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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Found a lost hunter this weekend.

    Sounds like someone should have their parenting license permanently revoked. The kid is just an uneducated kid ... the dad is a first-class dipstick. Survival tools are key. Without them, you can easily become a statistic. God bless you for getting involved. The world needs more people with those moral values.
  2. sjvcon

    Suggestions on which long range gun to buy

    If you are shooting elk and bear out to a grand, you need to be very mindful of velocity and energy of the round at that distance. .338 Lapua will do it. .338 Edge even better. You would probably also be fine with a .300 RUM or .300 WBY (I'd probably scrutinize these closely) and certainly with the behemoths of the .30's like the Lazzeroni and .30-378 WBY. Anything smaller ... not so sure. Yeah ... you will get some guy who shoots a 6.5x284 that says he can kill an elephant and 750 yards by hitting it in the eye ... but that is the exception, not the rule. Remember the goal is a 1 shot kill.
  3. sjvcon

    scope rings - need your help

    So I have seen guys say Warne, Talley, Burris. Talley and Burris are horizontally split. You can lap these (though I am understanding that lapping Burris Zee Rings is not necessary). How do you lap a vertically split ring like Warne? Do you really need to? I have been told by some that lapping is not as necessary with the new CNC type rings. Does everyone buy that? Not trying to hijack the thread ... but since we are talking rings ... it is good pertinent information to know.
  4. sjvcon


    Not a thing wrong with what you've done here. Units are pretty large in this state, and sometimes it is daunting to know where to start. I've helped guys before, asked for help before, and been glad to receive help when it was offered. I know nothing about 20C or I'd gladly give you some pointers. Some guys have forgotten that hunting is also about sharing experiences and knowledge. I don't expect guys to give up their honeyholes ... but sharing pointers is a part of the brotherhood (and sisterhood).
  5. sjvcon

    Suggestions on which long range gun to buy

    What are you shooting that far out?
  6. sjvcon

    Unit 3A / 3C

    Oh ... I'd say we'll shoot at the first 5X or bigger. Boys are young ... first bull doesn't need to be a monster ... just big enough to do a Euro on the wall at my Dad's place. We only have 4 days to hunt ... I don't want the boys missing more than 2 days of school. Call me a LAME A _ _, but at their age I think the education is a priority. They have a lot of years left to hunt God willing. Sounds like this year has been a good one so far.
  7. sjvcon

    Round 2

    To me it is absolutely amazing that the media libs can get into these positions to influence Presidential Debates. It is nearly CRIMINAL.
  8. The Rules of Engagement instituted by this President and his administration are shameful. If he's elected for a Second Term THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM THERE. The soldiers of this Nation deserve better. They deserve to do the job they are there for without being put in harms way. They deserve help when they get home. Truly tragic. Sorry for your loss.
  9. sjvcon

    SOLD :S&W 10mm SOLD

    Is that a S&W 1066 or 1076?
  10. sjvcon


    You got part of that right ... but I think it is "He wants to destroy our Country". He's sure as heck tryin' pretty hard ...
  11. sjvcon

    Winchester model 70 300 win mag

    Love my Winchesters, but only the CRF models. Good luck.
  12. sjvcon

    Winchester model 70 300 win mag

    That is the Push Feed model, correct?
  13. sjvcon


    Loved the line about Campaign Donors getting $90 Billion for Green Energy .... AND TANKING. Just wished Romney would have asked about all of the Obamacare supporters that requested and were granted waivers on the plan. That would have spiked the football in a BIG WAY.
  14. sjvcon


    I like to call him "THE DEMANDER AND THIEF" ... I think it fits him and his policies perfectly.
  15. I heard that Letterman devoted a good chunk of time to Romney bashing last night as well.......I don't watch that trash but you are right......people listen to that junk and drink the kool aide............ Yeah ... well Letterman is a fool. Just like the other 95% of the Entertainment Industry that is LIBERAL LEFT. Anyone hear about Jessica Alba, Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson "Pledging Allegance to Obama"? I've seen my last film with any of them in it. All FOOLS.
  16. For the life of me, I can't understand the Liberal Mind. They all want a FREE RIDE. What if EVERYONE decided to be a LAZY A$$ and hit the Government up for a Free Ride ... there would be no economy ... there would be no production ... there would be no ANYTHING. Wake up dipsticks ... Communism/Socialism DOESN'T WORK. The biggest Commies in the world (China) are CAPITALISTS ... they are just a Government Class enslaving their people to work for nothing so those in that ruling class can reap the benefits. Starting to look like our Federal Goverment wants the same for us. Oh and by the way LIBERAL ENVIRONMENTALISTS ... THEY (the Chinese) ARE RUINING THE WORLD ECOSYSTEM WHILE PRODUCING THE PRODUCTS YOU CONSUME. Of course ... you don't care about that ... you just want restrictions on businesses HERE that drive costs up ... you can't see the Chinese air or rivers from your narrow window, so screw it right??? IDIOTS!!! Trump has the right idea ... tarriffs ... let's bring it back home. This country was founded on hard work, but it seems that the INDOCTRINATORS have spawned a whole generation of people looking for GOVERNMENT CHEESE. Those folks don't have the sense to know that such a system CANNOT SUSTAIN. And as the recipients of handouts, they will keep voting for those that support them. Sorry for the rant. I'm disgusted. Oh yeah ... and the LIBERAL MEDIA can go take a flying LEAP.
  17. sjvcon

    Vortex Scopes?

    BDC is Bullet Drop Compensator (or Compensating). MOA is Minutes of Angle (1 MOA is 1.047" at 100 yards). If you know the ballistics of the round you are shooting, you can rotate the elevation dial on the scope from the known zero at 100 yards to a "zero" at the yardage of your target. It takes longer than a "holdover" on a BDC Reticle, but is probably more accurate. Some of the scopes will offer a "Ballistic Turret" that allows you to do this rotatioal zeroing much more expediently. That seems to be the trend of late.
  18. sjvcon

    Sightron Scopes

    Anyone have any experience with Sightron SIII Scopes. Looking at the LRMOA Scope with MOA-2 Reticle. Interested in experiences good, bad or otherwise.
  19. Have a H&R Model 700 Semi Auto in .22WMR with a fixed 4X Scope. Gun is used, but appears in good condition (was my Uncle's). Like to get $325 for it.
  20. sjvcon

    Coconino County Elk Hunters

    Yep ... nothing like getting to that great camping spot you've picked out for your hunt only to find that some group of guys with a hunt in a couple of weeks have parked their trailers there, locked them up, and blocked the access in. Ran into that a couple of years ago on my son's Bull Elk hunt ... arrived early to our primary site during a downpour only to find it covered in unoccupied trailers ... when our secondary spot was in the same condition it was all I could do to keep my composure. I checked those sites several times during the hunt ... unoccupied for the whole week. If I'd have known when their hunt was, I'd have been temped to pay them a visit to discuss etiquitte. Probably a good thing I didn't know ......
  21. sjvcon


    If they are not paying attention to what is happening, they are as big a part of the problem as the SO CALLED MEDIA and the INDOCTRINATORS (people who pass themselves off as educators ... not all mind you ... you know who you are) in our educational system.
  22. sjvcon


    Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to laugh at them ... they are destroying the fabric of the Greatest Nation in History. I can't even listen to the "Demander and Thief" without my blood coming to a boil. The man is an absolute menace ... and the fact that there are so many people out there still willing to stand behind him makes it obvious that there is something severely wrong with the educational (or is it indoctrinational) system in this Nation. When my son was in the Fourth Grade, his OBVIOUSLY LIBERAL teacher taught that the First Amendment gives us the "right to free speech, just as long as what we say doesn't hurt anyone else's feelings." She also said the Second Amendment gives "people who have a license the right to own a firearm". And folks ... this is an ARIZONA SCHOOL. Imagine what they are teaching in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, and some of the other Left Wing Hot Beds. It is time for the people who love the foundation of this Nation to stand up and be heard. November is a start ... but we have to make that start count. If we don't get rid of "Dope and Change" we are ROYALLY SCREWED!!!!!
  23. sjvcon

    Chick Filet

    I can't say that I totally agree with what you are saying ... but I do agree that politicians on the left are using it as a distraction. I don't support "Gay Marriage". I believe that marriage is defined as the union of ONE man and ONE woman. If you change the definition of marriage to allow "Two Consenting Adults", what is going to stop people from saying "why just two???" Down the slope we go ... The crumbling of the morality of a society is just the first step in the crumbling of society. I don't have an issue with "RIGHTS". All people, regardless of race, creed, gender or orientation should have the same rights. If two homosexuals want to bond in some way similar to a marriage ... fine by me ... just call it something else. It isn't a "Marriage". Call it a "Union", a "Bonding" or a "WHATEVER" ... I don't care ... just don't call it "Marriage". And don't rub my nose in it ... I don't want to know what someone is or isn't doing in "their own home". I am tired of militant gays pushing their agenda on the rest of the populace. Ever hear of the bike event in San Francisco where a bunch of gays get together and ride on public streets in the nude? Let me ask you this ... if a bunch of straight folks decided to do that, would they be able to without getting arrested??? heck no. Of course ... I don't know too many straight people who would have the slightest inclination to do that. No ... I am not a HOMOPHOBE. I am honest. I don't believe in the lifestyle, but I don't condemn them for it either ... that isn't my place. I don't think they have a choice in how they see life, but I do believe they have a choice in how they behave publically (just like we all do) ... militant gays ramming their lifestyle choice down my throat ain't gonna get them any support from me. Also ... Freedom of Speech and Thought is guaranteed by our Constitution. Regardless if it is insensitive or hurts someone's feelings. If the Libs don't like what I say or think ... screw 'em. Think I can be forced or coerced to "toe the line" ... think again ... that is why there is a Second Amendment, and why I train hard several times a week in case that Second Amendment is ever removed.
  24. sjvcon

    vortex rzr hd binoculars

    Must have been meant to be ... I had some gift cards to Cabela's and happened to be by there today. I stopped in to see if they had the Razor HDs and thought if they did I'd go ahead and get them ... like I said ... can't beat that warranty. They had two, so I bought one. Got home and tried them just a few minutes back at low light. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great pair of binos. Never knew what I'd been missing until I looked through them near dark. Unbelievable.
  25. sjvcon


    I take it this is no longer available. No response to my PM.