountain Lion in Trilogy last year I should not be surprised, but I was.
  9. sjvcon

    What is a 133" pick up worth

    I've been told in the past that G&F won't let you keep one that has any hair on it at all. Not sure if that is true or not.
  10. sjvcon

    Action and barrel

    If you want to build a custom, skip the barrel too. Otherwise, for a bone stock action and barrel to put into a nicer stock I'd go with the Sportsman's idea. I think you can go stainless for about $100 more too ...
  11. sjvcon


    A second term for Obama will mean a more liberal Supreme Court. If that happens, the Second Amendment is toast with or without Congressional or Public Support. Bank on it. Obama can do a lot more than you think by Executive Order. He can't abolish the Second Amendment, but he can do a lot of other things to make the guns you own paperweights. Don't let the media fool you into thinking that Romney or any other candidate can't beat Obama. That is what those liberal jerks want you to think. They want you to stay home on election day.
  12. sjvcon


    How much without the scope?
  13. sjvcon

    WTB 9MM hand gun

    I've got a CZ P-01 I picked up not long ago. Really good shape. 4 Magazines. I could let that go for $450 or so.
  14. thanks Lark, I'm kinda leaning toward a revolver just for the reliability and I figure if I need it I'm going to be real close to whatever it is I'm shooting at. Ruger LCR has a knew 22 model. I guess my only hang up on a 22 or even a 38 snubby is if I stumble on a Sow with cub. Not sure that's going to be enough. Any thoughts? That's why I sometimes go with the .44 Mag. Is it overkill ... maybe ... but I'm not taking any chances. The .44 isn't ricocheting off a skull or shoulder bone ... it's obliterating it. If you are worried about the weight, S&W makes a really light one ... kicks like a mule and your budget is all shot to heck. The Redhawk has the heft to keep the recoil down, and you can get one used for $450-600 depending on finish. You can get an LCR in .357. My mom has one that she shoots .38's in. My dad and I shoot the .357's and they are not too bad. Not going to be good at longer ranges though. At 15 yards or so you'll probably lose some precision.
  15. I carry one of two sidearms depending on where I am going. Most of the time, an HK USP45 is the weapon of choice. It is light (for me) and totally reliable ... never ever had a problem. Never matters ... wade through mud, water, roll in dirt, whatever. You click it and it goes BANG ... EVERY TIME. The testing on it was EXTREME to say the least when it was in development. It is, however, a bit more than $500. Sometimes, when larger threats are about, I carry a Ruger Redhawk 5.5" .44 Magnum. It's big, but for a revolver not that heavy to me. It is accurate, and totally reliable. It'll take down just about anything SHORT OF BIGFOOT. It's just about the best .44 out there in my opinion.
  16. sjvcon

    300 ultra mag

    what has been done to it to make it like a custom shop rifle Must have been Jake Schira at Don's. Guy does good work from what I've seen.
  17. sjvcon

    Another Giant! 127 3/8

    What a Beauty!!!
  18. sjvcon

    Ethical Bow Range

    Just start target shooting a lot ... you'll figure out where you are comfortable. Conditions in the field at the time of the shot will be as important in determining your maximum distance at that time and place as your skill in ideal conditions. I tend to keep my max shots at about 45-50 yards as a rule of thumb. That is just my personal preference. I can hit targets consistently a heck of a lot farther than that ... I just don't choose to take those shots in the field ... too many variables in my opinion.
  19. sjvcon

    Unit 23 New Mexico Muley

    Nice buck. Congrats. Great to do with family and friends along ... keeps the hunting tradition alive.
  20. sjvcon

    My 118 inch late whitetail

    What a great buck and a great story!!!! And the broadhead ... wow. You are right ... meant to be yours.
  21. sjvcon

    Remington Screwing Me

    Yeah ... 17HMR Plus SemiAuto = DISASTER!!! I like the solution of sending them the gun and rebarrelling to .22 Mag. Seems like a good compromise. You still have a SemiAuto that is pretty cheap to shoot, and has good velocity, and it costs you nothing. Plus you still have that sentimental value. I'd call them on that ASAP. Their offer of $200 may not make you whole, but let's face it, once it is off the shelf it isn't worth what you paid. I would think that they should not require you to buy a Remington though ... unless you could buy one of the other makers that fall under the parent company of Freedom Group (of which there are more than a few ... Bushmaster, DPMS, Marlin, Dakota Arms, etc.).
  22. This reminds me of something my Grandpa used to say ... "Man is the only animal that craps in it's own den." He used a stronger word though He was no tree hugger ... just an avid sportsman who loved the land that he used and treated it with respect and admiration. That has lived on in my Dad and I, and I hope to pass it on to my boys. They are off to a good start. It's too bad that so many people are too lazy (or just too irresponsible) to do things the right way. I see so many areas that have been shot up ... shooting signs, cactus and whatever else and then leaving the casings laying where they fall. If you love to shoot (like I do), shoot respectfully. Don't destroy things ... and for God's sake clean up your mess. I've taken to bringing a large carpet scrap where I go so that my shell casings fall on the carpet and I can easily clean them up with a dust pan and whisk broom. If you are smart, clean up is easy, and it keeps our environment clean. We all need to do our part ... which has the side effect of removing the tree hugger's ammunition to use against us.
  23. sjvcon

    Best arrows ?

    I use Easton Axis FMJ's. A bit heavy for carbons, but seem pretty durable in comparison to others I've used, and fly pretty darn good with my G5 Broadheads. I've use the Gold Tip XT's for my Recurve, and they do just fine as well. Yes, I know that I should be making my own arrows out of wood for that bow and going out in a loincloth with mud smeared on me for camo, but I just haven't graduated to that yet ... :D
  24. sjvcon

    5b had 861 rifle bull tags...

    I don't know I'd go as far to say Utah is doing it right. Two seasons back I had a muzzleloader tag for Mulies in an area south of Moab. Can't remember the name of the town that was right there. Anyway, one of my buddies knew a family in town, and all they could do was complain that their G&F department was mismanaging things so badly that they were surprised there was anything on the mountain worth shooting. Just going by word of mouth on that, but they were a big hunting family and seemed to know a lot about the issues.
  25. sjvcon

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    Heck ... I gotta get drawn to have an "Elk Rifle", right??? I think I am at 15 points and counting ... haven't been drawn in AGES!!! Considering all of the skirmishes I've heard of this year during Bull Elk Hunts, I am thinking of putting in for Cow Elk ... 15 points ought to get me drawn for that right? IF I ever get drawn, I'll do the job with a Winchester Model 70 Classic in .300 RUM, Zeiss 4.5-14x50 Mildot, and some Barnes 180's. BIG IF!!!!!!!!!!!!