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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    .300 Win Mag Once Fired Brass

    You want me to mail them, or will you be in the valley sometime soon?
  2. sjvcon

    1000 RDS. .45 Federal Gold Medal match - SPF

    If it falls through, I might be interested in that. Let me know.
  3. sjvcon

    unit 27 ram

    Great Ram. Congrats.
  4. The fact that we are giving money to Egypt is a JOKE. Just like giving Soros' company in Brazil $2B to explore Off Shore Oil, all the while denying American Companies the rights to drill in our waters. Our government is broken. Hopefully not irrevokably, but things sure aren't looking good with that petulant child at the helm. Good ridance Chavez ... you won't be missed in my house.
  5. sjvcon

    AZ CCW Holders

    All these states that are jumping on the bandwagon can go POUND SAND. Video posted recently shows that mag sizes make little or no difference.
  6. Check the ballistics charts for the comparison of a 7-08 and a 25-06. They are both good rounds. I don't think you can go wrong either way. I'd probably be more likely to shoot larger game with the 7-08 due to the higher grain weights available, but that is just me. You can probably kill just about anything in Arizona with either ... just depending on shot placement.
  7. The simple answer to your question is "NO". Odummer does not "get it". He's never worked a real job a day in his life ... oh wait ... there was that Baskin Robbins gig, but we won't count that. The guy HATES capitalism. He hates this country. There is no other explanation for his actions. How we got this Manchurian Candidate twice is beyond me. Polls still say a majority of Americans "like" this man, or find him "likeable". He's an arrogant, petulant child. How do you "like" that? Unbelievable. The DumbA$$ people that continue to "like" this guy need to WAKE THE F UP!!! He's out for your livlihood. He wants government control of EVERYTHING. How do people "like" that ... unless they are lazy and don't want to work hard for a living ... it may be HARD, but at least its LIVING. Life in a Nanny State isn't living ... just ask someone who comes from a Communist Nation why they wanted out.
  8. The .25-06 is a great round. Basically the same case as a .270 but with a quarter bore (the .25-06, .270, .280, .338-06 and .35 Whelen are all based on the .30-06). It is one I don't have in the safe yet, but it's coming soon. A little south of the .257 Weatherby on juice, but effective none the less.
  9. sjvcon

    Whats your dream hunt?

    I'd go #1 ... but the second choice wouldn't suck either. Too many dream hunts to list.
  10. Snapshot ... calling our Demander and Thief like a kid in a sandbox is SPOT ON. He's a spoiled child. Hopefully, there will be repercussions from this ... but with the idiocy of the American voter today, I doubt it. Hang in there Casey. He can't keep the sham up forever, and that is all this Sequester crap is.
  11. Just one more example of how out of touch with reality the Demander and Thief and all of his Left Wing Cronies are. Lets all get double barrel twelve gauges and fire off a double blast into the air ... that's what Joe would want his wife to do ... of course, maybe he can't stand her and wants her to fail at defending herself.
  12. sjvcon

    Have You Had Enough Yet?

    I've heard Michael Savage say several times that Dems and Republicans are just two sides of the same coin, and that neither has the best interest of the Country and it's citizens at heart. When I see the actions of supposed Conservatives like Flake and McCain, it makes me think he's right.
  13. .270 might be a little big for 10 and 12 without a brake. You might consider putting one on if you are sold on that caliber. I'd sure check out the Tikka T3 if you are buying a factory rifle. I got my boy one in .22-250 for his varmint rig, and I am REALLY impressed with it.
  14. sjvcon

    Have You Had Enough Yet?

    Somebody needs to look at ODUMBER right in the eye on national television and tell it like it is ... "Mr. President ... you are a Liar, a Dirtbag, and not fit to be a Citizen let alone the President of this country."
  15. The UAE will not continue to be as "Liberal" (yes ... I think that term is actually appropriate) as it is with regard to beliefs if all of the countries surrounding it keep getting taken over by the Muslem Brotherhood. They will conform when the time comes ... and it's coming. Of course, that is just my opinion. But they are Arabs and generally Islamic. That region is a powderkeg, and once it goes (Israel against all), it is going to go BIG. Our current Dipstick and Chief just sent the Egyptians the defeat ticket for Israel ... a bunch of tanks and planes. It's coming. I don't see how it isn't. This country still has a lot of Conservatives. More than it does Liberals. The Libs have just been given a louder voice (through the Media), and they have learned how to CHEAT in the election process. It will catch up to them. It may already have.
  16. You'd best be ready to convert to Islam over there buddy ... they don't ask for your faith ... they DEMAND IT. I don't deny that this country has become far too regulatory and that the policies stifle the ability of businesses to compete, but at least (for the time being) we still have some freedoms.
  17. sjvcon


    I thank McCain for his military service to the country. I'd like to punch him in the nose for the bullcrap he's pulled in the Senate for the last umpteen years. He's been buddies with some of the biggest dirtballs in the history of the Senate ... Ted "I got drunk and killed a girl" Kennedy, John "Our soldiers are Baby Killers" Kerry, Chuck "Lets see if we can be any more anti-Semetic" Hagel, among others. From what I hear, he's got nearly as Liberal a voting record as Hillary "Rotten", and does anyone remember he was considering going Dem to run with his buddy Kerry in '04 against Bush??? Time's up John. Take a hike. As for the rest of it ... yeah ... I'd love to see Obummer taken down a peg or two. A nice charge of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" would be just what the doctor ordered. Never seen a more arrogant, self important PR!CK in my life. Love to debate him ... it would take about 15 seconds to have him running like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. He's about as unintelligent as they come, and the well informed can't be lied to.
  18. sjvcon

    Obamacare: A real story

    What??? PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY??? And here I though the Demander and Thief was going to make the Nanny Government responsible for EVERYTHING .....
  19. sjvcon

    Obamacare: A real story

    From all I've heard it is real. Won't be long ... the movie "John Q" will be happening in real life. People won't put up with being told "its time to die". What the heck do we live in ... "Logan's Run"?????
  20. All of the DIPSTICKS in Washington need to be fired.
  21. Prayers for that young boy and his grandfather.
  22. sjvcon

    Nosler e-tip

    Nothing wrong with monolithics in my book. With the velocities you should be getting, they ought to open up just fine.
  23. sjvcon

    best bino harness

    I've got a Nimrod that I like. Also have a Horn Hunter that I really like. Better protection for the Binos. Don't pull at your neck at all when you lift them up to glass. Really great system at a reasonable price. Has a place for Range Finder too.
  24. sjvcon

    Ruger .204

    I have a CZ550 Varmint Laminate in 22-250. I'd consider trading.
  25. sjvcon

    Need some advice on a gun/bino trade

    Wait for cash or a better trade.