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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. Hope you are right Coach. Right now you just can't touch anything AR at reasonable prices.
  2. sjvcon

    WTS Brux 6.5 Barrel

    Brux makes a sweet barrel.
  3. sjvcon

    Harrington & Richardson Model 700

    Yep. Still do. Took it off of Backpage ... totally forgot it was on here.
  4. Oh yeah ... and if the Republicans don't keep pushing on the Fast and Furious issue until someone named HOLDER (and maybe the Demander and Thief) is brought to justice, we need to vote in new Conservatives that have guts.
  5. Hillary is a liar just like her husband. At the end of the day, her political career should be in a shambles ... but only if the Republicans keep riding her on this Benghazi issue. I liked what Rand Paul said to her today. More people need to stand up and say the same. Bottom line lady ... it absolutlely DOES MATTER what happened and what was said in the days following. Part of preventing it from happening again is keeping inept, egocentric, elitist D-BAGS out of positions of power and influence. That means Hillary. It also means John Kerry ... break out the Swift Boat Captains again ... they need to keep that loser from being confirmed.
  6. The only reason that we have four more years of this crap is because Conservatives showed up worse than they did for McCain. I have high hopes that in the Midterm they will realize their mistake and show up in droves. Also, as the Middle Class realizes they were duped once again, we will hopefully see their protest vote in that election. If that happens, we only have to worry about this would be dictator for two more years, as the shift in power will make him ineffectual ... you can't blame a guy for hoping, right???
  7. Schumer is a first class JACKHOLE. No secret there.
  8. sjvcon


    Yeah ... that is a nice one. Love the Winchesters for sure.
  9. sjvcon

    Size of this bear?

    First one looks a bit healthier. I'd go for that one.
  10. To him, abortion is a viable means of birth control. He's a hypocritical dirtbag. How'd he say it again ... " .....I don't want them punished with a baby." Our President ... boy shouldn't we be proud.
  11. sjvcon

    Tikka T3 Superlight

    Want to say it was in the $780 range with tax ... this is the Superlight (Superlite??) version with stainless receiver and fluted barrel. Ended up not using the Tikka supplied rings because they would not work with the scope ... Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14x50 Mildot with Turrets. Went to another shop and got the DNZ Game Reaper Medium Height ... works with about an eighth of an inch to spare. Only thing I would change is the bottom metal ... they use what appears to be polymer. I would have liked for it to have been stainless. Oh well ... you can't have everything. I really like it though, and more importantly, my boy LOVES IT.
  12. Just bought my son a Tikka T3 Superlight in .22-250. We sold his 7-08 as we had a .280AI built as a deer/elk rifle. He wanted something small to use for varmint, Javelina, etc. All I can say is HOLY SMOKES. Thing has a great trigger ... breaks like glass. It is SUPER SUPER light. And can you say TACK DRIVER. If I wasn't such a died in the wool Winchester CRF guy I'd buy one for myself tomorrow.
  13. Anyone else have a problem with the "Demander and Thief" putting Holder in charge of a bunch of stuff related to guns??? Isn't that like putting a fox in with the chickens? Far as I'm concerned, that Son of a B_TCH should be in jail right now for the "Fast and Furious" operation ... and we ought to be in an Impeachment Process for the involvement of the "Administration" in both the F&F cover up, and for it's involvement in the arms dealings that led to the mess in Benghazi. Way I see it, those operations led to SEVERAL deaths. What was it our "illustrious leader" said ... "if it saves even one life, we've got to try it". How about saving a bunch of lives dummy ... QUIT YOUR JOB and leave the business of the Country to the people who have it's best interests at heart. NEWS FLASH ... THAT AIN'T B.O. I'll get off my box of Tide now.
  14. Another Gem of a Post Coach. You hit the nail on the head. @ Bowsniper ... not sure why people would deny it if they do it, since it's not illegal, but I like the Biblical Reference.
  15. First off ... I have HONESTLY NEVER BAITED. That said, I have friends who are great hunters (I'd put 'em up against anyone when it comes to covering ground, glassing, and stalking) who have, and I'd never begrudge them for it. I like your idea about the people who are licensed voting, but I have my concerns about the research. My understanding is that there are a lot of West Coast College Grads getting into both the Forest Service and many G&F Departments (including ours). The problem with this is that most have been INDOCTRINATED as a part of their education. We've seen how that has gone with Al Gore and his "Climate Change Research Minions". They purposefully skew the results, because they are not interested in truth and reality. They want to prove their "reality" as they know it and deem appropriate. Then they can carry on with what they want to do, regardless of its final consequence ... they can always find someone else to blame when their policies cause the excrement to hit the fan. Just look at forestry and the fires we've had in the last 10-12 years if you need a fresh example. Think the tree huggers will ever admit they were wrong. Right ... if you believe that I have a few SURE FIRE investements to sell you . Honestly, we "the People" are screwed ... sorry if that is too blunt. The only way it gets fixed is fire them all and start over ... but that is easier said than done.
  16. Never hunted over bait a day in my life. That said, this is the same type of BS that I see from the Feds. Bunch of power hungry officials that won't listen to opposing points of view, even if they are factually correct. Same old Bull Poop ... different day. America has become overrun by self absorbed, self important politicians who want to control every facet of life around them, even when their "control" is ill advised and unpopular. Very sad. By the way ... not sure why a couple of folks on here had to get so confrontational in discussing this. Seems to me that the conversation could have been kept calm and clean from insults.
  17. sjvcon

    S&W M&P 45

    Good luck with the new M&P. Never shot one, but heard good comments from friends.
  18. sjvcon

    Coffee on the Rocks

    Buddy of mine warms his water with those MRE heaters (just barely), takes a scoop of instant coffee into the mouth, takes a swig of water and swishes and swallows. TOTALLY NUTS. Me ... I like to perk mine in camp and take a small thermos. The stronger it is, the better.
  19. sjvcon

    Need help with 308

    I have a super compact and lightweight Ruger M77 Mark II in 7-08 with Timney Trigger that is for sale. Also has a Van Horn Brake. The 7-08 is a decent little caliber and the rifle has shot great with Federal Factory Vital Shocks. Let me know if you are interested.
  20. So what is a "reasonable offer or trade"?? I have some things I might part with ... or if the price is good enough ...
  21. sjvcon

    Family Strengths

    Been a member for 5 years or so and never looked at this before ... go figure. Steve Vincent. I am a General Contractor and Developer for a local company. I am licensed both Commercially and Residentially (KB01), but by and large I mostly do work on buildings that we have developed and own. I graduated from ASU with a degree in Construction Management, but I don't hate the Cats because my dad played Baseball for U of A back in the 60's ... so we are strange and like both schools. Only time I root against U of A in any sport is when they play ASU. I am also a Black Belt in Combat Hapkido and am an Assistant Instructor for Master David Rivas at Elite Marial Arts Academy in Queen Creek. Anyone looking for a great self defense system should take a look at Combat Hapkido. It was specifically designed by Grandmaster John Pellegrini as a NO FRILLS, "what works in the street" system. We focus on close quarters hand to hand combat, ground survival, knife fighting and knife defense, pistol and rifle disarming, pressure point education, etc. As someone with a strong background in combat sports, I can truthfully say it is one of the most (if not the most) effective systems I have ever seen for surviving nasty encounters in the street. We have regular classes during the week, and also conduct weekend specialty seminars throughout the year. PM me if you have any interest in learning more about it. Also love to tinker on guns and cars, and was (at one time) a pretty fair power lifter in my weight class ... I have too darn many hobbies.
  22. sjvcon


    Annnnnnd .... another school shooting today. Kid with a Shotgun in California. Yes ... a shotgun. So now they come after those too, or what? Seems to me that we need to be looking at the causes of the shootings and not the instruments used. Sandy Hook could have just as easily been a home-made bomb ala Oklaholma. This shooting today could have just as easily have been a knife or some other implement. The WHY is more important than the HOW ... and until the "Demander and Thief" and that stooge Biden (and all of their Cronies) realize that, there will be no solution.
  23. sjvcon


    Amen brother. You said a mouthful.
  24. sjvcon

    ruger 1911

    When does the Commander come out??? I'll get on a waiting list somewhere...or get one started.