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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon


    Just remembered this from an email ... According to the left wing zealots we have in politics....... We're not supposed to judge all Muslims by the acts of a few "crazies". But the acts of a few American “crazies” is enough to judge all Americans who own guns!
  2. sjvcon

    wtb youth rifle for my grand son

    Take a look at the Tikka T3 Super Lightweight. They are awesome for an off the shelf rifle, and they don't break the bank. Not sure if Length of Pull would be an issue ... weight certainly won't. They are LIGHT ... and accurate as all get out.
  3. sjvcon


    Was just about to say the same thing ... just read this ... immediately thought about how the Odummer Regime is under siege over their obvious Benghazi screw up / cover up, and bingo ... there it is.
  4. sjvcon


    What else is new ... another crooked move by the most crooked Adminstration in the HISTORY of the US. "Transparent" ... yeah ... that is right transparently crooked.
  5. sjvcon

    LR gunsmith

    Lotsa guys can do a Remy Action ... benefits of building it on a tube is that it is easier to chuck up, true, etc. Sure have heard a lot of good things about Phoenix lately. Photos show some really clean work.
  6. sjvcon


    John McCain is, was and always has been a RINO. He's a Libertard through and through.
  7. sjvcon

    Senseless brutality

    Prayers for a speedy and steady recovery.
  8. sjvcon

    New Jaguar Pics

    That is absolutely AWESOME!!! Obviously in a southern unit.
  9. Perish the thought ... they'd NEVER DO THAT!!!
  10. sjvcon

    My do it myself hunt

    Hey ... I'd be darned proud of that buck.
  11. sjvcon

    FAll regs are out online

    It's about time!!!!!! Now I need to sit down and think about what I will PROBABLY NOT GET DRAWN FOR!!!!!!!!
  12. sjvcon

    Big Game Draw Age Requirement Confusion

    Did you call Game & Fish? I think that if he is 10 by the time of the hunt, he's fine ... but I do remember having the same questions when my boys were younger.
  13. sjvcon

    G&F Released Wolves again.....dang

    Where the heck is good ole' Lark ... aka .270 to weigh in on this. He knew a lot about it ... had researched it a ton. Biggest waste of money in the history of AZ GFD. If they don't want negative comments, they should quit doing dumb stuff. There was buzz a while back about them reintroducing the Mexican Grey into the Kaibab and the Strip. Now if that wouldn't be dumb, I don't know what would be. As to the Grizz back in AZ ... I'm absolutely 100% opposed. The dummies in CA are pushing for it there ... let them do it ... just not here.
  14. sjvcon

    45/4.10 pistol

    Since back when you posted, there have been numerous versions of this chambering. Taurus came out with the "Raging Judge", which can shoot the .454 Casull. Nothing worthless about that round ... unless you can't shoot it because it has too much juice ... then it probably is worthless. Always best to shoot within ones capabilities I always say. Smith & Wesson also got into the market with the Governor. I believe it will shoot .45ACP/.45LC/.410. Not sure if it handles the .45LC p+ versions, but if it does those are no slouch ... not my .44Mag, but not bad either.
  15. Which has the side effect of limiting components as well. Just try to find primers ... not easy.
  16. sjvcon


    No way this can stand ... NO WAY.
  17. sjvcon

    Gunsmith in chandler/Mesa area

    Once you go Timney, you'll never go back. Brought a trigger in to them on a gun I inherited. Trigger was probably 30 years old and was broken. Had "Timney" on the side. Girl took one look, asked me what gun, walked back to the warehouse and emerged with a brand new one ... NO CHARGE. I said to her "I didn't buy it." She said it didn't matter ... it's theirs and they stand behind their product. I've bought about 6 since.
  18. sjvcon


    The Odummer Administration is a total failure when it comes to securing this nation. There have been FIVE terrorist attacks on the US in his time in office. YES ... FIVE. I don't give a crap if he called Fort Hood "workplace violence". A disgruntled worker doesn't list himself as a "Soldier of Allah" and run around screaming "Allah Akbar" while slaughtering military personnel. All they do is call it something other than terrorism in order to shift the "sheeple's" attention away from their UTTER FAILURES at protecting this nation. Sure ... put forth bills to background check everything ... that is the answer. NOT. Next, Reid will introduce bills for background checks on primers, casings, bullets, casting molds, and ultimately lead. Then he'll want to go after knives, box cutters, exacto's, razor blades, etc. Pretty soon, we will need FBI clearance to shop at the Home Depot. Another thought about the Administration ... Biden is the ultimate JACKA$$. By calling these Terrorists "Knockoff Jihadist's", he is downplaying the pain, suffering and death at the Boston Marathon. Love to see someone who was a victim call this "RICHARD" (if you get my meaning) out on the carpet for his comments.
  19. sjvcon

    Who has the best steak in town?

    Morton's or Fleming's. Also, the Capital Grill. All excellet. All will dent the heck out of your wallet though. On the economy side, Texas Roadhouse or Black Angus aren't bad. The meat just isn't near as prime cut ...
  20. sjvcon

    Gunsmith in chandler/Mesa area

    One word ... TIMNEY. You may not want to spend that kind of money right now though, and adjustment is possible.
  21. I think most calibers have their lovers and their haters. I don't happen to mind the 7-08 at all. There are a lot of nice choices in the .284/7mm caliber for bullets, and that case is great for the younger/smaller hunters. Can't do anything with it you can't do with a .308, but it does shoot a little flatter with less recoil for the less experienced shooter. The .243 ... never had the desire to own one. But that doesn't mean somebody doesn't love it. And yes ... I own a .300 Ultra ... its a novelty, and I love me some novelty ... especially when it shoots REALLY FLAT.
  22. sjvcon

    Here is a nice Colorado eastern plains buck...

    What a buck!!! What's the back story? Archery? Rifle?
  23. I don't know what gets into these bozos ... they think they are above the law.
  24. sjvcon

    Biden in Paris

    The Presidency in nothing more than a chance to party for this Moron.
  25. My kid's Social Studies teacher yelled at a kid for saying Obama is putting our troops in situations of increased risk. Had it been my kid, we'd have been down at the District to discuss the 1st Amendment and her next career.